To test how many people a game can handle online at the same time, it is usually done using a robot.

After completing this step, the game can be officially launched on the market.

Luo Qiang has a computer at home, but playing in an Internet cafe feels the same as playing at home. Playing without an atmosphere is not fun.

Another thing is to go to an Internet cafe to show off.

Luo Qiang's home is near the school. The Internet cafe he frequented was suddenly renovated a month ago. When it opened, he discovered that it had doubled in size, and all the computers had been replaced with LCD screens.
At the same time, most Internet cafes in this era still use big-ass computers.

The display screen of the entire Internet cafe has been changed, and the decoration inside and outside is new. The grade has improved by more than 01:30 points, and more importantly, it is not much more expensive than other Internet cafes.

Not to mention the improvement in computer standards, this environment is just a few dozen streets away from the small Internet cafes that don’t even have windows.
Other Internet cafes are almost filthy, and you can choke on second-hand smoke when you enter.

At this time, when such an Internet cafe came out, it seemed like it was a different era.

This means there is no harm without comparison,

In the past, everyone was the same, everyone was used to it, and didn't think it was a big deal, but now such an Internet cafe suddenly appeared, and the level instantly went up.

Comparing the two, that is the difference between food stalls and luxury restaurants.

Internet cafe business can still be bad.

Another difference between this Internet cafe and other Internet cafes is that it only accepts members.

To become a member, you need to recharge at least [-] yuan.

Even so, as soon as such an Internet cafe came out, there was no trial operation at all. It was full as soon as it opened in the morning.
Especially since this is still an old Internet cafe decoration, there is no shortage of regular customers.

Now in the minds of these people, they can wait for a computer in this Internet cafe and surf the Internet here.
When my friends ask me where I can go online, I feel proud even when I name the Internet cafe.

This Internet cafe has become famous in the county in a short period of time, and many people come here even if they take the bus or take a taxi.

Luo Qiang has long been familiar with the network administrator, and he will call in advance to help reserve a computer when he comes.
Every time he saw so many people waiting in line to get on the plane, but he always had a computer, it made his vanity burst.

Everyone was discussing the game "Cross Fire" before, hoping that they would be lucky enough to get picked.

However, there are tens of thousands of people participating in the 10 quota. You can imagine how difficult it is.

Luo Qiang didn't expect that he would be so lucky, and he would be lucky enough to get picked.

After getting over the excitement, I went straight to the Internet cafe.
How could you not go to an Internet cafe to show off such a happy thing?

As soon as Luo Qiang came in, he saw a group of people gathered around him. Out of curiosity, Luo Qiang went over and found out after walking in that the person being admired by the stars at this time was actually his good friend.
Only then did I know that not only was I selected, but my friend also won the prize.

No, from the 25th to now, the two of us have been hanging out in the Internet cafe.

I get up earlier in the morning than when I was in high school, and I have to play again after dinner in the evening.

If it weren't for the access control, both of them could stay in the Internet cafe 24 hours a day without eating or drinking.

The two people who got the inside login code have now become stars in this Internet cafe.

Many people would come every day just to watch the two of them play games, even if they knew it was impossible not to have a machine.

As soon as the two of them come, they will definitely be surrounded by people inside and outside.

When Ning Xia came in just now, she found dozens of people gathered in the middle of the first floor.
When he walked in and heard the familiar sound effects of the game, Ningxia realized what this group of people were doing.

Although Ningxia didn't pay much attention to the game after returning, Xiao Zichen called every day to report on the progress. At this time, he also knew about the candidates for the game, using Weibo big data to screen.

I just didn't expect that by such a coincidence, there would be two Internet cafes in a small county town like my own, a third-tier city.

It seems like these two must be veteran players of the game.

Ningxia turned around and didn't find her sister. She looked around and found someone in the middle of the first floor.

At this time, looking at the three outer and outer floors, there were still gunshots coming from time to time, and I moved closer curiously.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

Ning Yu couldn't squeeze in, so she directly asked a boy standing in front.

"Crossfire... Hey, Brother Ning."

When Ning Yu saw the person turning around, she realized that it was her classmate from the next class.

"Ning Yu, do you also like to play games?"

No wonder he was surprised, in his heart Ning Yu was a good student.
In fact, it was not like he had never heard of Ning Yu's name when he was a sophomore in high school, but the difference between what he heard and what he saw with his own eyes was so big that he always thought that the rumors were exaggerated or false.At this time, Ning Yu seemed to be a good student in the eyes of the teacher.

Do not skip classes, listen carefully in class, complete homework on time, and rank among the best in grade.

First, I was tired of playing games in the past, so I rarely came here. Second, I also deliberately maintained an image.

His sister said that if he really entered the entertainment industry, all the dirty information from the past would be dug out.

In order not to be dug up in the future, I didn't even skip classes at this time.

Consistently study in the morning and study in the evening.

In the past, I would never see other people during self-study in the morning and evening.

Ning Xia saw his brother's head stretched out as fast as a giraffe's after hearing the words "Crossing the Line of Fire".

Said: "Brother, do you like this game?"

"Now that this game is so popular only on the inside, then this game must be very good."

"I just didn't get the inside spot."

When Ning Xia said this, she could hear regret in Ning Yu's words.

Since her brother likes it, it's just a quota on the inside.

I called Xiao Zichen and went up to the second floor with Ning Yu.

The changes downstairs are big, but the changes upstairs are even bigger. The originally empty corridor in the middle has been turned into a rest area, and the decoration in the private rooms is also very technological.

After turning on the computer, Ning Xia went to Ning Yu's private room and gave him a string of mysterious codes.

Ning Yu knew that her sister was powerful, but she didn't expect that she was so lucky.

He was so excited that he couldn't care about Ningxia at this time.

Ning Yu only thought that Ningxia was lucky enough to be chosen, and did not think that the game company was Ningxia's fault.

Ningxia had nothing to do with her visit today, she just wanted to get away.

He walked back to his private room.

Yang Ding ran out of home at five o'clock in the morning. After sitting all morning, his back ached and his eyes were still achy.

As soon as he stood up, he saw a familiar figure in his peripheral vision.


After muttering something, he immediately stepped out of the private room. This look made him even more sure that she was really the chartered wife of the author of "Ghost Lights the Lamp".

That pretty little girl with a domineering mother.

Now on Weibo, he often sees posts discussing whether the author of "Ghost Lights the Lamp", the charterer, is really a college student.

Every time I see netizens guessing something that is wrong, he, an insider, eats as much as he can.

Every time I see it, I am amused by these netizens to laugh or cry.

What is this? Why don’t you use your imagination to write novels?


Who would have thought that the author of "Ghost Lights the Lamp" is not only a college student, but also a college student from a top university with a campus beauty level.

When I wrote this book, I was still a senior high school student who was about to take the college entrance examination.

After signing the contract for Yang Ding's novel, he was pulled into a group and saw that many authors in the group were discussing the book "Ghost Lights the Lamp", and their words were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

When most writers in the industry mention the name of the housewife, they look up to her with a tone of admiration and a state of mind.

This is also normal,

After all, the charterer is a big boss in the online novel world, and she is also a god-level boss who can become a god with one book.

Several people in the industry make a living by relying on the new types developed by charterers.

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