Stop contacting LPL, we are so unfamiliar!

Chapter 91 Thank you RNG!Thanks LPL!

Chapter 91 Thank you RNG!Thanks LPL! (seeking subscription)
"Although I am very reluctant to say this sentence..."

"But we still have to congratulate the G2 team. In tonight's BO5 final, they defeated the WE team with a score of 3 to 0 and became the overall champion of the 2017 MSI Mid-Season Championship Invitational."

In the center of the huge stage, when the spotlights and the golden ribbons all over the sky are focused on the MSI championship trophy, it falls on the shoulders of all the G2 team members, seeing their bright smiles on their faces, seeing their full hearts when cheering.

At the LPL official commentary table, the three of them were silent for a while, their faces were pale, and their hearts were ashamed.

Before the game, they believed that this year is the most promising year for LPL, especially the WE team, which is the hope of LPL's hope!

After all, they crushed the powerful RNG team with a score of 3-0 in the LPL Spring Finals and won the qualification for this year's MSI.

In the subsequent MSI group stage, although the WE team was indeed double-killed by the G2 team, the records of other teams were very gorgeous.

In addition, the SKT team, the most threatening team to the WE team, was eliminated early by the G2 team in the semi-finals, so all LPL audiences think that they have stronger personal strength and more BO5 final experience. The WE team can easily win the G2 team and win this MSI championship.

Especially in the pre-match promotional video of the finals, Dark dared to say such insults to the WE team and the LPL division.

This made all LPL audiences more firmly believe that all members of the WE team will be able to transform anger and hatred into strength and motivation. In the finals, while avenging the G3 team 0-2, it will justify the name of the entire LPL division and let The LPL division has officially secured its position as the world's number one division!
However, all LPL viewers never imagined that the development of the plot in tonight's finals is completely different from what they imagined in their hearts!

Team WE, not only failed to beat G3 team 0-2, but even failed to win any small rounds in the hands of G2 team, they were reversed 3-0 and took away the team that should have belonged to WE team and the LPL division. MSI champion!

And the most shameful thing is that in the third round of the just-concluded round, the WE team was directly beaten by the G2 team in a speedrun round, ruining the whole round with the time of "WE1557", which was more humiliating than "SKT1556". The game ruined the entire BO5, and even ruined the entire MSI!

"Congratulations to G2."

"Although I don't want to admit it, but in the three rounds of the finals tonight, the G2 team did perform better than the WE team, the state is better than the WE team, and the tactical execution is more determined than the WE team. "

"So, losing to the G2 team can only show that we are still not as skilled as others for the time being."

After another long silence, Miller finally spoke slowly and heavily, feeling very depressed.

But the baby is still quite optimistic!
"Don't be proud of winning or discouraged in defeat. To be honest, I don't think we need to be too discouraged. Instead, we should see the progress of our LPL division."

"As we all know, since the EDG team won the first MSI championship in 15, in the next three consecutive world championships, our record in the LPL division was not particularly good, and it can even be said to be very poor."

"But in this MSI, the WE team has achieved the best historical result for our LPL division in recent years, and that is the runner-up in the World Championship!"

"Isn't the world runner-up worthy of our joy?"

"Furthermore, although Team WE was indeed defeated by Team G2 3-0 tonight, to be fair, I think Team WE was able to comeback and win by only a short margin in every round. It's just a little bit of bad luck."

"So in my opinion, although this MSI, our LPL division only won the final runner-up, but judging from the performance of the entire MSI, our LPL division actually already has the strength to win the championship!"

"That is to say, in the next S7 World Championship, our team in the LPL division will definitely go one step further and win the world championship of the S7 World Championship!"

At the commentary seat, Doll spoke impassionedly, worked hard and solemnly, her eyes were full of expectations and confidence for the future.

After all, as an official commentator of LPL, the more he is at this time, the more he wants to give all LPL audiences confidence in the LPL team and the LPL competition area, let them continue to support LPL, and continue to believe in "the next LPL Definitely can win the championship" fact!

This is the meaning of the existence of an LPL official commentator!
"Waah is right, we really shouldn't lose confidence at this time."

"After all, we have come through the darkest moments of the past two years, and now this MSI runner-up is the last night before dawn for us LPL!"

"As long as our LPL grit our teeth and stick to the past, then in the S7 World Finals at our doorstep, our LPL will definitely be able to avenge our shame, win the real world champion, and win the first place in the history of our LPL division." A world championship trophy!"

Zeyuan also took over the conversation at this time, and said excitedly while clenching his fists.

The encouragement of the two commentators finally made Miller's mood gradually improve.

He looked at the G2 people on the stage who were holding the cup, especially when he looked at G2.Dark, his eyes were like a torch!
"Where there is a will, there is a way! If the boat is overwhelmed, the hundred-two Qinchuan will eventually belong to Chu!"

"Those who work so hard will live up to the sky! You can swallow Wu with three thousand armor!"

"At this moment, it is indeed our LPL's last night before dawn. We really have to grit our teeth and persevere, and then we can usher in the final victory!"

"Besides, I believe that there should be many LPL viewers like me, who don't want to see Dark players continue to be so arrogant?"

"If you are like me, please continue to support the LPL and support the LPL team!"

"In the next S7 World Championship, if we meet G2 and Dark again, we LPL, we will settle the old and new grudges with him!"

Miller is eloquent. Based on Dark's previous performances, it is almost conceivable that after he wins the MSI championship, he will start to attack the LPL division next.

All of this, the entire LPL can only endure first, but at the same time, it will record all these hatreds one by one.

Then wait until the S7 World Championships, and return them all!

Oh no, double the money back!

When all members of G2 held the cup, their attitude was completely different from the gritted teeth of the official LPL commentators, and it was the sincere blessings from the official commentators of all other divisions.

Especially for the official commentator of the European Division, when he saw the G2 players holding up the championship trophy, tears welled up in his eyes, and tears flowed like springs!

Because of this world champion, the European division has been waiting for too long!

Since the FNC team won the first world championship on behalf of the European Division in the S1 World Championship, in the next six years, the European Championship was regarded as a championship, and they even lost the chance to reach the finals. Qualifications, and even a seat in the top four cannot be guaranteed.

But now, on the stage of the 2017 MSI Mid-Season Championship Invitational, the G2 team has avenged the shame of the entire European division, not only broke into the finals, but also eliminated their opponents with a score of 3-0!
This MSI champion is not only the first world champion belonging to the G2 team, but also the second world champion belonging to the European division!

So, how can such a historic moment prevent the official commentators in the European division from crying?
Even the official commentators of the North American Division were very excited at this time.

Although this year's MSI, EU once again proved that they are greater than NA, but in NA's view, their strength is actually on par with EU.

Although this MSI and NA didn't even make it to the knockout stage, and even swallowed a humiliating record of 2-8 in the group stage, they didn't think it was a lack of strength, but a lack of luck.

Now that EU has won the final championship, NA also has at least one runner-up strength!
Therefore, in the S7 World Championship half a year later, the NA division will definitely be able to achieve better results while proving that NA is greater than EU!
While the official commentators of each competition area and the audience congratulated the G2 team for becoming the MSI champion, on the stage, the cup-holding session of the G2 people was officially over.

With the host's appearance on the stage, the championship award ceremony of this year's MSI will officially begin!
"First of all, let us once again congratulate the G2 team for winning the championship of the 2017 MSI Mid-Season Championship Invitational!"

When the host once again made an official announcement with his most enthusiastic voice, the audience burst into deafening cheers again.

"Next, let us welcome the legendary superstar of Samba, World Cup champion, World Footballer, the pride of Samba, Mr. Ronaldo, to come on stage to present championship medals to the G2 team!"

Immediately afterwards, when Ronaldo waved his hand and appeared on the stage, there was more enthusiastic applause and cheers at the scene, and all G2 members also showed expressions of surprise. They never expected that the guests presenting awards to them tonight would be so important!

Mingrui was especially excited because he knew very well that his father's favorite football star was Ronaldo, but he didn't know if he had gotten up early to watch his game and his own award ceremony if it was only six o'clock in China time.

After Ronaldo came on stage and shook hands with all G2 members first, the host's voice sounded again.

"Now, Mr. Ronaldo, please wear championship medals for the champions of the championship team G2!"

"They are……"

"G2's top laner, Expect!"

"G2 team jungler, Dark!"

"G2 mid laner, Perkz!"

"G2's bottom laner, Zven!"

"G2 support player, Mithy!"

"G2's substitute player, Trick!"

"And, the coach of the G2 team, YoungBuck!"

Every time Ronaldo wears a championship medal, there will be a personal cheer for the players at the scene, and when all G2 players have won their own championship medals, the host will immediately send a message to the G2 mid laner Perkz and the player. Field player Dark sent out an invitation for an interview with the champion.

And when this session finally started, countless LPL audiences who had been sneering and disdainful for nearly 10 minutes in front of the screen suddenly straightened their bodies and pricked up their ears.

Because they have been waiting for this moment for a long time, they really want to hear what heinous speech this fake brother Sai can say in this championship interview!

"Welcome Perkz and Dark players to our champion interview session."

"I believe that after winning the championship, the two must be very excited at this time. Let me share with you my feelings at this time."

The host asked with a smile, and handed a microphone to Perkz at the same time.

I didn't think about it, but was handed over to Dark by Perkz, asking him to speak first.

"Since let me say it first... then I can only tell the truth."

"To be honest, when I actually won this MSI championship, I was not as excited as I imagined."

"Because I have already said in the promotional video before the game, in my opinion, yesterday's game between us and SKT was the real final."

"If yesterday's 3-2 victory over SKT could lead to the trophy, then I would be extremely excited."

"But now it has been postponed for a whole day, and it took nearly three hours to fight a meaningless BO5 to win the cup. It is really tormenting."

Mingrui said lightly towards the camera.

And when this speech that once again aroused the cheers of the audience was heard by all the LPL audience in front of the screen, it made them all jump into a rage and burst into anger!

"Fuck, what does this fake sigote mean?"

"Yesterday's semi-final was the final. Today's final is meaningless? In his opinion, is playing against Team WE a waste of time?"

"Fuck, bullying too much, bullying too much! Isn't it just a fluke to win an MSI championship, what's so good about it?"

"Does the MSI champion who wins completely lying down have a face-to-face comparison? If Perkz, Expect, Zven and Mithy hadn't played well in this MSI, why are you standing here for an interview?"

"Wait for me, the S7 World Championship, LPL will beat you to death!"

With just one sentence, Mingrui drove the LPL audience into a frenzy.

But it's clear that this isn't the end, it's just the beginning!
"Why is it meaningless? After all, the WE team is the champion team in the LPL division, and it is also your real opponent in the finals."

The host naturally wants to control the content of the interview. I hope Dark's answer can be a little more modest. After all, sports events all over the world follow the principle of "friendship first, competition second".

"It's really meaningless. After all, I said it a long time ago. We will crush the WE team with a score of 3 to 0 in the finals and 5 to 0 in the entire MSI."

"How can it make sense to play a game where the outcome is already known?"

"However, if Team WE's opponent in the semifinals is SKT, then our opponent in the finals must be SKT."

"In that way, when we beat SKT 3-2 and won the trophy, it will appear that the MSI championship has a lot of gold, but now, the gold content of this championship trophy is at least half, after all, the strength of the WE team is really strong. Weak."

Mingrui said sternly, and once again the audience exclaimed. After all, at this moment, it is indeed a great opportunity for the WE team to evaluate his opponent in the finals in such a mocking tone. insult!

"Oh, right."

Without giving the host another chance to ask questions, Mingrui suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he continued.

"In the last round of the group stage, WE team lost to SKT team. When I successfully avoided SKT team in the semi-finals, didn't I report WE team's fake match with my real name, and was I punished by Riot officials later?"

"At that time, the penalty notice asked me to apologize to the WE team. I never did, because I have been dissatisfied with the official investigation results of Riot."

"But it's only now that I'm sure that the WE team really didn't have a fake match, because the WE team is the real dish!"

"Aside from other things, it took us 15 minutes and 57 seconds to win against SKT. I didn't expect that in the third game of today's finals, we went one step further and won the game in only 15 minutes and 56 seconds!"

"And you have to know, this is the finals. It must be stronger than the group stage in terms of intensity. As a result, WE didn't even make it to 1557."

"So if this is the group stage, I think we even have a chance to beat Team WE for 1550, or even 1450!"

Ming Rui looked at the camera and said with a chuckle.

At this moment, the countless LPL viewers don't know how many people are so angry that they started to beat the table and hit the wall, wishing to tear him to pieces!
But at this time, there was a sudden commotion at the champion's interview site. Although he didn't know what happened, but from the live radio, it seemed that he could faintly hear some pure Mandarin, saying something like "don't stop me", " I will go up and kill him" or something like that.

The LPL audience in front of the screen naturally didn't know what happened, but Mingrui on the stage naturally saw the fleeting red figure in the player channel, and immediately showed a dismissive and contemptuous smile on his face.

But when he was about to pick up the microphone and say something, he suddenly found that the microphone was silent.

When doubts raised his head, an on-site staff member had already ran up, took away the microphone in his hand, and handed another new microphone to Perkz.

When the host immediately started to ask Perkz questions, Mingrui finally understood that it was because the Riot officials didn't dare to let him continue to make trouble, so they directly muted him manually!
But it doesn't matter, after all, this is not the only opportunity to speak tonight.

And when Perkz's championship interview finally ended and the two returned to the G2 queue again, another important part of this year's MSI Championship Awards Ceremony finally began.

That is, the announcement of the Finals FMVP!
And as expected by Mingrui, the FMVP of tonight's finals is the jungler of the G2 team, Dark himself!

"Let us congratulate the Dark player, and at the same time invite Mr. Ronaldo to present the FMVP trophy to the Dark player again!"

Following the host's re-announcement, when Mingrui, who had already brought a championship medal, once again won his own FMVP trophy.

As expected, he was invited by the host again to his side, and at the same time got a second chance to speak tonight!
"I am very happy to be awarded this FMVP, because it is not only a symbol of personal honor, but also a recognition of my personal strength!"

"It can convince me that my personal strength is not as bad or worth mentioning as some people say!"

Hearing Mingrui's speech, the host was startled, because she had already whispered to Dark just now, this time, she only said the acceptance speech, just said to thank so and so, and don't say anything else.

But he never expected that Dark would be so excited the moment he opened his mouth!
"And to be able to get this FMVP, I would like to thank many people..."

Fortunately, Dark did start to thank, so the host finally showed a gratified smile on his face.

"First of all, I want to thank my coaches and teammates. It is because of their help that I can play well in the three rounds of the finals and qualify to become the FMVP."

"Secondly, I want to thank the G2 team. It is the G2 team that is willing to give me a trial training opportunity and is willing to believe in my potential. In this MSI, I can win the MSI championship with the G2 team!"

"Finally, and what I want to thank the most, is the RNG team and the LPL division!"

"If it wasn't for you back then, I wouldn't be the MSI champion now!"

"So in order to express the gratitude in my heart, I solemnly announce again..."

"You LPL, don't even think about winning any world championship in your life!"

 Thanks to book friends 2023xxx2544 and Xiao Yali for their 100-point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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