Chapter 94
The teacher and the student strolled around the Tianjie in unison. At the end of the stroll, Saburo fell completely silent, and the initial excitement and joy turned into deep worry.

"Tired? Do you want to rest for a while before leaving?" Mr. Xunmei squatted down and looked at Sanlang and asked.

Saburo was silent, nodded, took Mr. Xunmei's hand and sat down on the side stone steps.

Mr. Xunmei looked at this lively and eccentric young man on weekdays, but now he was wilting like a frost-beaten eggplant, and couldn't help but stroking his beard and laughing.

"Worried about my sister not being able to afford the rent?"

Saburo didn't speak, and lowered his head even lower.

"It's expensive. The shops in Tianjie cost tens of thousands of taels. We can't spend it all in our lifetime!"

The worry in Sanlang's eyebrows became more intense, he grabbed Mr. Xunmei's sleeve and tugged lightly, saying: "Teacher, is there any other place where there is a good shop?"

Mr. Xunmei looked down at the melancholy on his immature face that did not match his age, and said seriously: "Isn't the shop here bad? The cheap place is not as famous as here, and a shop that is too small can't play a big role. Can you trust your sister?"

Saburo nodded without hesitation after being slightly startled.

"Since you trust her, you don't have to worry too much. Your sister has the ability to gain a foothold here! Let's go ahead and have a look!"

The corner of Sanlang's mouth was pressed down, he sighed like a little adult, and followed his fate resignedly.

Not long after walking forward, Mr. Xunmei stood at the door of an inn, wondering what he was thinking.

Saburo looked at the door and scale of the inn, and secretly swallowed.

This inn is also a three-story building, and it seems to be bigger than the restaurant just now, but the business seems to be not as good as the restaurant just now, and there are not many customers coming in and out.

Saburo also seemed to know what the teacher was thinking, and gently tugged on his sleeve, "Teacher, let's go."

Mr. Xunmei chatted with the guy who was leaning against the door waiting for business.

At first the clerk was still full of impatience, and while chatting, he ran inside and moved a chair out to invite Mr. Xunmei to sit down.

"Hey, you don't know, there is Juxian Village here, and no one can compete with them! It's not like we don't have business here. Compared with Juxian Village, it's too shabby! It's so immortal Procrastination is not an option, and the boss is also thinking about whether it can be changed to another business."

"Juxianzhuang is not the only one in Yuzhou City. For my teacher, I see that there are a few restaurants in the flower street in front of me. The business is also good."

"It's from the north. Their dishes are very unique. Even foreigners can find them by smelling them. Of course, we can't compare with them!"

The two were chatting, and even clasped their hands together and introduced themselves. One called Brother Cheng, and the other called Brother Qian.

Saburo stared dumbfounded at the teacher's flirtation with others, and a bold idea in his heart made him tremble all over.

"Brother Qian, remember to inform my brother if you have any news! Farewell!"

Walking on the street full of people coming and going, Saburo's footsteps were a little wandering.

"Teacher, are you poaching?" Saburo inexplicably thought of this word, the word his sister said before.

"The teacher is just looking for suitable resources. Maybe he just likes your sister's private kitchen? Anyway, the teacher likes it."

Saburo doesn't know how to do business, let alone those marketing methods, so he just nodded half understanding.

"But, teacher, that inn is not cheap, it's bigger than the one just now!"

"That's right! If it's an offer, it's at least 5000 taels! But if it's a lease, it's only... 2000 taels a year!"

2000 two... one year!
Saburo looked up at the teacher with difficulty, how did he say the words 2000 taels so casually?
I'm afraid my sister won't be able to earn this money for a year!

Saburo was a little annoyed.

The teacher and the student returned to the bamboo house, Shi Shi brought up the twice-heated food, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Sir, you don't even bring a purse when you go out. If you are hungry or thirsty, what should you eat?" What do you drink? You have to pay for cold water in that place, and without money, it is impossible to move an inch!"

Mr. Xunmei laughed and said nothing.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Saburo was worried about money and panicked. Hearing Shitou's words, he made up his mind.

When the teacher went to rest, Saburo held onto Shishi and whispered in his ear.

Shitou's eyes lit up, and he lowered his voice and said, "Is it possible? I only have seven or eight taels of silver here, and the living expenses for more than half a year can't be messed up!"

Saburo stared at the stone closely, and said: "Brother Shitou, we don't have anything to spend money on at the moment, even our elder sister Dongyi has prepared a set for each of us, and there are still many dishes at home that are enough to eat, you can also marinate After so many side dishes and meals, the meat and vegetables are all eaten by the teacher, we both save enough, and we are not afraid of starvation if we lose money!"

"Besides, what we sell is food, how can we still starve ourselves?"

"Don't worry, I remember all the small seafood recipes made by my sister, we can't go wrong with it!"

Shi Shi was still hesitating, and Saburo blew a rainbow fart, "Why don't you even believe yourself? Your cooking skills are much better now than before. You cook all the recipes sent by your sister very well." , the teacher has praised you many times, what is there to worry about?"

Mr. has such a tricky mouth. He has praised him many times recently, which shows that his cooking skills have improved a lot. He still has this confidence!

"Then, shall we try?"

"Well, try it!"

"We have to hide it from my husband. If he knows that you don't want to make progress and only think about these things, he will definitely punish you for copying!"

Saburo is most afraid of copying, and Mr. Xunmei uses this trick every time he punishes him.

This pair of brothers, who are not considered brothers, went outside to buy a lot of things on a sunny afternoon, taking advantage of Mr. Xunmei's lunch break, and quietly went back to the bamboo house.

Xiaozhi Xiaohai, the first delicacy in the rise of the country, is now copied and reproduced by her younger brother Jiao Sanlang [-] miles away.

"Small seafood in sauce, delicious and refreshing, you can't get tired of eating it, thirty cents a catty! Thirty cents, you will lose money if you can't buy it, and you won't be fooled if you don't buy it. Don't miss it if you pass by!"

"Thirty Wen is not expensive, try first and then buy more benefits!"

"The only small seafood in Laojue, spend a small amount of money to buy a good product, if you don't buy it, it's your fault, first come, first served, don't miss it!"

Two and a half-year-old children were carrying two buckets of seafood and selling them all over the street, and the fresh advertisements were one sentence after another. Even if you don’t buy it, it’s very interesting to stop and take a look.

The number of onlookers gradually increased. Saburo took the prepared bamboo bowl and bamboo sticks, scooped out a bowl of soup and seafood in front of everyone, and handed it to the onlookers with bamboo sticks to taste.

"Try it, this is a prawn. The meat is tender and soft, and the soup is delicious and refreshing. It's the best pairing with wine!"

"This is a fragrant snail. It's chewy, isn't it very elastic? Is it delicious?"

"This is a crab, it's full of cream and yellow, it can freshen your tongue!"

Let’s not talk about the reaction of the guests who have tasted it. The lively expression of greed on Sanlang’s face is a living sign. Coupled with his commentary, it makes people think that they must try it for themselves!
(End of this chapter)

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