There is space in the end, I win by hoarding

Chapter 126 Are they still acting friendly?

Chapter 126 Are they still acting friendly?

From the wolf king's eyes, Xu Wei saw the answer.She even saw that the wolf king wanted to kill those people, and that feeling was very strong.

She reached out and touched the wolf king's face, "When the time comes, I will go over there and investigate everything. It seems that the research they have done exceeds my imagination."

All the questions have been asked.

Xu Wei fell asleep in the wolf king's body without knowing it.

When she opened her eyes again, she had already returned to reality, and the okra next to her was already putting on her clothes. "Sister, you woke up, and I wanted you to sleep a little longer."

She sat up and patted her face to wake herself up faster. "I can't let everyone wait for me." After that, she got out of bed and stood by the window. It was already dawn outside, but it was still yellow and dull, but her sight was obviously better than yesterday.

And today's sandstorms are obviously decreasing.

Standing beside her, Qiu Kui said with a smile: "Generally speaking, the situation is good in the morning, and it will be much better today. It's a good sign."

Xu Wei smiled slightly: "That's a good thing, at least it allows us to see the farther road clearly, so as not to accidentally break into the zombie nest like yesterday."

The two of them fumbled and got dressed, and the men outside also got dressed.

After they briefly finished their breakfast and had another discussion, they set off.

This journey is obviously much smoother, because there are very few zombies that can be seen, and the few that occasionally appear will be dealt with in time.It took about an hour to get out of the city back and forth, and the road was almost smooth.

The Northwest is originally a large geographical area, and the population of residents is relatively concentrated, so it looks relatively sparsely populated from the outside, and even few buildings can be seen.

According to the roadside sign, they passed about three times before they saw the sign of Daluo Village.

The moment I saw it, Okra was very excited.

"Daluo Village is my hometown, my hometown."

Everyone continued to move forward according to the direction of the sign, and the road changed from straight to curved, from the original asphalt road to loess road, and the road was shaking and bumping all the way.

In the end, the assembled car was scrapped first, and the tires could not bear it.

"There is no need for this car, we can just squeeze in two cars. What do you think?" Zhou Yu asked Xu Wei who was beside him.

At this time, Matthew stood up, still holding tools in his hand: "If the road is still like this, the tires will blow out after changing three times, and the ground is severely worn out. This time it is a tire blowout, and I don't know what it will be next time. Captain Zhou's suggestion is correct. This car is unnecessary."

Xu Wei put down her hands and said: "Then squeeze, this car will be thrown away."

So, everyone started back on the road.

Xu Wei and Qiu Kui sat in the front car, while Matthew and Qi Yiming sat in the back.Next to Zhou Yu on Xu Wei's left, the two of them had no intention of being free, even took out a map and started discussing.

It is obviously unwise to drive from Gancheng to Ningcheng. The best way is to return to the original airport and fly to Ningcheng.

This plan has been used for the time being, and the rest needs to be discussed when we arrive at Da Luo City.

Zhou Yu put away the map and put it in his pocket."Are the wolves doing okay in your space?" he asked.

"Very good, there is a lot of space inside, enough for them to move around freely."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu's eyebrows stretched out, and he asked again: "Are they still acting friendly?"

"Well, very friendly to me."

"But the wolf king seems to have a lot of hostility towards me. Every time I see it, it seems very angry."

Xu Wei was obviously surprised when she heard this, "Really? But it seems quite gentle."

"How do you know a wolf is gentle?"

She said: "Isn't it possible for an animal to feel whether it is good to you or not? It's like a pet dog or cat, they will be close to you if they treat you well."

"It makes sense, maybe they regard you as a partner, but I'm still a stranger to them." Zhou Yu nodded.

Xu Wei smiled without saying a word.

Zhou Yu wanted to say something, but he couldn't find any topic.

But Xu Wei opened up a new topic, "I have communicated with the Wolf King. The giant wolf hiding in the tiankeng was organized by Huantian, and they also captured many animals and sent them to the base here."

Zhou Yu frowned, her pretty eyes were full of surprise.

"I deduce that it only needs to nod and shake its head or make an expression to imply to me that they are not ordinary wolves, Captain Zhou."

"Sorry." Zhou Yu looked away, "So you believe what the Wolf King said?"

"Our purpose is to go to the base. As long as we know whether there are any animals in custody there, we can know whether what the wolf king said is true." After a pause, Xu Wei continued, "But I still choose to believe it."

Zhou Yu smiled: "Xu Wei, you've only been with them for less than a day."

She shrugged. "My gut tells me there's nothing wrong with trusting them."

The intuition is correct, and the wolf king has more space abilities than himself, and he knows it even on the ceramic bottle.

If it could speak, the first thing Xu Wei would ask would be about her own space.

After driving for about two hours, when Qiukui saw the entrance of the village, she almost stood up excitedly, "Here we are, Daluo Village is here."

Everyone is happy for her.

I don't know if it is because of the geography that the yellow sand pollution here is obviously less.

There are also a lot of sights that can be seen clearly.

According to Qiukui's suggestion, everyone parked their cars next to the entrance of the village and entered the village together under the guidance of Qiukui.

Every household here is a small yard made of loess, and even the houses inside are made of loess, but the buildings are much better than decades ago, and many beautiful renovations have been made with the blessing of loess architecture.

Zeng Lin praised: "To be honest, it is good to travel to this kind of place."

Qiu Kui nodded with a smile: "There are indeed people who will come here to travel. Look at the hillside. The scenery there is beautiful to take pictures. When every household is drying corn and red peppers, the pictures are even more beautiful. Wearing the costumes of our ethnic minorities is a plus."

When introducing his hometown, Okra's eyes are shining.

Everyone is also in such an atmosphere, feeling a little relaxed.

However, soon everyone became quiet.

Not only was there no one to be seen here, there were not even zombies.

Captain Sun raised his brows and said, "It's strange, how could there be no zombies, obviously there are no villages around, even if they walk along the road, we can't miss them."

"It's very strange that there is not even one."

If you look carefully, you can still clearly see that many places here have been destroyed.

I can imagine what happened here when the zombies broke out before.

(End of this chapter)

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