Stop contacting LPL, we are so unfamiliar!

If there is no chapter 390, LPL is a traitor? When will LPL also represent China?

Chapter 390 If you don’t return to LPL, you will be a traitor? When will LPL also represent China?

@G2.Perkz: Huh?

@G2.Caps: Huh?

@G2.Hylissang: Huh?

@G2.Wunder: Huh?

@G2.BrokenBlade: Huh?

As if it was an agreement, when the G2 team's official account announced the news of G2.Dark's departure on major Internet platforms, the five G2 team members immediately left five identical comments in the comment area. The word "ah".

Subsequently, the five people contacted Mingrui in various ways and asked him why he made such a decision with extreme surprise, shock, and even anger!

"Two days ago when you were leaving, you said goodbye to us S10. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it at the time, but now I realize that you are saying goodbye to us!"

"Well, Dark, we agreed that we would win more world championships together, but you left the team two days after we won three consecutive championships. Doesn't your conscience hurt?!"

"Dark, tell me this is a joke that you and the G2 team jointly played on us, otherwise I will not forgive you!"

In the group chat, the G2 players were talking to Mingrui, and a bright smile gradually appeared on Mingrui's face.

"To be more precise, it is to form an all-Chinese team!"

But for the League of Legends summoners around the world, the sudden departure of Triple Crown Champion Dark was like a depth bomb, which directly brought a huge wave to them!

Especially fans of the G2 team and the LEC division, who were still participating in the G2 team's championship celebrations in the Summoner's Rift at this time, felt like the sky was falling when they heard the news!

Because they can't imagine how their performance will be in the future world championships when the G2 team loses Dark, when the LEC loses Dark.

"Actually, we can understand it if you just said these things when you left."

"How many all-Chinese teams are there in the LPL? If there is only RNG, then they are really a piece of shit."

"In that case, I forgive you, but Dark, let's put the ugly words first. If G2 encounters your team then, don't blame us for not being merciful!"

"Dark, I don't agree with you leaving the team. Come back quickly. Otherwise, what will we do next without you?"

Because of this, his "leaving the team incident" has come to a successful end in the G2 team.

And after he finished speaking such a long paragraph, after a long time, the responses from his teammates finally appeared in the group chat.

Compared to the fans of the G2 team, the LPL fans who heard the news were full of joy and excitement.

"I also know about the LPL division now. The Korean Double C has promoted our country's prestige. It is true that several teams in the LPL division in recent years have Korean players playing in carry games."

"Everyone, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you directly about leaving the team at that time. I was just worried that your reaction would be too violent, so I could only leave the G2 team in this way."

Now that the G2 team has announced the news of his departure, Mingrui has nothing to hide from his former teammates and directly reveals his true feelings to everyone in the G2 team's chat group.

"In the past three years, I believe you have also learned from my mouth the importance of the three words "All-China Class" to every Chinese League of Legends player."

"I did make a mistake in this matter, but I still hope to get your understanding and support, because my next goal is to form a team of my own."

After all, just as Carlos said to himself on the day he left the team, in the past three years, the G2 team has become his second home!

Perhaps it is very possible to go back to four years ago, when Dark had not yet come to Europe!

Looking at the messages sent to him one by one by his five former teammates, Mingrui felt very sorry and uncomfortable.

"But at the same time, you also know that the all-Chinese class in the LPL division is a piece of shit, so if I want to achieve the goal of winning the all-Chinese class, I can only achieve it myself."

"I didn't expect that Dark joined the national team last year and won the Asian Games championship. Next year, he wants to create an all-Chinese team to compete for the S10 world championship?"

"So, I have now come to China Xiangjiang, ready to buy a league seat in the PCS division, and then use a curve to save the country to complete my next goal!"

Because in their view, when Dark leaves the G2 team, it is the day he is about to return to the LPL!

After all, if Dark had not returned to the LPL, then it would have been impossible for Dark to find a second home that was better than the LPL except for the G2 team around the world.

Even the LCK division is absolutely impossible. After all, in the past two years, the LCK division, which even the runner-up of the World Championship has been unable to touch, is also experiencing its darkest moment!

"It seems that the apology letter issued by the LPL official and RNG team a few days ago is still very useful, otherwise Dark would not have left the G2 team immediately."

"Although Dark has scolded our LPL competition area in the past three years, it is obvious that he still loves the LPL competition area deeply in his heart and really wants to return to the LPL competition area!"

"Indeed, LPL and RNG have just invited Dark to return to the LPL division, and he has come back regardless of the past grudges. Such Dark is so worthy of our love!"

"Brothers, if Dark really returns to the LPL, does it mean that our LPL will finally receive our first S Championship trophy? I'm so excited just thinking about it!"

"What if? Dark will definitely return to LPL, and to be fair, if LPL and RNG had apologized to Dark earlier, he would have returned to our LPL!"

The more LPL fans thought about it, the more excited they became, and the more they chatted, the more excited they became. They immediately rushed into Dark player's personal scarf and started asking which LPL team he wanted to join.

What's more, directly ask the official website of each major LPL team whether they have submitted a transfer offer to Dark!

But just when all LPL fans were ecstatic, a basin of cold water was quickly poured on their heads.

Because many LPL team officials responded quickly, saying that they had actually submitted Dark's transfer offer to the G2 team three days ago, but without exception, they were all rejected by Dark himself!

In particular, the official official website of the RNG team even directly announced the details of their 6000 million annual salary offer, hoping that the Dark players could forgive the RNG team and return.

It's a pity that Dark player didn't appreciate the RNG team's kindness at all!

So at this moment, all LPL fans were in a frenzy again.

But their emotions are no longer excited and excited, but angry and angry!

Because in their view, the moment Dark refused to return to the LPL competition, it was tantamount to a complete break between him and the LPL competition!

"Damn, what does Dark mean? Both the LPL official and the RNG team apologized to him, and they sincerely extended an invitation to return, but he still doesn't appreciate it?"

"That's right, the LPL has given him a step up, but he still didn't take advantage of it. Does he really think of himself as a person?"

"Where will Dark go if he doesn't return to the LPL region? It certainly can't be the LCS rookie region. Is that really the LCK region?"

"No, does Dark really want to fight against the LPL forever? Not to mention that there has been no foreign aid in the LCK so far. This LCK is a hostile region of the LPL. If Dark really goes to the LCK, then It's tantamount to surrendering to the enemy!" "Brothers, let me tell you a more cruel possibility, that is, Dark went directly to the LJL Island Division, and then came specifically to disgust us."

"Damn, if Dark really goes to the LJL division, then he will be a complete traitor!"

"There is no need to go to the LJL competition area. Let me tell you, even though LPL and RNG have apologized, but he still doesn't return, it means that he has never thought about returning to the country, and it means that he is already a traitor!"

"@G2.Dark is a traitor if he doesn't return to the LPL. It's up to you!"

"@G2.Dark If you don't come back to LPL this year, you'll never come back. China doesn't welcome a traitor like you!"

"Yes! If Dark really doesn't come back this year, he should get out of China completely! The traitor should die outside the country!"

In less than two hours, the public opinion of the Dark player in the LPL region had a two-level reversal, falling directly from the sky to the ground.

From a savior who was about to return and save LPL from the fire, he turned into a traitor who was about to be expelled from the country!

Mingrui, who saw these online comments, only found them a bit funny. Xindao's bunch of LPL fans are still as stupid as ever, otherwise they wouldn't be able to say such stupid things!

"Such a big rhythm has emerged in such a short period of time."

"There must be someone behind the scenes who is buying trolls to add fuel to the flames. They want to stand on a high moral level and rely on the pressure of public opinion to force me back to the LPL."

"Is it the LPL official? Or is it the RNG team management?"

Mingrui sneered repeatedly as he looked at the large number of threats and abuses that flooded his comment section and private messages.

It doesn't really matter who the mastermind behind the scenes is. What's important is that there is no way that he will fall into their trap!

But this night, Mingrui did not immediately fight back.

After all, his own affairs have not been completed yet. Only when it is completed before taking action can these stupid LPL fans truly realize how stupid they are tonight!

So, regardless of the public opinion on the Internet, Mingrui quickly contacted the boss of the GRX team early the next morning and told him his intention to come straight to the point.

As for Mingrui's request to purchase league seat qualifications, the GRX team boss did not show much resistance.

After all, the GRX team's performance in the league is not only poor, but its financial situation is also increasingly stretched. If it continues to survive in the league, sooner or later it will need to lose money to subsidize the team's daily operations.

Therefore, for the owners of the GRX team, if they can sell their league seats after the end of the S9 season and before the start of the S10 season, they will still have the opportunity to make a small profit.

But what happened next made Mingrui a little bit unexpected, that is, the owner of the GRX team actually set the price of their league seat qualifications at 60 million!

This price is absolutely unacceptable to Mingrui. After all, a team seat in the LPL division is only worth 9000 million. Even a low-level team in the PCS division dares to set the price at 6000 million. This is totally a big deal!

Besides, if Mingrui really spent 6000 million to buy the seats for the GRX team, then the remaining 4000 million would probably not be enough for a team to operate normally for one year!

"Fifty million is the most."

So, Mingrui immediately bargained, and at the same time he realized in his heart why the boss of GRX dared to ask for such an exorbitant price.

The reason must be that he also saw the official announcement of his departure from the team released by the G2 team last night. Coupled with today's meeting, the GRX boss believed that he was definitely a must for the Xiangjiang team, so he raised the price!

But what the GRX team boss doesn't know is that he actually has a "spare tire" like the Flash Wolves team!

"Only 50 million? Let me think about it..."

Upon hearing this price, the GRX boss immediately showed an embarrassed expression on his face.

Just as he was thinking about it, Mingrui's cell phone suddenly rang. When he picked it up, it turned out to be the owner of the Flash Wolves team, who had been introduced by Nelson, so he took the initiative to call Mingrui, hoping to talk to him about seat acquisition. !

As for the price offered by the owner of the Flash Wolves team to Mingrui, it was actually less than 5000 million, only 4500 million!

Even the boss of the Flash Wolves team gritted his teeth and added, 4000 million is fine!

"Is 4000 million okay?"

"Okay, just wait for me, I'll set off for Wanwan."

When the boss of the Flash Wolves team took the initiative to contact him, Mingrui felt overjoyed.

Although the distance between Bay and Bay Province is a little far, if you can save 2000 million to buy a seat in the PCS league, it is still a very worthwhile thing!

It's just that Mingrui didn't succeed, because the boss of the GRX team panicked when he heard that the Flash Wolves team also participated in this "bidding".

After all, once Mingrui leaves, the GRX team will most likely fall directly into his hands!

"4500 million, Dark!"

"Don't want 6000 million, don't want 5000 million, just 4500 million, I will sell you the GRX team's league seat."

"You must have your own considerations when you come to Xiangjiang instead of Wanwan, so for you, 4500 million is absolutely..."

"4000 million!"

Just looking at the GRX team boss who became anxious at this moment, Mingrui's tone became very calm.

Since the 5000 million just now still needs to be considered, the price he can offer now can only be the same as the price of the Flash Wolves team.

"It's a deal... it's a deal..."

After hearing Mingrui's decision, the GRX boss suddenly felt like a deflated rubber ball. He was infinitely upset about why he had been so greedy just now and did not quickly agree to Mingrui's 5000 million.

At this point, Mingrui has negotiated a league seat purchase agreement with the GRX team owner and signed an informal purchase contract on the spot.

As for the subsequent formal purchase contract, it will take some time to go through the process.

But even this means that Mingrui already has a team of his own in the PCS division!

Although there are still many things to do in the future, there is only one thing Mingrui wants to do at this moment, and that is to send out a scarf!

So, facing the flood of abuse and curses from countless LPL fans, Mingrui said this.

"@G2.Dark: If you don't return to LPL, you will be a traitor? When will LPL also represent China?"

"Or in your eyes, teams from other divisions are not Chinese teams?!"

"Then let me ask, who is the real traitor?!"

(End of this chapter)

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