Chapter 507 The saint is confused
"Military households will be exempted from agricultural taxes starting next year."

Around Yingtian Mansion.

All the officials from the Fifth Army Governor's Office were mobilized and sent to the garrison offices in various regions to convey government affairs to the garrison offices.

The Ministry of War and the Fifth Army Governor's Office have different powers.

The Ministry of War is responsible for the selection, promotion, replacement, and merit rewards of the non-commissioned officers of the Guard Station.

Whenever there is a vacancy in the positions of the commander-in-chief of the Five Armed Forces, such as Zhang Seal and Qian Shu, they will be recommended by the Ministry of War.If there is a shortage of officials such as Zhang Seal and Qian Shu in each local capital, the Ministry of War will also prepare brief reports for use, as well as the Ordnance Bureau, military provisions, etc.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army is responsible for leading troops in combat, managing farmland, and taking charge of military status, etc.

After the God of War Emperor, the field army and a large number of generals and nobles perished. The Ministry of War relied on reserve troops to prop up the situation in the Ming Dynasty, so power gradually fell into the hands of the Ministry of War.

Officials in the Ministry of War were selected through competition, while honors were hereditary.

Xungui's sudden break, and later Xungui's children became greedy and enjoyed themselves. Although a very small number of people kept working hard, they could no longer sustain the situation.

Some of the officials in the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion were assigned, while others were old officials who had been trained.

The expansion of grassroots personnel has allowed the Fifth Army Governor's Office to implement downward management, instead of the previous situation where the local Wei Si Yamen were mainly responsible for their own affairs.

The military households of Baihusuo were summoned to the public housing of Baihusuo.

Officials from the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion personally explained to them the system of the future guard station and answered everyone's questions on the spot.

Baihu sat on the chair, unable to tell his mood.

The power of the Thousand Households and Hundred Households of the Guards Station is getting smaller and smaller, and they are no longer qualified to ask the military households to do things for them.

I heard that the public houses of the Baihusuo in Beipingxing Province became a place where military households gathered together for activities.

Among the military households in the Hachinohe area, the Katai chief was promoted by themselves. As long as one household disagreed, even if there was no Katai chief among the eight households, he would not be specially appointed.

Who doesn’t know how to farm?

Military households farm their own fields and are more concerned than anyone else. They only need to listen to the agricultural technicians and do not need to listen to others.

But without a director, they would have to handle many things individually, which would waste more time and energy.

Chief Katai is not like a manager and has no rights. He is just conveying the policies from above.

Hundreds of households also have little power.

The Qianhu still have some power. During the regular annual exercises, the Qianhu in the guard station need to take responsibility.

The key is that neither Baihu nor Qianhu is hereditary.

"In the future, the positions of Hundred and Thousand Households will be held by retired military personnel based on merit, and the Katai Chief will be elected by the military households themselves."

The officials spoke one by one, and the military households had complicated expressions.

"While the imperial court provides various preferential treatment to military households, the imperial court is still obliged to summon military households to perform military service. If there is a mandatory requirement, military households have no right to refuse."

Although this policy was harsh, the military households had no objections.

Aren't military households just preparing for war?

Before, they had to go to the battlefield even if they were issued an official document from the imperial court. No one thought it was unfair.

"I heard that the military households in Beipingxing Province all have their own horses, mules and donkeys, and their children still have to go to school?"

A flag officer asked curiously.

The flag officer is not a serious official, so he doesn't feel any regrets, but he just doesn't believe the rumors he heard. It's really unbelievable.

"Military households in the North Parallel Province have already completed the military reform and implemented the large-area well system. Each household has an average of [-] acres of land. If the acres are not enough or cannot be planted, they will be allocated twice as much forest land or wasteland."


The military households all showed envious eyes.

"Isn't it true that everyone is a landlord? From now on, we can live a good life as tenants." Some people were so happy that they couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

The official smiled and shook his head.

The large well system is not designed to make military households become superiors. He went to Peiping for training and knew that civilization is the spirit and barbarism is the body.

"Except for their children who are talented, which adult wouldn't expect them to study and become officials, but we are self-aware that there are too few such children."

"Children of our military households don't need to read so many books. A few years of social studies are enough to become talented if they can recognize words, understand principles, be able to count, and know what the country's justice is."

"The military households in Beiping have [-] acres of land cultivated by themselves. With more fields and wider land, they can afford farm machinery and raise livestock."

"Their children study and work at the same time. They also inherit the family business and learn skills such as riding horses, archery, and firearms. This is their daily routine."


"A good man."

Baihu knew more and thought of a word in his mind.

The power of the Han Dynasty.

It is composed of good families from the six counties.

One Han is against five barbarians.

The city's population is not a good source of soldiers, only good people are truly a good source of soldiers.

Liangjiazi, who grew up according to the Katai system in Peiping, could no longer imagine how powerful he would be in the future.

The family is wealthy, capable of literary and military skills, and has inherited military skills. All the people raised are talented people.

Such a source of soldiers only needs to be trained for a few months and after some time, they will become elite soldiers who can do anything.

But one hundred households had a question, and finally asked out of curiosity: "How can a household cultivate one hundred acres of land by itself without relying on tenants?"

"There are farm machinery."

The official had seen the large-scale well system in Peiping and explained with a smile that there were agricultural machines. With the help of agricultural machines, people's farming ability has been greatly improved.

“Although there is some waste in deep cultivation, it also reduces the burden on the cultivated land.”

"One hundred acres of land are not all used for farming. With a lot of wasteland, raising horses and livestock is no longer an additional burden."

The future described by the officials made every military household's eyes shine.

Are men who farm still afraid of hardship?
The genes passed down from our ancestors are not afraid of hardship.

What they fear is hunger.

As long as you have a bright future, dare to change the mountains and rivers, and fight against God, you can change the world with a hoe.


Yingtianfu has a dense population, and with the political reform of military households, it gradually spread outwards.More than a dozen patrol officers, led by the inspector, surrounded the large courtyard and refused to open the door to the people inside.

The inspector held a short blunderbuss in his hand, and the other inspectors also took out their weapons.

The inspector who retired from the army did not take the people in the yard seriously and said threateningly.

"If you take the initiative to follow us, only the person involved will be held accountable. If the rest of the people participate in the resistance, they will violate the Ming Law and everyone will be implicated."

"Master Zhou, you have to think clearly whether you want to involve your children."

The old man in the yard was trembling all over.

"Dad, we are not afraid of them." The old man's son said with relief, but there were only a dozen patrol officers.

His uncle is an official in the court, so what is an inspector?


An inspector stepped forward and expressed concern, "It seems they won't just let us go. We don't have many brothers."

Before he finished speaking, the inspector glared.

Inspector Ding Chao did not dare to persuade him any more.

The inspector had just retired from the battlefield and did not want to go back to bring in reinforcements. He thought that he could defeat the opponent with a dozen men.

Even if there are casualties, it doesn't matter. The other party is not afraid. How can he be weaker than the other party?

Inspector Ding Chai felt secretly sad.

The new boss has a tough temper and a tough style. He doesn't know how to turn around and does things recklessly that can be done to others.


The inspector didn't wait any longer and was ready to break in with his brothers.

"Don't come over here, or I will shoot an arrow. Whoever I hurt or dies, don't complain when I get to the King of Hell."

The old man's son threatened.

The inspector raised his musket and fired a shot into the air.

"This is a warning. If you don't put down your weapon, you will be shot."

The sound of birdshot startled the old man.

"never mind."

The old man stopped his son.

Ignoring his son's advice, the old man opened the door and walked towards the inspector.

When the inspector saw this, he did not bother the old man's family members.

"Official Zhou, you collect and sell grain privately. The Inspection Department has solid evidence. Come with us."

The old man's son did not dare to really hurt the official. Seeing that he could not scare him, he stared at the inspector with an angry look on his face.

The inspector scoffed.

"You pointed your bow and arrow at me just now. I can catch you now, but because your father took the initiative, I just let you go. If you still don't know how to restrain yourself, you can give it a try."

The inspector's threats made the young man lose face.

But he didn't do much.

The compromising nature of the bourgeoisie is vividly demonstrated in him.

The inspector was trained, and although he knew that he was a little reckless, he bet that the other party would not dare to risk everything.

Hurt him, there are more inspectors behind him.

This is his bottom line.

As for the relationship network behind this family, the Inspection Department, like the Two Sections Department, is not under the management of the Sixth Department.

Shortly after.

Because this family violated the grain policy, and because it was the first offense and the amount was not large, the old man was sentenced to three years, detained by the Prison Department, and fined 500 taels.

Young people began to be reluctant to give.

When the inspection department informed him that his house and ancestral fields would be confiscated, his arms could not twist his thighs, and he finally paid the full fine.

The case in Jiangning Town, Yingtianfu, made the front page of the Yingtianfu Social Newspaper.

The entire Yingtian Mansion.

Beginning in the third year of the implementation of the grain policy, the big households suffered a lot. Coupled with the industrial development of Yingtianfu, the number of tenants decreased.

Falling into the same situation as Peking a few years ago.

The land of the big households cannot be abandoned, and they cannot recruit enough tenants, and the price of food is tightly controlled.

Raising commissions to recruit tenants can only be an emergency measure, not a long-term solution.

"Today's world won't let us live."

A squire said angrily.

Hongwu’s grain purchase price in 32 has come out.

Despite rising labor prices and price increases for many commodities, the purchasing price of grain remains unchanged.

Zhu Gaochi's reputation was unknown among the country gentry.

"A good saint-grandson can live for three generations. I think the saint cannot survive while he is alive. The saint is really old and confused."

The spearhead has begun to be pointed at Zhu Yuanzhang.

When Jin Yiwei heard such comments in the market, he immediately checked where the source came from.


"It's better not to leave the palace these days."

Li Daoxin advised.

"We are still afraid. They are just some country squires. They have no soldiers and power and cannot make big waves. The more we give in, the more violent they will become."

Zhu Yuanzhang knew human nature well.

The more you give in, the more others will take.

(End of this chapter)

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