The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 680 The encounter between the prince and the soldier

Since ancient times, the victory or defeat of a war has not only depended on bravery and strategy on the battlefield, but is closely related to logistical support. Logistics, as the "lifeline" of war, its importance cannot be ignored. In a war, even if the young and middle-aged are finished fighting, there are still old, weak, women and children who can go to the battlefield, but if the logistics cannot be maintained, the combat effectiveness of the army will be greatly reduced.

The famous Tumu Fort Incident in history is a bloody lesson. The Ming Dynasty's 500,000-strong army was defeated by only tens of thousands of Mongolian troops due to lack of water and food. This is because the Ming army's logistical supply lines were cut off, causing the soldiers to be hungry and exhausted, their weapons to become ineffective, and ultimately unable to resist the onslaught of the Mongolian army. This battle example profoundly proves the decisive role of logistics in the outcome of a war.

Similarly, when firearms gradually become the mainstream weapon on the battlefield, the reliance on logistics has reached an unprecedented height. Firearms such as self-generating fireguns are as useless as fire sticks once they lose the paper gunpowder and lead bullets. When faced with elite soldiers wearing armor, their lethality is far inferior to traditional heavy weapons such as maces.

At this time, the Japanese capital of Kyoto had fallen into the hands of the Ming army, and the shogunate army was in a dilemma.

The nine thousand elite new troops carefully cultivated over the years have fought and defeated the army of the Dog Slave Kingdom in consecutive battles. But when they faced a shortage of supplies, even these elite soldiers lost their original combat effectiveness and were not even as useful as an army equipped with cold weapons.

The general of the shogunate, Yimin Shiba, made a decisive decision. The army that originally attacked the southern region of Konu Kingdom needed to change its marching route, retreat from Futian County, and return to recover Koyama Castle and other places to open up channels to the interior of Japan. The main army must quickly withdraw to Xiaohu Mountain City, and quickly withdraw to the mainland before the Ming army has completely cut off the logistics in the northern region.

However, it is easy for an army to attack, but it is difficult to retreat.

Despite Sipo Yimin's efforts to conceal the news, chaos within the army was inevitable. Various gossips spread like wildfire, making the originally high-morale army hesitant and panicked.

At this time, the 50,000-strong army led by Zhu Neng was like a ready arrow, pointing directly in the direction of Sipo Yimin's main force. Zhu Neng's goal was clear. He took advantage of the enemy's chaos to launch a fatal blow to completely destroy the main force of the shogunate and lay the foundation for victory in the subsequent war.

Although no news from the rear navy has been received for the time being, the battle plan has been carefully formulated to eliminate the effective forces of the shogunate, seize the strategic initiative, and then defeat the Japanese country.

Although the war lasted less than two months, the devastation caused by the war had reached an alarming level.

In the early days of the war, in order to recover after the war, the shogunate imposed stricter discipline requirements on the army and minimized harassment of civilians. However, as supply lines were interrupted, Sipo Yimin had to face reality.

He issued the order coldly: "Each team's exploration horses need to collect at least 10,000 kilograms of grain. Any team that fails to complete the goal will be severely punished."

This military order stunned the captains of each team. Ten thousand catties? This is almost an impossible task.

Sipo Yimin stared at these warriors sharply, his eyes full of determination and firmness. "This is war. You are warriors. Complete your goals or bear the consequences."

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze. Every captain understands that this is the cruelty of war and their duty as warriors. Despite the odds, they must work hard to win.

As a result, each team began to work separately, trying their best to find food. They knew that this was not only to complete the mission, but also to win the war, for the honor of the shogunate, and for their own survival.

During the shogunate era, the status of the shogun was supreme, and the military and administrative power of the entire shogunate was concentrated in his hands.

The current shogun is from the Ashikaga family. There are shoguns under the shogunate. They are senior military generals in the shogunate and are responsible for commanding the military affairs of an army or a region.

Samurai were the core force of Japanese feudal society. They provided military services to their lords as a family unit. Although samurai were the lowest class of society, they dominated the military. Warriors fought for their lord's interests with loyalty, honor, and sacrifice as their creeds.

The counterpart to the samurai was the ashigaru, who were lower-level infantrymen, usually composed of untrained or briefly trained peasants and civilians. Although the Ashigaru's combat capabilities are relatively low, their numerical superiority can play a key role in certain situations.

In addition, there are various specialized soldiers, such as archers, horseback or smaller cavalry units, and musketeers.

Archers are the main force in long-range attacks and can provide continuous fire support on the battlefield. The cavalry troops are good at rapid maneuvers and assaults, causing huge impact on the enemy. The emergence of musketeers marked the gradual increase in the importance of firearms in war.

It is worth mentioning that the shoguns and shoguns of the shogunate are usually also daimyo.

Daimyos were local rulers who had their own territories and armies. They were nominally the emperor's generals, but in fact they held extremely high power within their own territories. Samurai who are loyal to the shogun have the opportunity to become daimyo, but this requires a long period of hard work and accumulation. Unless during a period of great war, there will be a chance for rapid promotion.

Overall, the military system during the shogunate era was a complex hierarchical structure in which various military forces were intertwined to jointly maintain the stability and security of Japanese society.

Therefore, after Ashikaga becomes the new shogun, he will naturally not be alone, but will have a group of family forces that share interests with him.

The Hosokawa family, the Yamana family and the Shiba family are also three of them.

These families have close ties with the Ashikaga clan and jointly maintain the rule of the shogunate.

Compared to the two established families, Hosokawa and Yamana, the Shiba family's status is slightly inferior. Therefore, they became more dependent on Ashikaga's support.

If the Hosokawa and Yamana families choose to surrender, they can still maintain their status by handing over the traitors in the family. But for the Shiba family, losing the support of the Ashikaga clan will reduce them to a third-rate family again, and even face the danger of annihilation.

This is also an important reason why the shogun trusted Shiba Yitong. Faced with such a serious crisis, Sibo Yimin tried his best to save the battlefield situation and prevent the family from falling into an irreversible situation.

On the contrary, if it were an established family such as the Hosokawa family, they might choose to stay out of the matter in order to protect their own interests.

However, Sipo Yimin was well aware of the crisis at this time, and he understood that only by going all out could he save the situation.

So for the sake of the overall situation of the shogunate, he dared to break some things that he usually didn't dare to do.

Hundreds of teams of detective horses were sent out to collect grain. Their task was to collect tens of thousands of kilograms of grain.

As the army retreated, these exploring horses were like locusts crossing the border, ruthlessly plundering the people and landowners along the way.

They not only robbed the people of their food, but also attacked large families, destroying the originally stable human relationships.

These things that Lisbo Yimin did not dare to do in ordinary times, now in order to save the army, he could no longer take care of it. As long as the army can be preserved, the shogunate has hope of continuing to hold on.

On the other hand, the Ming army, except for the initial rapid entry into the Gounu Kingdom and the 50,000-strong army led by Zhu Neng, the rest of the army moved relatively slowly.

The battle on the front line has begun, but some troops are still staying in Jeju Island, Guangdong and other places waiting for transportation, and mountains of supplies are piled on coastal docks waiting for ship transportation.

Such large-scale mobilization is also a severe test for Ming Dynasty.

Most of the entire Ming Dynasty's naval power was concentrated in this sea area to maintain the safety of waterways and assist in the transportation of materials. Previous naval sorties have mobilized most of the naval combat power.

Ming Dynasty did not dare to take this battlefield lightly. The lessons of the collapse of the two expeditions in the Yuan Dynasty made Zhu Di very cautious, preferring to move slowly to ensure nothing goes wrong.

It must also be accidental.

Zhu Neng and Shi Bo Yimin fought in Shenxi City.

Facing the Ming army following them, Shiba Yimin understood that this battle must be fought. Only by defeating the pursuers could the shogunate army retreat smoothly, so he assembled the 70,000 troops at hand.

In order to annihilate the Gounu Kingdom and deal with the threat of the Ming army, the shogunate organized an army of more than 200,000. It could be said that they devoted all their resources, but no one expected that the Ming Dynasty would be so excited.

Even half a million troops were mobilized. The Ming Dynasty claimed to have an army of five million, and this slogan alone frightened many people in the shogunate.

No matter how many soldiers and horses the Ming army actually came, there were at least tens of thousands of pursuers. Coupled with the intelligence of the Ming army in the rear, the number of flags I heard alone was nearly 100,000, so there should be 300,000 horses and horses.

Sipo Yimin felt heavy pressure in his heart and could no longer laugh.

No one expected that Ming Dynasty would be so determined. Why? Is it an honor or misfortune to attach so much importance to their Japanese country?

Sibo Yimin, who couldn't figure it out, had no choice but to mobilize the army, not to annihilate the Ming army, so that they would not dare to continue to pursue him in depth alone.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

The transportation of materials in the Ming Dynasty was indeed very difficult, but it still met the needs of the frontline troops. Zhu Neng, who was not short of arms, also used the old tactics that the Ming army was accustomed to.

Vehicle-mounted artillery bombarded the opponent's formation.

Cavalry harassment.

Baizi fired a barrage of artillery fire to wipe out the enemy troops approaching his own formation.

When the opponent collapses, the infantry charges with bayonets and grenades to clear the way.

Such tactics were used by the Ming army over tens of thousands of miles, from deserts to jungles, from rivers to seas. Although the tactics were constantly adjusted due to the terrain, the fundamentals remained unchanged.

Whether it means that the army's tactics are rigid or that the army is a coward hiding in the rear, but it can make the place unable to fight back and win the victory on the battlefield, that is the strategy pursued by Ming Dynasty.

Using the same tactics, Sipo Yimin was not more powerful than Timur's elite generals. On the contrary, because the cavalry was less powerful, it was not as good as the threat Timur's army posed to the Ming army.

Zhu Neng defeated the shogunate's army at a small cost.

Seeing that the situation was over, Sipo Yimin originally wanted to commit suicide, but his brother stopped him.

"The shogunate needs a big brother now."

Shiba Yimin gritted his teeth. He was dead. The remaining armies around him were leaderless, and it would be even harder to escape. For the sake of his family and the shogunate, Shiba Yimin chose to endure the humiliation and survive.

Finally, he fled the battlefield with his bodyguards, and was pursued by the Ming army on a large scale.

Shenxi City will not surrender.

The terrain here was dangerous, so the Ming army chose to bombard the city for three consecutive days, destroying the fortifications on the city wall. The artillery fire continued and the entire city turned into a sea of ​​flames. The soldiers and civilians in the city could no longer hold on and chose to leave the city and surrender.

Sandoya Castle, Matsue Castle, Getsama Tomita Castle, the so-called Tadayama Castle, etc. either surrendered or were defeated.

At last.

Sibo Yimin was surrounded by the pursued Ming cavalry at Dashan Temple. Because the warriors resisted resolutely, the Ming cavalry did not attack by force. They sent people to notify the rear and ask for cannons to be sent over.

Although the vehicle-mounted cannon is transported by vehicle, it cannot be easily reached due to its weight. However, the Baizi Cannon can be used. Not only is it light in weight, but it also shoots out hundreds of lead bullets explosively, making it even more terrifying in narrow terrain.



With the heavy sound of lead bullets, the warriors turned into bloody men. No matter how ferocious the warriors were, they fled in panic, not daring to continue fighting. Seeing that there was no hope of breaking through, Yimin Shiba committed suicide in the temple.

Subsequent reinforcements continued to support, and Zhu Neng had more and more troops. Not only did he regain the entire Gounu Kingdom, but he also connected with the capital city captured by the navy, giving him an absolute strategic advantage.

Not only did they occupy a large area of ​​the city, they mainly destroyed the shogunate's main army of more than 100,000 people.

The shogunate has lost more than 100,000 troops. Even if it reorganizes the army, the combat effectiveness will be far inferior to the current situation. Moreover, the shogunate has lost its capital, and it is not certain whether it can maintain its food and grass needs, not to mention the cost of recruiting an army.

Although they were defeated on the battlefield, a large number of samurai and ashigaru became homeless among the people.

In order to completely eliminate these remaining forces, the Ming army began to raid the countryside and also required landlords from various places to provide the Ming army with food and grass needs.

The Gounu Kingdom plundered once, and the shogunate army looted once. The defeated troops continued to harass, and the Ming army came again to ask for food and grass. They were already in a state of embarrassment. The landlords who were lucky enough to survive were begging for mercy without tears.

More than a dozen defeated soldiers hid in the wealthy family's home.

Encountering the Ming army who came to collect taxes, the two groups fought hand to hand.

"It turns out that the people of Ming Dynasty are so powerful."

The defeated soldiers did not take advantage of the fact that both sides used cold weapons. They were also beaten badly. Those Ming soldiers were as powerful as spears in using bayonets. With the coordinated bayonet skills of three and three, even highly qualified warriors could not stop them. A hole.

The reinforcements who came after hearing the news saw that only one of their own people had been stabbed, and the injury was not serious. One of them, a young man, asked politely.

Wu Zhongming bandaged his comrades, and was very unhappy when he heard the condescending tone of the visitor. Although he was valued by Uncle Shi and sent to the personal expeditionary army to gain a share of credit, it was a pity that Uncle Shi's relationship here was too shallow, and he was also I have never been able to get any decent credit.

When he turned around and was about to be rude, he was stunned.

Although he was wearing a soldier's uniform, everyone was surrounding the young man for fear of something happening. The appearance of three layers inside and three layers outside would indeed reveal the person's high status, but even if the enemy found out, there was nothing they could do.

Even mosquitoes can't fly through it, and a sneak attack is even more impossible.

Seeing such momentum, Wu Zhongming was not a reckless person. He answered the question calmly with the mentality of not offending the other party.

After hearing the other party's reply, Zhu Zhanyong nodded with satisfaction.

He is actually a second-generation soldier and can be regarded as a great Ming Zhongliang.

Wu Zhongming's father Wu Zhenmeng was not a member of the overseas corps. His official position in the Ming Dynasty army when he retired was captain. In Zhu Zhanyong's eyes, being a second-generation soldier was not bad. (End of chapter)

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