Stop contacting LPL, we are so unfamiliar!

Chapter 315: 0 IG messages! LEC has Dark, LCK has Faker, what about LPL?

Chapter 315: Zero IG seals! LEC has Dark, LCK has Faker, what about LPL?

"Give the IG team a chance to attack the dragon first?"

"How can I give this?"

"The IG guys just want to avoid fighting and delay growth. If we go to Xiaolong Pit first to lay out our vision, they will definitely let us go."

After hearing Dark's plans for the next game, Hilisan asked in confusion while returning with Perkz.

After all, the next dragon is only the second dragon in this game. If the IG team does not want to end the game so quickly, they will definitely choose to give up the dragon competition in exchange for a short development time for the five people.

"If we don't occupy Xiaolong's pit, won't they have a chance to attack Xiaolong first?"

Dark chuckled softly, and then pinned Jackeylove Varus, who had appeared on the top lane again.

"If the IG team lets go of the second dragon, then the development time they can get is only 1 minute at most, but if they steal the second dragon, the development time they can get is 5 minutes!"

"Varus is now pushing the lane on the top lane. After you return, you two will go directly to the top lane to guard the tower, and then continue to advance towards the second tower, giving the opponent the illusion that we are not going to take the dragon at the first time."

"BB, how much money do you have? If you don't have enough, wait for a while to eat a wave of soldiers and then return to buy a stopwatch. Then follow my prompts to go to Xiaolong Pit to harass the other side. Use your ultimate move and stopwatch to buy time for us to rush on our way."

"It doesn't matter if you die, if your life can replace Theshy Victor's life, then we will make a lot of money this time!"

Dark confidently arranged the next battle plan to his teammates, although there was no guarantee that this plan would be successful. After all, the IG team was very likely to choose to let go of Xiaolong.

But even if this probability does not reach 90.00%, it can definitely reach more than [-]%!
Because based on Dark's understanding of the IG team, if the G2 duo appeared on the top lane with him and Ning Wang's excavator didn't touch Xiaolong, then they would not be worthy of becoming the spring champion of the LPL division!

So, as the Dark combat plan was arranged, everyone in G2 nodded and appeared in their respective positions again.

Dark Scorpion accompanied the G2 duo to the top lane, Caps Lux continued to defend the middle lane, and BB Kennen stood in front of the second tower and tried his best to push the troops forward.

Just like that, after one minute of calm before the storm passed, the game time finally slowly crossed the 1-minute mark.

"You're ready to take action. I'll go around the opposite face first."

When BB Kenan finished playing the rocket belt and bought the second piece of equipment, the stopwatch, Dark Scorpion gave the order and ran directly to the upper half of the jungle area of ​​the IG team.

He originally thought about pushing the troops into the second tower with the G2 duo and then heading towards the Xiaolong Pit, but to his surprise, in the blue BUFF grass, a defensive eye inserted in advance by the IG team immediately stopped the Dark Scorpion. the way to go.

This made Dark feel happy, and it also made Ning Wang Excavator happy.

After realizing that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to control the dragon, Ning Wang's excavator dug into the dragon pit at the time when the dragon refreshed at 14 minutes and 20 seconds. Then he started scanning to confirm that there was no G2 eye position here. , just started his solo against Xiaolong.

And in order to create a wave of "dark under the lights" dragon-stealing operation, Ningwang Excavator did not ask any teammates to help him. He still asked Rookie Zoe and Theshy Victor to clear the lanes in the middle and bottom lanes, pretending that they did not know the dragon at all. Already refreshed.

But in Dark Scorpion's view, since Ning Wang's excavator has not appeared on the mini-map for a long time, his only place to go is Xiaolong Pit!

"BB, it's almost done."

So, at 14 minutes and 30 seconds of game time, Dark Scorpion said to BB Kenan, while leading the duo quickly towards the lower river.


BB nodded, gave up on the line with Theshy Victor, and retreated directly to the triangular grass. Then he clicked the explosive fruit and bombed it into the river, and then walked quickly towards the Xiaolong Pit.

Immediately, he discovered as expected that King Ning's excavator was not only here, but he had also killed nearly one-third of Xiaolong's health by himself.

Secret!Lei Kai!
Secret meaning!Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prisoners!
Although King Ning's excavator's health was still nearly full, BB Kenan didn't want to give the IG team any chance to pull away. He rushed directly into the Xiaolong Pit with ER, and electrocuted both the man and the dragon. It also quickly dropped to about one-third.


In order to prevent BB Kenan from cooperating with Xiaolong to complete a single kill on him, King Ning's excavator had to hand over punishment to restore blood, and at the same time walked as far as possible out of Xiaolong's pit.

Profound meaning!Chidori!
Although Rookie Zoe in the middle lane and Theshy Victor in the bottom lane were already coming at full speed, as BB Kenan chased after him with another Q skill, King Ning's excavator had to hand over the flash directly. He was able to lock his health volume at a quarter.

Gravity field!
At this time, Theshy Victor, who finally arrived, immediately put down his W skill at the entrance of Xiaolong's pit to block BB Kenan from continuing to pursue Ning Wang's excavator.

Siphon energy!

Death Ray!

Coupled with the damage from the QE skill, BB Kennen's health, which was beginning to resist the dragon's damage, was also at risk.


But just as Rookie Zoe, who also arrived, was about to continue to deal damage to BB Kennen, there was a crisp "ding" sound, and BB Kennen, with only half of his health left, turned into a golden legend!

This made the top, middle and jungler of IG frown immediately, because if they couldn't kill BB Kenan immediately, the Dark Scorpion, which had already activated the Predator, would be coming to them soon!
Hypnotic Bubbles!

Seeing the Dark Scorpion getting closer and closer, Rookie Zoe hurriedly threw the E skill at him instead of BB Kenan in an attempt to block it.

But after Dark Scorpion avoided it by moving with ease, Rookie immediately began to regret it. If the bubble was to sleep with BB Kenan, then they still had a chance to kill it.

But now, BB Kenan, who has returned to action, not only activates his E skill and speeds away, Rookie Zoe herself is the first to become the prey of everyone in G2!
Crystal Stinger!

It's naturally too late to regret.

After catching up with Rookie Zoe, Dark Scorpion handed over his ultimate move without saying a word, preparing to pull him to his teammates first.


Because Rookie Zoe had both moves in hand at this moment, Dark Scorpion did not succeed this time.

But this did not dissuade Dark Scorpion from continuing to pursue Rookie Zoe. After the E skill hit, he continued to step forward in an attempt to use the flat A to stun.

But at this moment, a whirlpool suddenly appeared at Dark Scorpion's feet. Coupled with the prompts from the G2 duo, Dark Scorpion immediately understood that this was Baolan Tamu driving through his ultimate move and arriving at the river battlefield one step ahead of the duo!

Death Ray!

Siphon energy!

I have to admit that Theshy Victor's development is indeed good and his damage is indeed high.

Before Baolan Tamu officially landed, he only used two skills to instantly beat Dark Scorpion to the lowest level of health.

However, because the Dark Scorpion had already started to retreat immediately, Rookie Zoe's Q skill Flying Stars was not able to kill the Dark Scorpion.

But looking at this bloody head, how could Ning Wang Excavator be able to bear it and let him leave?

Void Dash!

With the Q skill Prey Search hitting in advance, the next moment, Ning Wang Excavator pressed the ultimate move and swooped towards the Dark Scorpion from a distance.

But what Ning Wang Excavator never expected was that at this moment, a thick shield suddenly appeared on Dark Scorpion's health bar!

It's Hilisangario's ultimate move, and the hero appears!

"It's over..."

At this moment, King Ning's excavator was filled with despair, because even if he successfully saved the big move, the Dark Scorpion, which was supposed to be dead, still had a trace of blood left.


Even more when King Ning's excavator could accept the head as long as he fired the last draw, Dark Scorpion just sneered, and then decisively handed over the Flash that he had always held in his hand!
On the IG team's side, seeing that King Ning's excavator was about to disappear, Baolan Tamu directly flashed into the range of Galio's ultimate move, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

But it was just to help King Ning's excavator take the hit from Hirisangario.

Duran Shield!

The next moment, Hilisangario immediately began to charge W, trying to leave it behind.

In order to prevent King Ning's excavator from dying in his stomach, Baolan Tam immediately vomited it in front of Ashuikasha and Theshy Victor after landing.

But little did he know that what Hirisangario had been waiting for was also at this very moment!

Seeing that the four IG people had gathered together, the next moment, Hilisangario directly handed over his W flash.

Immediately afterwards, the four IG people were immediately ridiculed by a Durang shield!

Although Dark Scorpion could no longer enter the field to deal damage at this time, he stood in the distance and began to command, so he naturally knew that now was the best time to kill the game!
The bondage of light!

Translucent singularity!

The ultimate flash!Therefore, Caps Lux's skill was thrown out without thinking.

Hunter instinct!

Heavy rain in Ekasia!

So, Perkz Kai'Sa, who was still far away a second ago, flew into the crowd with her ultimate move.

And when all the damage from G2's Double C was dealt out at once, King Ning's Excavator, who had the lowest health, and Theshy Victor, who had just used his ultimate move Chaos Storm, disappeared in an instant.

G2.Caps killed IG.Ning!

G2.Caps killed IG.Theshy!

Double Kill!

Although Asui Verus immediately used the backhand ultimate move Corruption Vine after resuming action and successfully shot the remaining health BB Kennen to death with the Q skill Piercing Arrow.

But having lost all his skills, he still couldn't escape the pursuit of Perkz after Kai'Sa's ultimate overload.

G2.Perkz killed IG.Jackeylove!

As for the last two remaining members of the IG team, although they did not suffer too much damage in the first place, they still could not escape death in the end.

When Hirisangario used the E skill Justice Punch to move and used the second W skill Durang Shield to leave Rookie Zoe behind.

When Dark Scorpion's health returned to health, he turned around and used his E skill Crystal Shatter to stun Sapphire Tam on the spot.

This was originally an opportunity for the IG team to steal the dragon, but in the end it became a nightmare for them to kill themselves!
G2.Perkz killed IG.Rookie!

G2.Dark killed IG.Baolan!


Therefore, at 15 minutes and 15 seconds of game time, the G2 team exchanged one for five, successfully killing the IG team for the first time in this game!




At this moment, all the fans of the G2 team in the entire scene were extremely ecstatic and excited, and began to shout the name of the G2 team loudly.

Because they all understand that when the G2 team destroys the IG team, then in this game, the IG team has lost its last chance to make a comeback.

The red side killed the mountain dragon!
And when the remaining four members of G2 successfully won the second earth dragon, the mood of the three people in the LPL official commentator's seat had become extremely desperate.

Because they also know that in this game, this BO5, the IG team has just missed victory!

"If I guess correctly, this wave of dragon team battles is definitely a trap designed by Dark player for the IG team, because what he likes to do most is pretending to give opponents opportunities, but in fact he is digging holes for them. !”

After a long time, Miller's voice was trembling.

Combined with the post-match comments released by the G2 team in previous years, it can be imagined that Dark players have laid out dragnet-like battle plans for their opponents time and time again.

So this time, Miller almost subconsciously believed that the defeat of the IG team was definitely due to the Dark player's trick!
"It is indeed very possible, because with the operational level of Dark player and G2 team, it is absolutely impossible for them not to do vision and position in advance before Xiaolong refreshes."

"But this time, their choice was to appear on the top lane when the dragon was refreshed. This gave King Ning the illusion that I could steal the dragon."

"Then he was discovered by BB Kenan and used the stopwatch he just bought to delay the support of his teammates long enough!"

Guan Zeyuan's mood was also filled with an endless sense of powerlessness, because the feeling at this moment was like a kindergarten child playing palace battle with a concubine in the harem. In addition to being plotted, there was nothing but being plotted against.

"Dark's strategy is indeed invincible, and the most important thing is that G2 players have always given the IG team a specious opportunity."

“The first time was when the lone BB Kenan used his golden body to avoid damage, the second time was when Dark Scorpion, who was still on health, used Hilisang Galio’s ultimate move to deceive King Ning’s ultimate move, and the third time was when Hirisang Galio used his ultimate move. Galio pretended that he couldn't touch the IG crowd, but he directly flashed and taunted four of them."

"As long as IG players have a clear mind for one of these times, their losses cannot be as big as they are now."

"But in that situation, it is really difficult to keep IG players calm..."

Rita also used her pale voice to review the details of this wave of team battles. After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Because the IG team lost to such a powerful opponent like the G2 team, they really had no temper!
"The most unfortunate thing about this wave is actually Theshy Victor. He was instantly killed by G2 Double C without even reacting."

"If the flash is handed over in time, he can become the only comeback point for the IG team."

"But now that I die and my growth is stopped..."

"All I can say is, believe in miracles."

Miller was speechless, and Guan Zeyuan could only lament. While cheering for the IG team again, he set his sights on Summoner's Rift again.

But for everyone in G2, what they have to do next is just to end this game that is already a must-win step by step!

After gaining a huge advantage, the G2 team stepped up their offensive without hesitation.

At 17 minutes of game time, BB Kenan easily pushed down the bottom tower of the IG team.

In the 18th minute of the game, the five G2 players began to advance in the middle, and carried out vision control in the upper half of IG's jungle area, and then successfully caught an Ashui Verus who switched from the top lane through the jungle to the middle lane, and Dark Scorpion directly opened it up. Pull back and complete the instant kill.

At 19 minutes of game time, the IG team’s middle tower was defeated.

The game lasted 20 minutes. After a wave of operations in the upper and middle lanes, G2 successfully defeated the first Baron Nash in the game at 21 minutes.

The game time was 21 minutes and 30 seconds. The IG team's second tower was defeated on the road. When they wanted to go to the high ground, they encountered stubborn resistance from the IG team, so they could only choose to retreat temporarily.

But what everyone in G2 didn't expect was that just when they were preparing to return for repairs, the IG team was not willing to let them go at all. Not only did they chase them out from the high ground, Baolan Tamu also directly used Ning Wang's excavator ultimate move Drive around the back!
But with the huge gap in levels and equipment between the two teams, all IG could do was try their best to kill Hirisangario.

The rest were backhand killed by the other four members of G2, and the team was wiped out for the second time in this game!

At this point, all suspense in this game has been lost!
Although because it was just over 20 minutes, everyone in IG's resurrection time was too fast, so everyone in G2 was unable to end the game in one wave.

But the next game has also become garbage time!

"Lost, this game has been lost."

"Although I was mentally prepared for this result, I never expected that the IG team could not even win a small game in the end."

“Originally, in the S8 finals last year, when IG was defeated by G2 1-3 and became the only LPL team that could win a small game against G2 in the past two years, I thought we saw hope in the LPL division. I thought this year’s IG team would be able to become more courageous and win more games against the G2 team.”

"But who would have thought that, let alone winning the second round of the G2 team, the IG team couldn't even win a single round!"

"This is the spring championship of our LPL division! Is the gap really that big?!"

When everyone in G2 finally blew the charge horn and rushed to the high ground of the IG team in one go, Miller's voice began to choke, because he really couldn't accept that the LPL division was not getting stronger year by year, but every year. The fact that it is weaker than a year!

"The main reason is that the Dark player is too good. If the G2 team does not have Dark and uses Jankos as a substitute, the IG team will definitely win the G2 team easily."

"But it's a pity that there is no if. Just as the SKT team has Faker, the G2 team also has Dark."

"A big demon king who can defeat all opponents by himself!"

Guan Zeyuan's voice was full of helplessness, but it was also full of envy, because as the official commentator of the LPL division, why didn't he hope that the LPL division could also have such a benchmark figure? !
What makes him most uncomfortable is that Dark could have stayed in the LPL and become a symbol of the LPL region...

But again, it’s a pity that there is no if.

So all Guan Zeyuan can do at this time is congratulations.

"In the end, the IG team failed to stop the G2 team's final offensive."

"With the IG team's base crystal broken, the G2 team defeated the IG team with a score of 3-0. While winning the BO5 victory in the upper bracket finals, they also successfully advanced to the finals of this MSI."

"Then let's..."

"Congratulations to the G2 team!"

(End of this chapter)

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