Woody lacquer color five rhymes Chinese

Chapter 50 [When you are young] Make a bold move to reveal the real Jue Akabane with snow falling on

The moon rises and the moon sets, and the day and night are silent.Since being pulled back into the group by Fa Xiaoer, Guan Qi has not made any speeches.

"Mr. Jiang, Guan Qi is allergic to her last time. Although our topic is lacquerware, we definitely won't have to contact her directly..."

Perhaps Jiang Ling'an was able to give an answer that was not embarrassing to anyone who listened to it just right every time. Lin Muyuan asked for more answers on her own initiative during this period.

"What I mean is." Lin Muyuan put the tool in her hand on the chair and pushed it in again, for fear of touching it, "Mr. Jiang, are we disrespecting her too much? After all, everyone is cooperate."

"Have you communicated with her properly?" Jiang Ling'an said, picking up the wooden tire that had just reached the step of digging the belly of the groove, "I have to continue, it's too thick now."

I heard that this fir tree has a history of hundreds of years, and it was collected by Mr. Jiang traveling all over the world. Lin Muyuan didn't dare to be distracted while playing the piano, so she stood where she was and explained everything clearly.

"You need to give her a period of time to build up her mind." Jiang Ling'an understood what was going on as soon as she heard it - even though Lin Muyuan was usually depressed, she also had an idea in her heart!
Stubborn and stubborn, unyielding and unyielding, even if someone tries to deal with it, the two still haven't dealt with their own affairs clearly, Jiang Ling'an added more bluntly: "A girl with an arrogant temper often wants nothing more than It's a step."

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang." Apart from thanking Lin Muyuan, she didn't know what else to say.She Guan Qi needed a step, and he and Ran Ning didn't force her to do anything, they coaxed her temper like a child, how can they cooperate in the future?
"Mr. Jiang, how much more do I have to dig, I'm afraid I'll dig too deep."

"Just do your best, and there will never be any problems." Jiang Ling'an's response to Lin Muyuan's question just now was obviously somewhat ambiguous.

But if you add what Lin Muyuan said just now, it sounds much more normal.

"You should be quite tired from digging your stomach today. Go back and rest, and come to me tomorrow when you don't have class." After all, she is still a child, and Jiang Ling'an knows how frizzy Lin Muyuan's heart is now, "You can also talk to your best friend. Let's see how to talk to classmate Guan Qi."

This was the first time that Lin Muyuan had left the teacher's dormitory willingly—even if Jiang Ling'an didn't mention it, the former was already thinking about how to leave.

"Mu Mu, look at what I sent you on WeChat! It was my mother and father who took pictures of our lacquerware when we went back to our hometown. I really didn't know we still had lacquerware..."

Ran Ning's words really didn't count too much, he just expressed a few words intensively, then turned his head and fell silent, just waiting for Lin Muyuan's response.

[Ran Ning: This is a wooden tire]

[Ran Ning: [picture]]

[Ran Ning: I remember you said that you also have this Qin Qin]

[Ran Ning: This is a mounting cloth]

[Ran Ning: [picture]]

[Ran Ning: I remember that you seem to say that there is some kind of hemp wrapping on the Qin, is it a similar craft?But this reminds me of the framed painting in our professional class]

[Ran Ning: The carving of silver is amazing. It is said that it is a characteristic of Chengdu. My mother said that it is carved with silver foil. Look at the pattern, it is really amazing]

[Ran Ning: [picture]]

Looking at Ran Ning, who once only had a "good impression" of lacquerware, but had a bit of dislike for such less bright items, now he has become a "little fan" of lacquerware.

Lin Muyuan felt that such brilliance might easily illuminate the "shadow" in Guan Qi's heart.

①Knowledge of qin comes from practical study, "Compilation of Guqin Documents of Past Dynasties·Zheqin System Volume".

②Chengdu lacquerware related content comes from Chengdu Lacquerware Art Factory.

Digression: I will reissue the illustrations of this chapter tomorrow

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