The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 464: Give priority to the strong

Chapter 464: Give priority to the strong (please subscribe, please vote)
Zhu Gaochi returned to Peiping from Tianjin, and Guo Ming, who was in Liaodong, also received a transfer order and was promoted to Zuo Changshi of Beiping Changshifu.

Ge Cheng was transferred to Shandong and served as the right chief envoy of the Shandong Chief Secretary.

The former Shandong Right Chief Envoy was dismissed for resisting the New Deal.

To the north of Shandong Province is the North Parallel Province, and to the south is the Huai'an area of ​​Yingtian Prefecture. The geographical location is very critical and must not be missed.

Guo Ming met with Zhu Gaochi.

Zhu Gaochi was very polite to his father-in-law.

Guo Ming has proven his ability in Liaodong and has given the greatest sincerity.

Historically, in the early days of Zhu Di's rebellion, the biggest threat, apart from the Daning Guard's army, was the Liaodong army.

The generals and troops of Liaodong caused huge trouble to Zhu Di. The most dangerous time was when Zhu Gaochi defended Beiping City alone, and Zhu Di led the army to deal with the armies of Daning and Liaodong.

After removing the danger from these two armies, we can finally fight back against the imperial army.

No matter where there is a problem, there will be no future Yongle Dynasty.

If it weren't for the reports from the Peking generals in the two places and secret letters to Zhu Di, I'm afraid Zhu Di might not have won.

"I plan to go to the capital on the tenth of next month."

"I have three arrangements before I leave."

Zhu Gaochi handed over to Guo Ming.

Guo Ming listened carefully.

He was asked to come to Peiping just to serve Zhu Gaochi. There is still some awareness of Guo Ming here.

His daughter is the crown prince's concubine, and his grandson is the crown prince's eldest son.

Guo Ming doesn't support who Zhu Gaochi can support, let alone the current strength of Prince Yan and his son, as well as the support of the saint.

Guo Ming feels that there are too many people who do not understand the general trend.

These people don't know the heights of the world, and the mantis is blocking the car. They are really just bookish.

"The troops of the Western Regions provinces must make their debut in Yilibali. They must not only deter Xiaoxiao, but also ensure the peace of Yilibali this year and the smooth construction of the railway engineering team."

People fear power but not virtue.

Zhu Gaochi was convinced.

Peace has never been talked about. Regardless of ancient and modern times, peace is maintained by absolute power.

And he was about to go south to Beijing, and a large number of troops were about to go south. Zhu Gaochi didn't want anything to happen at that time.

The attack on the railway engineering team sounded the alarm to Zhu Gaochi.

The new army is indeed powerful, but not everyone dares to offend.

Taking advantage of the favorable opportunity now, it is the best way to shake people's hearts. It is better than going to Yingtian Mansion and causing trouble again.

"For the person who has a dark side, his son will tell him everything. This man is a smart man and knows how to make the right choice."

Historically, this person surrendered to the Ming Dynasty and helped the Ming Dynasty fight in wars.

"What I'm worried about is Hami."

"Could Anke Timur cause rebellion?" Guo Ming hesitated.

Anke Timur surrendered to the Ming Dynasty very early and has always abided by the rules of the Ming Dynasty. I have not heard that this person has any ambitions.

"Ankh Timur is not a big problem, I am worried about Guili Chihan."

"Ghostly Chihan?"

Guo Ming doesn't quite understand.

Zhu Gaochi pondered.

The situation in the northwest is not isolated. It is more complicated than that of the grasslands. It involves Central Asia, West Asia, and even the subcontinent.

Guo Ming couldn't help persuading him: "The little prince is about to go south, so the most important thing is to go south."

Zhu Gaochi smiled wryly.

There was nothing he could do about it.

For example, in the case of Goryeo, he did not go to war in the previous period. It was not because he was unwilling to send troops to teach Goryeo a lesson, but because he was concerned about the Japanese state.

If you want to maintain the current situation against Japan, you must support Ouchi Yoshihiro.

Because Yoshihiro Ouchi will not be able to defeat the shogunate next year with his own power, then the shogunate will achieve the unification of Japan.

This will make Ming Dynasty's future actions towards Japan require ten times more effort, making it difficult to maintain the current gains.

In order to win over Ouchi Yoshihiro and make him willing to accept the conditions of the Eighteenth Trading Company, he could not rashly launch troops against Goryeo.

Because this Japanese daimyo firmly believed that he was a Korean, and even thought of forming an alliance with Koryo when he was at war with the shogunate.

Therefore, Zhu Gaochi must take the overall situation into consideration.

Taking the overall situation into consideration, we cannot use troops against Goryeo, at least not this year, and next year it will not be up to Ouchi Yoshihiro.

The same goes for Yi Li and Hami.

The reason why they rushed to dispatch the army was to prevent Guili Chihan from poisoning Anke Timur to death and causing Ming Dynasty's rule in Hami to lose order.

If this happens.

Then let alone the railway in Yili, even the railway construction in Hami will be affected.

Too many situations.

For example, Guili Chihan plotted against Hami, but historically Zhu Di was in rebellion and was unable to take care of Hami.

If it hadn't been for the black children in Yili's camp who submitted a petition to the Ming Dynasty and sent troops north to start a war with Guili Khan, then Hami would have been occupied by Guili Khan.

Zhu Gaochi doesn't care if he is occupied by him. He can just fight back in the future, but if the railway cannot be built, it will cost ten times more effort in the future.

In addition, Zhu Gaochi's future energy will be focused on the south for at least this year, so the best policy is to maintain the status quo.

To maintain the status quo is to send troops to Hami.

And sending the army to Hami can strengthen the control and influence on Anke Timur, and indirectly deter the black Erhuo Zhe.

Just like in history.

The black Erhuo Zhe took the initiative to send troops to help Ming defeat Guili Chihan. No matter what his plan was, he was helping Ming on the surface, and it was Ming who gained the greatest benefit.

Could it be possible to turn around and deal with him in turn?
What do the surrounding forces think?

If you co-author and help Ming Dynasty make meritorious deeds, not only will there be no benefit, but you will also be punished. There is no reason to do this in the world.

Therefore, Zhu Gaochi does not want the black son Huo to perform meritorious service, because this will hinder his future control of Yili.

In short.

The complex situation, as well as the timing of the Yoshihiro Ouchi incident, prompted Zhu Gaochi to lay down his backup plan in advance in the northwest region.

"Those who don't seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain."

Zhu Gaochi said seriously.

"If you don't look at the overall situation, even if you govern one party well, it will be insignificant, and the same is true in the northwest region."

"Going south is important, but we cannot allow hidden dangers to grow."

"If things go well, the current situation in the northwest region is not a big trouble, and I believe it will be stabilized soon."

"It's not going well?"

Guo Ming asked rhetorically.

Zhu Gaochi sighed.

"If things don't go well today, my army will crush everything tomorrow."

Guo Ming was startled.Flatten everything.

Guo Ming believes that the young prince can do it, but he is afraid that the introduction will be terrible.

Zhu Gaochi did not dwell on this topic again.

It also regards Li as an important area for the Ming Dynasty to connect Central Asia. If Hei Erhuo Zhe and Anke Timur can become the pioneers of the Ming Dynasty.

Then both sides can benefit.

on the contrary.

Now that Zhu Gaochi is going south, he really doesn't have the energy to worry about Yili, but when he can find the energy, there will be no need to worry anymore.

"The second thing is the Senan Province."

Zhu Gaochi looked more relaxed.

"The miners in Senan Province are increasingly dissatisfied with the fact that they have the right to work for them. There are also many complaints about the two employment systems for miners."

Guo Ming wanted to know more about Senan Province and asked with a smile: "Who does the young prince support?"

Zhu Gaochi smiled and said: "Help whoever is strong."

"Isn't it bullying the weak and afraid of the strong?" Guo Ming couldn't help but joke.

"Yes, it means bullying the weak and fearing the strong."

Zhu Gaochi generously admitted.

Chinese morality has developed over many years, and there are a large number of idioms that hit the nail on the head.

A sentence of bullying the weak and fearing the strong has invisibly restrained many people.

But everything has a degree.

The weak have given their hope to morality, hoping that moral restraint can help them uphold justice. They have lost their resistance and are waiting for God's help as a matter of course.

Why don't these people dare to resist?

Because they fear the price of resistance.

In this case, those who dare not resist will be oppressed.

That's the nature of things.

When you are tough and have the consciousness to resist, others will not dare to bully you.

And if you don't have this awareness, and you are afraid of giving, everyone will dare to bully you, and you will be bullied more and more.

Zhu Gaochi said with a smile: "The development of anything is based on struggle."

Guo Ming was stunned again.

The little prince always has shocking words.

"So the same is true for the Senan Province. If the miners in the Senan area are determined to resist and their strength exceeds the power of the Taiji, I will naturally support the miners."

"The miners are not determined enough to resist and are not as powerful as the Taiji people. Why should I offend the Taiji people."

Guo Ming said worriedly: "But if the miners taste the sweetness, will they..."

"So the factory is people-oriented and absorbs them, right?"

Internal governance and external governance are different methods.


Zhu Gaochi needs people with enterprising spirit.

A nation without ambition has absolutely no future.

What if a nation without ambition can enter an industrialized society? Talent is everything, not weapons.

The construction of spiritual civilization has never been a slogan.

The military wants to make achievements, businessmen want to expand business scale, technicians want to invent more technologies, and workers want a better living environment...

This is what Ming Dynasty should be like.

The army does not pursue merit, businessmen do not pursue profit, technicians do not pursue research, and workers do not pursue a good life...

Such a Ming Dynasty, even if it is one step ahead, how long can it last?

Sooner or later technology will spread.

Ten years, 20 years, 30 years...

Only by allowing the nation to maintain the spirit of struggle and the continuous development of society can it be the true foundation for all generations.

Zhu Gaochi never intended to save people who had no ambition.

For those who are numb, let them continue to be numb.

Zhu Gaochi believes it.

There will be a large number of people who dare to struggle. These talents are the class he counts on to guide Ming Dynasty to the world.

Those who are insensitive can just be obedient. They don't dare to resist anyway, so they can just accept the arrangement obediently.

The strong will be absorbed by Zhu Gaochi as his own, and the weak will be reduced to the ruled. This is a stable rule.

A spiritual civilization guided by the strong, not by the weak.

What is strong.

Zhao Hong!

A 14-year-old orphan who dares to draw a knife at an adult who bullies his mother is a strong person.

This is the hope of the nation.

They are definitely not those weaklings who are bullied but dare not resist at all and always defend themselves mentally.

A weak person who is bullied and dares not resist can only increase the bully's arrogance and bring greater resistance to those who dare to resist.

Zhu Gaochi explained three things to Guo Ming.

When the leadership of the Ming Dynasty is full of the spirit of struggle, then the atmosphere of this society will inevitably be full of the spirit of struggle.

It ranges from state affairs to corruption and bribery, to the unspoken rules of the industry.

There will always be people who dare to stand up and fight.

This is the Ming Dynasty that Zhu Gaochi hopes for.

The level to be achieved by the achievements of spiritual civilization construction.

This level is definitely not something that can be achieved by enacting laws and shouting a few slogans. Only when there are a large number of people in the society who are full of fighting spirit can such results be achieved.

Therefore, Zhu Gaochi must support the tough ones.

That is to say, to bully the weak and fear the hard.

Take the initiative to win over whoever is tough.

Zhu Gaochi dislikes the comforting words of the weak in later generations. Anyone who bullies others is a paper tiger. As long as he dares to resist the other party, he will not dare to bully again.

So then resist.

But the reality is that those who are bullied never dare to resist.

The dark side of society, the more weak there are, the wider the dark side, this is the nature of things.

A bright Ming Dynasty.

It is definitely the hard ones who need to be taken care of first, and the weak ones second.

(End of this chapter)

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