Chapter 600 Bullying Zhu Gaochi

"Zhang Dehui is dead?"

Zhu Gaochi asked curiously, feeling a little unbelievable. The timing of this person's death was really subtle. I'm afraid many people were criticizing him and gave many people a good excuse.

Zhu Gaochi even thought about how to record it in future history books.

Zhu Yuanzhang was cruel.

Then he must be Bo Liang.

"Back to Your Highness, according to the news from the local area, Dong Zhang's family has indeed passed away."

"I heard people said he committed suicide."

Zhu Gaochi asked.

Zhu Gaochi still recognized Zhang Dehui.

Zhou Shifeng was in poor health. Although he was much younger than Zhang Dehui, he had died of illness the year before last. Unexpectedly, Zhang Dehui had also left. Unlike Zhou Shifeng, Zhu Gaochi had already guessed the reason for Zhang Dehui's death.

Ji Gang lowered his head.

Zhang Dehui indeed committed suicide.


"Why bother."

Zhu Gaochi sighed.

"Your Highness, there is no need to blame yourself. This person is suffering from illness and has only a few days to live. The reason for this is just to leave the family property to the children of the family in advance before the inheritance tax law of the Ming Dynasty is officially announced."

Ji Gang raised his head and explained.

Zhu Gaochi understood.

There is such a thing.

Before a government decree was announced, many old people died prematurely. Some drank medicine and some hung themselves.

With Zhang Dehui's status and connections, he had more choices, but none of them reassured him. In the end, he chose the most drastic method, which might be the safest in his opinion.

You can't worry about the past and the past.

"Zhang Dehui still understands me." Zhu Gaochi was a little disappointed.

The two had a great time working together and established a great friendship. Regardless of their status, they could be described as a tacit friendship that lasts forever.

The inheritance tax law was not announced sooner or later, but it was announced at this time. Zhu Gaochi did consider Zhang Dehui's personal reasons.

The most powerful private trading firm is the coal trading firm.

The largest coal trading house is the Zhang family.

Whether it is capital or connections, the Zhang family is definitely the leader.

If possible, Zhu Gaochi would wait a few years for the Ming Dynasty to be more stable before promoting the inheritance tax law. However, Zhang Dehui's body became the trigger.

If this person could live a few more years, Zhu Gaochi would postpone it at all costs.

But Jin Yiwei found out that this person's condition had worsened. After this person died, there would be no suitable "chicken" left. Which family could be more suitable than the Zhang family?

Ji Gang lowered his head again.

There are indeed rumors among the people that His Highness the Crown Prince is in trouble.

It can be said that Zhang Dehui's incident was facilitated by many aspects, including what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said. Zhang Dehui understood the Crown Prince and knew that under this decree, the Zhang family was the most suitable.

In order to protect the Zhang family's property, what happened today was the reason.

"How much is the Zhang family's inheritance?"

"It is estimated to be more than 80 yuan, not including the trading company owned by the Zhang family."

Hearing this number, Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but shook his head.


The annual income of an ordinary worker in the Ming Dynasty Industrial Bureau is about 15 yuan per year. It would take more than 3000 years without eating or drinking to accumulate this incredible wealth.

Such a gap is really too big.

Continue to develop for 20 years.

Zhu Gaochi believes that this number will reach 10 years, or even 20 years, or 30 years.

If capital is not controlled, the speed of its profits will snowball like a snowball. It is countless times more efficient than land annexation in traditional society. The expansion speeds of the two cannot be compared to each other.

A capital created from scratch.

For example, a company that became famous in later generations only took 20 years to achieve a market value that exceeded one billion times per capita annual income.

Any decision made by such a trading house can have a devastating blow to any industry. If the original industry is reshuffled, the people will have no power to resist.

The dangers of uncontrolled capital and uncontrolled rights are essentially the same.

Ancient China has always suppressed and restricted power.

From the hereditary feudal nobles to the nobles of the aristocratic families, from the nobles of the aristocratic families to the landlords and squires, the rights have been being compressed, including the powerful. The methods such as demotion of titles in each generation are the ways to control power.

The transition from feudal society to a people-centered society in ancient China was not a natural development, but a direct step into human struggle.

Therefore, people do not have a deep understanding of suppressing capital.

This aspect is not as good as the West.

The West has realized the dangers of capital, but they like to join in if they can't defeat it. As for future troubles, they pay more attention to the present, and their overall layout has some shortcomings.

It is the consensus of traditional agricultural society to suppress the powerful, control land annexation, and ensure that everyone has land for farming.

So in industrial society.

Controlling capital and reducing the per capita wealth gap are also means of redistributing social resources. In essence, traditional agricultural societies and industrial capital societies do the same thing.

It's just that the objects are different and the methods are also different.

Change the soup but not the medicine.

"one country."

"At the beginning of its birth, there is often more land that can be developed. This is the process of productivity development, which belongs to agricultural development. Although there will be land annexation, because the land is large, the harm is not great."

"It's the same now."

"The productivity of the Ming Dynasty has made great progress since the promotion of industrialization. Although capital has grown rapidly in industrial development, the total social and economic aggregate is also developing, so the harm is not great."

"No matter what the difference between the two is, when the speed of land annexation exceeds the social productivity, or the speed of capital growth exceeds the growth rate of the total social economy, then the per capita resources of the common people will decrease."

"The former means that the people have no land to farm and do not have enough to eat; the latter means that the people become increasingly poor, their income cannot keep up with economic development, they become poor, and they even do not have enough to eat."

“The price of not having enough to eat will ultimately bring about social unrest.”

Zhu Gaochi knows.

The estate tax that I promote is a brand-new reform and is unprecedented in Chinese history. Only in the Song Dynasty, the tax on the inheritance of extinct families by other families was relatively narrow in terms of taxation, which is greatly different from the estate tax law that I am currently promoting. difference.

But this thing must be done.

The market economy of later generations has only developed for 30 years. Although there is no formal inheritance tax, there are actually many potential methods and they are ready to be implemented.

The industry of Ming Dynasty has developed for more than ten years.

The capital transformed by the traditional gentry is no slower than the modern capitalists in China and the West in terms of development efficiency. On the contrary, because of the hugeness and influence of the Ming Dynasty, it is like a rabbit in Australia that has no natural enemies.

Zhu Gaochi was sure.

You cannot push the inheritance tax out of scratch.

Then the next generation of people who don’t know these things will definitely not create something from scratch. Most of the next generation will not have such prestige, so they will have to go through the pain of social development.

If you get through it and improve it, you will continue to develop.

Can't get through it.

Then social unrest will be just another dynastic cycle.

Han Dynasty.

Tang Dynasty.

They are all invincible beings around them. In their world, there is not much difference like the Ming Dynasty now.

Technology could be spread out during the Han and Tang dynasties.

Ming's technology will also be spread out.

Britain once showed off its power on Chinese soil and decided which warlord had the right to speak. However, only a few years later, it no longer has the qualifications to make decisions in front of China.

Why East Asia is called the monster house.

Why were the surrounding forces in ancient China able to expand westward and become the whip of God among Westerners?

Because the ancient Chinese civilization was strong and glorious, it would inevitably spread its technology and production methods and promote the development of surrounding forces. Therefore, the surrounding forces in ancient China were often very powerful.

By the same token, no matter how powerful the Ming Dynasty is now, the surrounding forces will also become powerful in a few decades, at least in the eyes of other regions.

Whether it is due to considerations of national power or a people-oriented social concept.

For estate tax laws.

It will be something that must be promoted, and it will be good news for the country and the people.

Jinyiwei also needs reform.

Jinyiwei is also a very important force.

Zhu Gaochi said seriously.

After listening to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's explanation, Ji Gang had a preliminary understanding in his mind.

It turns out that it is not just a superficial expression of killing the rich and giving to the poor.

Ji Gang sighed: "I already understand the thoughts of His Highness the Crown Prince. Since the powerful have to accept the downgrade from generation to generation and control the power, is it possible that capital is more powerful than the powerful? How can we not accept it?"


Zhu Gaochi couldn't help laughing.

Sometimes the powerful are not as easy to deal with as capital.

When later generations have not yet developed, they are not only backward economically, but also backward in other aspects, including cognitive backwardness.

Charities are booming in Western countries.

For a long time, it has been used by people to lament how benevolent and so-so Western society is.

Later, as the economy developed, awareness in many aspects also improved, and more and more people suddenly realized that these bullshit charities were nothing more than a way for capitalists to avoid inheritance taxes.

Don’t politicians know the tricks of capitalists?
Of course they know.

But they could no longer defeat the capitalists, so they became the mouthpieces of the capitalists.

It has been hundreds of years since Western society entered the industrialized society. Through countless citizen resistance movements and uprisings, Western people have fought for themselves a lot of the treatment they deserve. Under the environment of large plate sizes, Western people have been wealthy for many years.

The level of morality is determined by people's economic foundation.

According to the textbook, morality is a social ideology determined by the economic foundation of a certain society.

Only with correct understanding can we understand the merits of Western society and the shortcomings that need to be avoided, instead of blaming some good folk phenomena in Western society on the other party's system.

This is putting the cart before the horse.

You will learn wrong.

The Western Expeditionary Army began to return home.

Domestically, part of the army was mobilized to the Samarkand capital to change defenses. The cabinet and officials from the six ministries tried their best to promote the benefits of the Samarkand region, hoping that more people would go to Samarkand.

Zhu Gaochi summoned Chen Heng, Zhang Yu and others.

The Fifth Army Governor's Office and the Ministry of War are responsible for military households, and Zhu Gaochi is concerned about the living conditions of military households in various places.

"We still need to mobilize more military households to immigrate."

The population age data of Ming Dynasty is unhealthy.

The proportion of newborns is too high.

Although newborns can stimulate domestic demand, they cannot be produced. Under the "limited" economic productivity of the Ming Dynasty, they have exceeded the middle level and become a drag on the economic development of the Ming Dynasty.It takes time to digest.

If this generation can grow up smoothly, it will bring about greater production efficiency, but if the proportion of newborns does not decrease, the opposite outcome will occur.

"Beiping's system of large tracts of land for military households, each with a hundred acres of land, has reached the limit of bankruptcy. I think we should start with Beiping."

Chen Heng, the former commander of the Yanshan Left Guard, the commander of the Peiping Dusi, and now the commander of the Fifth Army Commandery Office, said.

"But the industrialization of Peiping also requires population. No matter how you look at it, the policy of promoting the relocation of military households in Peiping to the border areas will probably be difficult to implement unless forced means are used."

Fang Kuan said worriedly.

"It is not worth debating whether we should be industry-oriented or agriculture-oriented. There is no doubt that agriculture should be the basis. As for the industrial development of Peiping, although it has huge benefits, it still needs to make concessions to agriculture."

Zhu Gaochi said without hesitation.

Later generations of eagles used various deceptive slogans and half-forced temptations to lay many traps for rabbits. Rabbits basically avoided them, including traps about agriculture.

Zhu Gaochi is very clear about the relationship between agriculture and industry. The interests of industry must definitely make concessions for agriculture, not agriculture for industry.

"The Big Well System."

"This is a model I proposed, which not only increases the per capita acres of land and increases the income of the agricultural population, but also releases the agricultural population to the greatest extent to join the wave of industrial development."

"at last."

Zhu Gaochi emphasized: "Civilization in spirit and barbarism in body are the directions that will never waver."

"Under the large well system, the coexistence of man and nature ensured the wildness of the military households. It was the foundation of the Ming Dynasty's army and must not be destroyed, so the military households in Peking must be relocated."

Man and nature coexist.

People don’t keep animals as pets.

Rather, on the vast land and under the large well system, the military households lived in an environment full of nature. They knew the relationship and difference between human nature and animal nature, and they would not become "Mothers".

Our Lady is great.

But there are some things that are called the Holy Mother and have tarnished the word.

A new generation of military households grew up.

When they start a family, have children, and stay in the local area, the original [-] acres of land is directly reduced by half. In addition to the decrease in income, they will cultivate surrounding land.

Then nature disappears and only the human world remains.

The economy is better.

Living in a world with only humans, a "Mother of God" will inevitably appear. Such an impactful concept, in an environment where there are only humans, will make the spirit of civilization and the body of barbarism gradually disappear.

If you forget the battle, you will be in danger.

Zhu Gaochi laid out the direction.

Officials of the Military Governor's Office and the Ministry of War, under the organization of the cabinet, held many debates.

"The Fifth Military Governor's Office prefers the system designated by parents."

"The Ministry of War favors primogeniture."

Huang Huai confirmed to both sides.

Officials on both sides of the conference table nodded.

"Please speak to Mr. Xu Guo."

Xu Zengshou also participated in this discussion. As soon as Huang Huai finished speaking, he said anxiously: "With primogeniture, how do parents maintain their prestige? The environment in rural areas is different from ours."

"The elderly have lost their labor force and need to be supported by their sons. Without their own financial resources, the prestige of the elderly cannot be guaranteed, and their life in old age cannot be guaranteed."

"You can't rely on morality."

Xu Zengshou knows human nature well.

"Wouldn't it encourage brothers to kill each other if parents specify it? Once this law is issued, I am afraid that the harmonious social atmosphere among the people will immediately become violent, and I am afraid that the elderly will not want to see it."

"Only confirming the eldest son's inheritance directly avoids unnecessary fights."


“The land was left to the eldest son and the property was distributed to the remaining sons to encourage them to move to new areas.”

"We have to leave necessary belongings to the eldest son's family. We can't fall into poverty all at once."

"The property belongs to the old man, not to the eldest son's family."


Military households also issued regulations.

After the children of each military household got married, the family must be divided within five years. However, the land could not be divided privately. It could only be inherited completely and was inherited by the eldest son who had already married and had children.

Those who inherit land need to support the elderly.

If the old man accuses his son of being unfilial, the land can be taken back and returned to the old man if the circumstances are serious, and the land can be redistributed by the old man.

The elderly can have their property, except for the house where they live, all need to be appraised, and the family can discuss and distribute it on their own, based on the [-]-[-] principle.

The rest of the children.

Military, business, industrial, etc., are also encouraged to apply to the guards in various places. After being summarized by the Fifth Army Governor's Office, a unified distribution will be carried out. New land will be allocated based on the principle of proximity.

Those who do not join the army and leave the land of the garrison will lose their military status within five years and automatically convert to civilian status.

Many people can relate.

This is how wealthy families protect their family fortunes.

Some people can't understand it.

The word losing military status stung the nerves of many people and caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

In the eyes of some people, military status is something that cannot be avoided, and in the eyes of some people, it has become their protection.

There are so many benefits to military membership.

In addition to various low-interest loans, there are also interest-free loans for agricultural production, and even land distribution, and benefits of the Katai lifestyle at the health center, such as free newspapers at each health center, annual condolences, etc.

As for the job assignment after retiring from the army, becoming a court official, and serving as a soldier was an important way.

For example, those who apply for inspection inspection must be retired military personnel.

There was little opposition from military households.

Because the formulation of the policy did not deprive the military households of the benefits, it only imposed restrictions, but it was also guaranteed to the children of the military households, rather than transferred to others.

In addition, what we have done is also to ensure the good operation of the military household system.

Each of the [-]-house offices and [-]-household offices summoned the film directors in their respective offices to read the explanations of the regulations. The regulations were written in plain language, and the purpose of each regulation was also marked.

Thousands of households and hundreds of households only need to read the words according to the words.

Hereditary inheritance has been abolished for Qianhu and Baihu.

Some of the older generation members had died of illness, so the system was changed to an election system, where local military households elected them. It was the same system as in urban studios in the early Ming Dynasty.

Qianhu has recommended film directors from their respective regions.

Chihu must be the current film director.

Therefore, the military household reform law was promulgated later than the inheritance tax law and targeted a wider range of people, but it was not as big as the inheritance tax law.

At Zhang Dehui's funeral.

The streets were covered with wreaths, and there were not even enough stones to stand on them. Carriages and livestock crowded the alley in front of the Zhang family. The Zhang family borrowed more servants from various families to help with the funeral. These wreaths stretched all the way to the Zhang family's ancestral graves. .

"He Kee Trading Company has arrived."

"Liu Ji Trading Company has arrived."

sang the butler.

Most of the big business houses in Peiping and across the country sent people to pay homage to Zhang Dehui.

The people in Peiping were amazed.

I haven't seen such movement in many years. I never thought that businessmen could reach such a level. How dare businessmen in the past dare to do this? After all, things are different now.

"It sounds strange."

"It seems like the current government doesn't care about anything."

"The old man from the Zhang family passed away. He was a businessman after all, but he dared to do it to such an extent, and the government didn't care."

Someone said jealously.

"How many years have you had a good life?"

"The government regulates businessmen. If a businessman breaks the law, should they control you? If we restrict businessmen today, won't they restrict you tomorrow?"

Someone sneered.

Chief Secretary of Peking.

The officials in the public house are also discussing the funeral of the Zhang family, which is really too big.

"Businessmen are testing the waters."

"Try what?"

Zhang Jie arrived at the Yamen in a carriage. Seeing the Chief Envoy coming, people at the Yamen Gate came to greet him one after another.

They had just settled down and before they had a chance to take a sip of tea, colleague Zhang Guan barged in. He was amazed and then said something incomprehensible.

Hearing this, Zhang Jie couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Guan replied: "Zhang Dehui's eldest son has repeatedly opposed the imperial court in the past few years, and even opposed His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's decrees in newspapers. I think this person is bullying His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Zhang Jie couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhang Guan's statement.

"He dares to bully the prince?"

"A gentleman can bully others. Your Highness, the Crown Prince, always pays attention to rules when doing things. He never punishes outsiders according to his own personal preferences. Isn't that what Zhang Dehui's eldest son grasps?"

"It's also interesting."

Zhang Guan's statement, from another perspective, actually makes some sense. Zhang Jie sighed, this person's eloquence is unmatched by the Chief Secretary's Yamen.

Zhang Guan continued: "People say that the Prince is Bo Liang. I see, if the Prince was really Bo Liang, how could the public dare to make such remarks."

"It is because of the prince's benevolence that the people dare to have critical voices."

"It's a good thing, but it's also a bad thing."

"I hope nothing happens."


Former Chief Secretary of Peking.

During the years when Prince Yan and his son were here, now Yan Bui has left and Mo Lin has also been transferred. Su Guan, who is known as the first to follow His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the first ambassador of the Iron Smelting Institute and a junior official of the eighth rank, was also imprisoned for corruption.

The current Chief Secretary of Peking, Zuo Chief Envoy, is Zhang Jie, who was a leftist political advisor at that time.

This person was originally from the lineage of the emperor's grandson.

Nowadays, it has become a firm line of princes. Peiping is the place where emperors and princes make their fortunes. Zhang Jie does not believe that anyone can change the world.

"Let someone go to Zhang's house and have a look."

Zhang Jie thought for a moment and said worriedly.

"Let the inspection department send some inspection officers to keep an eye on it."

The Inspection Department Yamen does not belong to the Chief Secretary at all.

Each provincial government has established an inspection general office to manage the inspection offices within the province, which are under the management of the Ministry of War. Each state government in the province, including the provincial government, has established an inspection department, and each county has established an inspection department. The most basic level is the inspection department. Inspection office.

The inspection office maintains local peace and also has the responsibility of assisting the Chief Secretary, but its powers do not belong to the Chief Secretary.

However, there was a tacit understanding at the local level that the inspection yamen were still controlled by the Chief Secretary, so Zhang Jie did not think there was any problem in mobilizing the inspection yamen.

After the inspection Yamen learned about it, they immediately arranged manpower.

A team of patrol officers stood far outside the Zhangjia Hutong, as if they were here to maintain order for the Zhang family's funeral. Those who didn't know were even more impressed that even the Yamen took care of the Zhang family in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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