The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 629 The cruel master of Goryeo treated people harmoniously in Ming Dynasty

The stone steps in front of the main hall of Wenhua Hall are wide and smooth, showing the solemnity and majesty of the royal family.There are two tall bronze lions standing on both sides of the stone steps. They are majestic and majestic, as if they are the patron saints of the royal family.

Xu Ning, who was in his forties, slowly walked up the steps.

In August of the ninth year of Yongle.

A case broke out in the Daming Railway Engineering Department. The Metropolitan Procuratorate, Jinyiwei, Criminal Department, and Investigation Department jointly enforced the law and settled in the Daming Railway Engineering Headquarters to launch the entire picket activity. The people in the Daming Railway Engineering Department were panicked.

Interests are moving.

Those officials were like wolves and tigers, eager to overthrow the Ming Dynasty Railway Engineering Department and investigate everything, which would become their political achievement for promotion.

Fifty knows destiny.

When Xu Ning was young, he was recognized by the young prince and organized the Railway Engineering Department. How many people did the Railway Engineering Department have at that time?Xu Ning couldn't remember.

Time flies so fast.

The Railway Engineering Department has become a behemoth, and the Railway Operation Group, which was separated from the Railway Engineering Department, is also a giant in the Ming Dynasty.

After years of hard work and trouble, Xu Ning's hair has turned gray.

According to the regulations of the imperial court, the railway engineering headquarters is a third-rank yamen, so the chief shopkeeper Xu Ning is a third-rank official of the imperial court, the inspector general of a province is also a third-rank official, and the chief envoy is a subordinate of the second rank, which is equivalent to the level of a feudal official. , high position and weight.

"Shopkeeper Xu is here."

The eunuch came in softly and asked.

Zhu Gaochi looked away from the map and nodded.

The officials quickly exited the Wenhua Palace and brought Xu Ning in.

on the map.

It is the map of the Ming Dynasty and the map of the world that was explored, which is somewhat different from the maps of later generations.

The Ming Dynasty on the map.

The entire northern region and the northeastern region belong to the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

West to Qazvin.

Qazvin is a city in Iran in later generations. It is located in the north of Iran. It is the capital of Qazvin Province. It was the capital of the Safavid Dynasty in the [-]th century. It is a famous cultural and historical city and was an important stop on the Silk Road.

The Ming army's sphere of influence did not set foot here, and the furthest they had only reached the Mashhad area two to three thousand miles away.


Timur's grandson sent envoys to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty and accepted the canonization of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, he was included in the territory of the Ming Dynasty and became the most distant vassal state.

So far south.

Even the less obedient Burmese and Siamese Xuanweisi still belong to the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

Yongle Dynasty in history.

The Strait of Malacca not only has the vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, but also the Old Port Xuanwei Department established by the Ming Dynasty. Currently, the Ming Dynasty has not established the Old Port Xuanwei Department locally.

Such a huge territory needs governance.

What means can be used to implement governance.

Let Chinese civilization shine all over the world?
This requires more patience and means.

The West can also fake things.

The maritime power of Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom rose up one after another. There were many shortcomings in the process, but it is undeniable that they also achieved great success in the end. It is worth learning from other civilizations to move forward through hundreds of years of alternate development.

In their process, there are many things that can be learned from, which are Zhu Gaochi's precious assets.

Zhu Gaochi needs to take it out.

Or combine it with the national conditions of the Ming Dynasty, make some changes, and make better use of it.

Abandon each other's dross and learn from each other's essence.

Even Japan deserves attention.

Only a nation that is good at learning will have a great future.


The Chinese nation has been good at learning since ancient times.

In history, there are a lot of technologies learned from outside, as well as species brought back.

Barbarians, barbarians, barbarians, chiefs, and kings.

The ancients had accurate divisions.

Because later generations lagged behind the rest of the world in the early days, the advantages of Chinese civilization no longer existed, so some later generations sensitively said that the ancients were too arrogant and did not take the surrounding tribes into consideration.

In fact, the ancients did not miss those kingdoms worth learning from.

But what.

Look around the world.

In the process of decline of the many tribes around the Ming Dynasty, there was indeed not much that the literati of the Ming Dynasty could lament. They were only barbaric and backward, and very few places and kingdoms could help China.

On the contrary, in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, those Westerners who were able to travel thousands of miles to the Ming Dynasty had something of their own, just like the cannibals back then. Therefore, they came into contact with those talented Westerners, and the Ming literati took the initiative to learn a lot. , the two parties had long-term and in-depth exchanges.

Through the Ming Dynasty's organizational power and early investment, it is currently implemented in Samarkand and Southeast Asia.

But what.

Encountered some minor problems.

Zhu Gaochi looked at Xu Ning who looked respectful.

Building railways is a major infrastructure project that can boost the economy, but it requires money, and behind the money is the support of productivity.

Being able to invest [-] million to build a railway does not mean that the court can spend [-] million in real money.

One hundred million in turnover is different from one hundred million in cash.

"I heard that you support the proposal to split the Ministry of Railway Engineering."

Zhu Gaochi laughed.

Xu Ning heard Zhu Gaochi's smile, stood up from his chair again, and said seriously: "The scale and size of the Railway Engineering Department should indeed be split, and the current scale and system of the Railway Engineering Department can no longer adapt. "

Zhu Gaochi understood what Xu Ning meant.

Splitting the Railway Engineering Department has long been controversial in the court.

The number of official railway workers in the Ministry of Railway Engineering has reached 120 million.

Even in the 30s, the total number of domestic railway workers was only 23.The number of railway workers in the Ming Dynasty was not only five times more, but the age structure also tended to be rational.

Although there are many illiterate railway workers in Ming Dynasty and low education level, railway workers have advantages in their age group. Railway workers can be divided into different categories according to their various types of work, management department, workplace, technical level and employment nature. category.

However, like the government at that time, railway workers also implemented an eight-hour work system, but only for regular workers at the Daming Railway Engineering Headquarters.


The territory of the Ming Dynasty was too large.

Especially in border areas, railway workers face many risks at work. They will encounter driving accidents, bandits and robberies, hostile forces destroying railway tracks, and risks in railway construction.

The Railway Engineering Department and the Railway Operation Group will receive certain decentralization of force.

Seeing that Xu Ning was indeed sincere, Zhu Gaochi was very satisfied and handed the charter of splitting the Ministry of Railway Engineering, which was discussed by the cabinet, to Xu Ning.

Xu Ning opened it and took a look.

According to the plan of the charter, the number of railway workers will be expanded to 150 million within two years and to 200 million within five years.

It's a huge plan.

It is divided into three major railway engineering departments.

The Domestic Railway Engineering Department, the Railway Engineering Department of the seven western provinces, and the Railway Engineering Department of Nanyang.

The domestic Railway Engineering Department is based on the current Railway Engineering Department as the main structure. The Railway Engineering Departments of the seven western provinces are mainly located in Samarkand and Yilibalihang Province. The Nanyang Railway Engineering Department is mainly located in Jiaozhi. , extending to Laos, it is planned to build a horizontal railway in 20 years.

Where does the money come from?

Xu Ning looked questioningly.

Money is not valuable, the support behind money is everything.

Xu Ning understands this truth. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has already proposed this theory in Peiping and has been doing this for 20 years. But as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said, everything has its limits.

Xu Ning didn't think Daming had such ability at the moment.Especially with the instability in the west and the unstable environment in Nanyang, even the Japanese state is still engaged in small-scale wars. Although with the intervention of the Ming Dynasty, there is currently no expansion trend.

The country is too big.

Every time we use troops, it involves too much.


Where does the money come from.

Zhu Gaochi looked at a blank report on the desk.

The report elaborated on a new economic theory. Although the text description was different, it coincided with what was proposed by later generations of domestic scholars and had some similarities.
Hongwu 25 years.

Zhu Gaochi called out the people-centered development concept in Peking.

This is not a slogan.

What does it mean to be people-oriented?

Respect the people.

Do not treat ordinary people as trivial matters.

What does Caoji mean? Caoji refers to the dry grass on the roadside, a section of dry grass. The ancients used it to describe worthless things that are not cherished and can be stepped on and discarded at will.

The ninth year of Yongle.

20 years have passed by in the blink of an eye, and No. 20 is a year away.

Social studies in the countryside and county schools have already closed for summer vacation.

The young students returned to their hometowns. During the busy farming season, the children worked hard in the fields.

Hot summer.

Agricultural machinery has become common in the northern land. Except for some small households who still guard their own acres of land, they are still using traditional farming methods and cannot have the economic conditions to use agricultural machinery.

Agricultural machines are also emerging in the southern land. However, due to differences in the planting environment, human labor is still used in most places. However, the price of large sickle agricultural tools is affordable for many farmers.

In just half a month, the children have tanned and lost several layers of skin.


Everyone showed a happy smile.

This year is a good year.

Various schools for workers’ children.

A pattern of squares was posted on the school's archway, and the name of the class was written on each square. Teachers and students crowded around, looking for the name of their class and where it was arranged.

Participation in social activities is not a slogan.

Reading is not pleasure.

The school has its own agricultural machinery, which is taken out from the warehouse and distributed to classes to ensure that everyone has one.

A tiny sickle.

Even 20 years ago, it was a big expense. Nowadays, not only are the prices low, but also common people can afford it. The production volume of various agricultural machinery factories has increased, and it has become a daily necessity.

Many people will not even throw them away and will replace them with new ones every two or three years.

Not only are the new farm tools more convenient to use, they are also easier to use.

Under the leadership of the teacher, each class took a bus to leave the city, then walked on the land in the suburbs, went to the well-connected health center, and worked together with the military uncles.

The children cried out in agony.

Farm work is very hard.

However, participation in labor is a required course in school.

The activity that started in the county school is a stable and unchanging lesson.

Students in some areas in the north happily use agricultural machinery under the guidance of military households.

Especially pushing the sickle cart.

There is a certain danger in pushing the sickle cart, and military households dare not let their children use it.

The oracles were on hand to educate the children.

The machines in the books look like this in real life, and how the military households use them.

The respect for schools and teachers is engraved in the bones of the Chinese people. Even in the modern war period, aspiring warlords would respect their teachers and build schools on a large scale in their own territories, such as Shanxi.

Instead of repairing the yamen, they renovated the school. This tradition has been passed down for thousands of years.

There were many corrupt officials in the Ming Dynasty. When he returned to his hometown, the first thing he did was to invest money in the local social studies.

After participating in a full month of labor, the students will return to school, and then go back to their homes to spend the rest of their summer vacation.

Most working-class families have dual incomes.

After the children regained their strength, they went crazy playing in the city in small groups.

In the building.

The male owner, who spoke in poor Ming dialect, greeted the neighbors warmly. In the evening, someone in the alley placed his own bamboo bed in the corner.

Neighbors gathered here under the shade of the big tree.

On the left is where men play chess, cards, and chat while drinking tea. On the right is where women fan themselves and discuss their children.

Men who break into a group of women will be defeated by women who speak obscenely and are even more rude than men.

People chatted about going down Sanlu.

The children chased fireflies and dragonflies, and the girls arranged flowers, grabbed bags, and played hopscotch.

The red sunset provides light to this world.

The male host tried his best to blend in with his neighbors.

"I heard that Korea is going to be enclosed?"

"I do not know."

The male host doesn't want to talk about such topics.

The North King died, and the North King's eldest son inherited the throne. There were indeed rumors in this regard. However, the King of Goryeo and the King of South Goryeo were not willing, and the male host did not know the specific situation.

It has been half a year since he moved his family to Daming, and many domestic news has fallen behind.

His family's land was sold to merchants from the Ming Dynasty, and his family's status as a member of the Goryeo yangban class was semi-abandoned.

So he is not short of money.

The neighbors only knew that the new neighbor was very wealthy and had been guests at his home. The items in his home were very luxurious, but they did not know that this man was an honorable minister of Goryeo, and they vaguely inferred that this man was not an ordinary person.


The man of the house called his children.

He has five sons and his daughter is married.

The eldest son stayed in Goryeo to serve as an official. The second son died of illness at a young age, leaving behind orphans and widowed mothers. He also brought him to the Ming Dynasty. The third son died in infancy. The fourth son joined a business established by the Ming Dynasty in Goryeo. The youngest son was only nine years old. age.

"I have already prepared the charter for you. You can enroll next month."

The male host said seriously, not as easy-going as outside.

The child is afraid of his father.

The man of the house told me something.

With his status, it is not easy for his children to enroll in school.

He finally maintained a good relationship with his neighbors and obtained a joint guarantee, which was a condition for admission. In the past, he was not like this in Goryeo. The local people were afraid of him like a tiger.

In order to facilitate the management of his slaves and tenants, he used it to kill chickens to scare monkeys, which directly affected at least one human life.

When the Ming Dynasty was founded, Zhu Yuanzhang issued an order to abolish slaves, but left a loophole, specifying that the high-ranking nobles and vassal kings who founded the country, as well as the royal family could use slaves, and the rest were not allowed to use slaves.

Koryo next door has not been cancelled.

Therefore, there were a large number of slaves and hermits in Goryeo.

If the local people saw that the master above them was so kind in Ming Dynasty, they would be shocked and speechless. (End of chapter)

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