The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 521 The Emperor’s Grandson is calmer than the Saint

Chapter 521 The Emperor’s Grandson is calmer than the Saint


"Soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, how do you feel after watching this?"

Li Jishen asked with concern.

His eldest son is leading the army in the field, and he is accompanied by his younger son Li Hancang. The younger son's biological mother is a princess and has the blood of the Annan royal family.

"Elite soldiers."

Hu She, the general of Zuo Shengyi Army said.

"They are just carefully selected." Li Hancang said confidently. He thought it was Ming Dynasty who wanted to enhance the country's prestige.

Hu She heard the little prince's statement and did not raise any doubts.

Li Jiyou frowned and thought.

As the actual controller of Annan, he was not from a royal family, so he had no advantage compared to his father-in-law.

The fact that Annan was able to deal with all the opposition forces in all aspects shows his talent.

There are not many connections between Ming Dynasty and Annan.

Maybe it's the nature of the Han people.

As long as a place can cultivate land, it is very attractive to the Han people, so Annan's past and present life are full of motivation for outward expansion.

Only in the Ming Dynasty, due to the vassal system established by the Ming Dynasty, a large number of surrounding forces surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, which caused Annan's displeasure.

In the eyes of the Annan Chinese, these areas are not countries at all, they are just barbarians and tribes.

Champa, Laos, Cambodia, Siam, etc. in the south should all be Annan's sphere of influence, and they have been working hard to do so.

Historically, these areas have also been annexed, such as Champa. In the future, this area was completely annexed by Annan and disappeared in the long river of history.

Therefore, Li Jisu had heard some news about the changes in the Ming Dynasty, which attracted his great attention.

"How do their guns compare to our firearms?"

"It has not been used, so there is no way to know."

Hu She shook his head, but added: "But it looks very beautiful. There is no difference between each of their fire blunderbuss to the naked eye."

Li Jiyou's face turned even more ugly.

Annan is not an uncivilized land. It is composed of Han people who migrated from the north. The scholars read the Four Books and Five Classics, the same as the scholars in the mainland, and the same imperial examination system.

The accent spoken by the local Chinese is the same as the dialect spoken in the Ming Dynasty.

So Annan's productivity is very high.

It has its own development in firearms, including hand guns and fire guns, and has compiled magical machine gun techniques that are no worse than those in the Ming Dynasty.

Ming Dynasty and Annan learned from each other in terms of firearms, each had its own advantages, and they learned from each other's strengths to offset their weaknesses.

Unlike other countries in Southeast Asia, which mainly learned firearms from the Ming Dynasty, there are not many technologies worthy of exchange.

This is also the confidence for Annan to dominate Southeast Asia.

Therefore, in a few words, he heard that the firearms used by Ming soldiers were indistinguishable to the naked eye, and Li Ji-mo knew the power of them.

"Let Huang Huiqing deal with the Ming Dynasty's mission."

Li Jisao made a decision.

Huang Huiqing is also of Chinese ethnicity. He is a minister of Annan and a person who has a heart for China. He can calm the mission by coming forward.

Li Jisao quietly explained a few words to his younger son.

We all come from the same family, what weaknesses can we address? Li Jiya has a clear mind, and Ming scholars will not be greedy?

The mission sent by Zhu Gaoxu received a warm welcome.

The most important thing is that the people here are consistent with those at home. Yang Bo and Annan officials drank and composed poems, leaving one poem after another.

The poetry level of Annan scholars is not low. Even now, in the early Ming Dynasty, it is generally better than the local scholars of Ming Dynasty.

When the Song Dynasty fell, a small number of survivors went to Goryeo, some went to Japan, and most of them flocked to Annan.

The old and new Chinese people, united as one, fought hard and repelled the Yuan invaders three times, preserving the last pure land of Chinese civilization.

The anxiety before coming has completely disappeared, and he has made many friends. He comes from a wealthy family. These people talk about China, which makes Yang Bo very happy.

When Yang Bo returned, a large number of Annan officials saw him off. Several carts filled with gifts were prepared for them, and Annan soldiers were sent to escort him.

After returning to Guangxi, Yang Bo learned that Prince Gaoyang was ill and bedridden. At this time, because of Zhu Gaoxu's illness, people could not care about anything else.

In addition, it was already the end of the year, so Yang Bo did not go to the capital until the spring, when the court sent doctors and officials to understand the situation in Guangxi and Annan.

Yang Yong, the chief envoy to the left of the Chief Secretary, came forward and informed that someone had sent an envoy to Annan, and then Yang Bo was invited over.

Yang Bo told him in detail what he had heard and seen in Annan. After the official confirmed it, he quickly sent the news back to the capital.

The doctors in Jinzhou had a fierce dispute over the condition of Prince Gaoyang.

"It is damp-heat dysentery. It should be treated by clearing the intestines and removing dampness, regulating qi and blood, and using peony decoction to relieve the disease." A doctor said.


"The Prince of Gaoyang is suffering from epidemic poisonous dysentery. He should clear away heat and detoxify, cool blood and remove accumulation. Add Pulsatilla Decoction and Shaoyao Decoction to deal with the emergency."

Medical science in Jinzhou has advanced by leaps and bounds, and traditional diseases have been subdivided into various types.

It's just the limitations of technology and instruments. Although there is a clearer understanding, it also brings more controversy.

Dysentery alone is divided into six major categories, without mentioning the details.

Originally, Zhu Gaochi wanted to eliminate all the messy prescriptions and pretexting prescriptions, and only keep the effective ones.

But the development of science is always smooth sailing.


A large number of prescriptions with low efficacy, ineffectiveness, or even counter-effects were eliminated. However, not only did the number of medical prescriptions not decrease, but because of the development of medicine, more details were divided, resulting in a slight increase in the total number of prescriptions.

During this period, no one could convince anyone, and judging from the results, there were many deadlocks.No one can say that the medicine will cure the disease, let alone that every patient can be cured. What exactly is effective and so on are not visible to the naked eye.

In short.

Several doctors from Jinzhou argued for two days. Seeing that Zhu Gaoxu was dying, someone finally compromised and reached an agreement on medication.



The climate here is different from that in Peiping. After spring, the weather is no longer as cold as in the north, and you can do outdoor activities.

The north is definitely colder than the south.

The cold in the north is so cold that people can freeze to death. The reason why later generations have said that the south is colder is because there is no indoor heating in the south.

Wenhua Hall.

Zhu Gaochi listened to the report from Xu Ning, the head of the Railway Engineering Department, as well as several outstanding managers from other departments.

"Beiping, Baoding Prefecture, Kaifeng Prefecture, Wuchang Prefecture, Changsha Prefecture, Hengzhou Prefecture, Yongzhou Prefecture, and Guilin Prefecture are all open to traffic."

Xu Ning said excitedly.

Zhu Gaochi looked delighted. How many years has it passed?

Railway projects started from scratch, and the number of workers building railway projects across the country has reached 60.

It took eight years to build the first railway from north to south in the Ming Dynasty, covering a total distance of [-] miles.

Theoretically the fastest speed is only six days from Peking to Guilin, Guangxi.

Of course reality is impossible.

It takes about ten days to stop, dispatch, and resupply along the way. From Guilin, Guangxi to Beijing, you need to divert from Changsha, arrive in Zhejiang from Jiangxi, and then go north to Beijing.

"Fortunately, His Royal Highness the Emperor's Grandson's strong support, otherwise how could the Ming Dynasty's railways be built so quickly."


Zhu Gaochi didn't feel happy after hearing what Xu Ning said.

The total mileage of Ming Dynasty’s railways reached more than 230 miles, with an average of [-] railway workers employed per mile.

Not counting the workers in the industrial chain behind the scenes, the total is even more.

However, this was also a great weapon to drive production and construction, directly raising the Ming Dynasty's national power to a different level.

Xu Ning couldn't see Zhu Gaochi's heart and continued to report as usual.

This is the merit of the Railway Engineering Department, and he must make every word clear.

"The iron materials used to build railways are mainly steel. Pig iron is too brittle and easily cracked, while wrought iron is too soft and easily deformed when exposed to high temperatures."

From wrought iron at the beginning to steel later, the technology of the Railway Engineering Department has also changed with each passing day due to market demand.

Zhu Gaochi knew what Xu Ning was talking about.

In ancient times, there was steelmaking

At least in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was an initial steel-making method, which was called "steel filling" or "tuan steel".

"In the world, the so-called steel is made of soft iron, but pig iron is trapped in it, sealed with mud, and forged into it. It is called steel, or it is filled with steel."

It means: What is called steelmaking in society is to bend the wrought iron into a coil in a steel-making furnace, embed the pig iron pieces in the middle of the coiled wrought iron, and then seal the steel-making furnace with mud for smelting. .After it is refined, take it out and forge it.The steel made in this way is called Tuan steel, also called filling steel.

This was the steelmaking method used before the Song Dynasty. Although steel could be made, the output was low and the efficiency was low, and it could only meet the needs of an agricultural society.

By the middle of the Ming Dynasty, there were more advanced steel-making processes, such as the steel-making process mentioned in Tiangong Kaiwu.

As auxiliary materials for steelmaking, materials were discovered that were cheaper, available everywhere, and yet more effective.

The use of steel furnaces increased the temperature of iron smelting, resulting in major breakthroughs in quality and cost.

Then came the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

Su Gang's invention.

The new steelmaking process has brought about huge changes in output and technology, and Suzhou Iron and Steel's process was used until the 60s in New China, which shows its advanced nature.

in short.

Before the Song Dynasty, steelmaking in ancient times was still in the exploratory stage and was unstable. During the Song Dynasty, steelmaking technology matured, but the production process resulted in limited output. A breakthrough was made in the late Ming Dynasty, and output and technology rose to new heights.

Later, even Tiangong Kaiwu disappeared in the Qing Dynasty, and the whole of China did not know that this book existed. After New China, someone still passed it back from Japan, and people realized that ancient China had so many advanced technologies at that time.

There are countless books similar to Tiangong Kaiwu that have disappeared. Not every book has the luck of Tiangong Kaiwu and can be spread abroad and preserved.

Steel production in the Qing Dynasty declined year by year, and only increased during the Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty. Instead of continuing to develop, the previous steelmaking technology declined and was lost.

In short.

The Su Steel Method in the middle and late Ming Dynasty was invented 200 years in advance and made an important contribution to the improved railway tracks of the Ming Dynasty.

However, with the development of traditional technology, the iron smelting technicians of Miyun Division and Huguang Division built taller steel-making furnaces, and the output exceeded the output of the Suzhou Iron and Steel process in the late Ming Dynasty.

Xu Ning sighed: "A total of 37 billion kilograms of iron materials are used in various iron uses."

180 million tons.

After so many years, it’s nothing to spread out evenly.

Zhu Gaochi still didn't care much.

Xu Ning couldn't help but be surprised when he finally discovered the attitude of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

His face didn't even change.

The emperor's grandson was indeed a very special person. Even the saints were shocked after hearing this. They were not as calm as the emperor's grandson.

It seems that the emperor's grandson is calmer than the saint.

(End of this chapter)

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