Return to 2000 and become famous overnight from Wenchao

Chapter 474: Which one is the merciful master?

"This is too much, Xiaofeng." Bao Xuexin immediately couldn't sit still, with a look of indignation on his face.

Cheng Hua and others were also dumbfounded at this time, "Uncle Miao's calculation is quite shrewd. He wants to spend some money and let our company train a combination for him."

"Then grab resources from our company."

Jiao Feijing thought more about the methods of old businessmen like Mr. Miao, which one was a merciful master.

If this company hadn't been owned by a few people from Ningxia, it wouldn't have been Miao Yufeng asking for people this time, but Fanyu Entertainment directly poaching people.

If this were the case, both the singer group and the team would have changed hands by now.

Jiao Feijing turned to look at Ningxia. He believed that whatever he could think of, Ningxia would also be able to think of.

Ning Xia smiled at Jiao Feijing and looked at Miao Yufeng: "I can't make the decision in this matter, but it's not a big problem."

Miao Yufeng also felt guilty at this moment. After being scolded by several people, he looked as if he was a child who had done something wrong. When he heard Ning Xia's words, he instantly became confused.

"Thank you Xia Xia."

"Xia Xia, you just agreed? Such a good opportunity must be killed by Mr. Miao."

Speaking of getting stabbed, Ningxia really thought of something.

Although Taozi Entertainment has been preparing for "Tomb Raiders", it has not started filming. Instead, Fanyu has a lot of money. "Tomb Raiders Seven Stars Lu Palace" has already started filming.

It's just that I haven't found the right person for the role of Menyoupin.

This was of course an external statement. Of course Ningxia knew that there was a problem with the previously selected person, so she found someone else to play the role.

Ningxia has always invested in adaptation rights, and this drama by Fanyu is no exception.

"I want the role of Menyou Ping in "Qixing Luwang Palace"."

"Give it to my brother Ning Yu."

"Hey... Xia Xia, you have a good idea."

"Xiaoyu's image is indeed very suitable for this role." After Su Long said this, he added while suppressing a smile: "As long as you don't talk."

When Ning Yu is silent and has a straight face, and when she is smiling playfully, her temperament is completely opposite.

Of course Miao Yufeng agreed wholeheartedly.

Miao Boxing received a call from his son. Although he was a little surprised and there were additional conditions, he agreed without hesitation.

Others may not know that Ning Yu is Ning Xia's brother, but of course he knows.

Even though he didn't know how good Ning Yu's acting skills were at this time, he still agreed.

In his opinion, since he has something to ask for, he can't ask for so much. As long as Ning Yu's acting skills are not so bad, it won't be a big problem.

And in his opinion, for Ningxia to play such a facially paralyzed character is because he is self-aware.

Knowing that my brother was not good at acting, I found a role that didn't require much acting skills.

The actor who played the role before was also a new actor brought in by another company, and his acting skills were just like that.

Who knew that just as the filming was about to start, the company discovered that the actor had already disappeared before he became famous. If he had kept it, it would be a time bomb. Who knows if the TV series would break out in negative news before it was finished.

Now that it was discovered and it was forced in, of course it had to be replaced immediately.

No, this role fell to Ning Yu.

Ning Yu is in her senior year at the beginning of school. Now she has no classes and almost all of her time is at the company.

The next day, Wan Sheng called Ning Yu over just after class.

"Really? You want me to play Zhang Qiling?"

Ning Yuke was not unfamiliar with this name at all. There were complete sets of all the physical books of "Tomb Raider Notes" and "Ghost Lighting the Lamp" in the study room. After all, Ning Yu knew that the writers [Charterer] and [Bai Xiangge] were both his sister's vests. Later I read it back and forth several times.

Ning Yu's first reaction was that Miao Yufeng had asked for the role for her. After coming back to her senses, she thought it was her younger sister Ning Xia who was helping behind the scenes.

Ning Yu also knew about it when Fanyu set up a project to adapt "Tomb Robbers' Notes on the Seven Stars of Lu Palace".

Ning Yu learned that her sister had made money and even blackmailed Ning Xia into a pair of limited edition sneakers.

Wan Sheng was very happy for Ning Yu when he received Dong Su, but more than anything, he was envious. After all, Taozi Entertainment was founded by Ning Xia just for the sake of the person in front of him.

The only person who can get such an important role is Ning Yu. This drama is fully owned by Fanyu, and the leading actors are almost all from their own company.

The only character that other companies tried every means to exchange resources for, ended up with their company.

"Go home and pack your bags now. The company will send a car to take you to the set in the afternoon."

Of course Ning Yu knew that the filming of this drama had already started.

After saying good, he was about to go to the office, but then he remembered something.

"How long will this show last? I also want to participate in "Dazzling Star"."

The name of the audition program is "Dazzling Star".

Wan Sheng had already passed it. He just asked the crew for a few days during the audition. Others may not be able to do it, but Ning Yu is an ordinary newcomer. Who can compare to this one's background?

"It's in time, don't worry."

With Wansheng's words, Ning Yu felt relieved and rushed home without wasting a minute.

Ningxia also received a call from Ning Yu immediately. Of course, the credit still fell on Miao Yufeng.

Ning Yu was in a hurry to join the group, and Ning Xia left before she even had time to meet anyone.

Ningxia now stays at home except for classes. She was too busy before and now she is suddenly free. Ningxia is still not used to it.

In this case, find something for yourself.

The company is now on the right track and there is no need for Ningxia, so... let's go visit a class.

Li Xin started working before she graduated in her junior year of college. She didn’t go home during the summer because of this job. Ningxia has been so busy that she really didn’t go to see it. Now that she has time, she might as well go and visit a class.

Whatever he wanted to do, he did it. After class, Ningxia drove straight to the office where Li Xin was interning.

Now we can go over and have lunch together.

Li Xin has always had outstanding grades in school, and is a top student who graduated from a top political and legal university. The lawyer she currently works for is also a prestigious law firm in the capital.

Moreover, several of the boss’s partners are also honorary alumni of Z University.

The lawyer wants to become a full-time lawyer, and the internship period is one year. The last time Ningxia bought a gift for Li Xin was to celebrate Li Xin's permanent turn. Now Li Xin is no longer just an intern, and has now passed the examination and obtained the lawyer's practicing certificate.

Now he is a serious lawyer who can handle cases independently.

Ningxia also came here this time to see if Li Xin had been wronged.

There is no competition in the workplace. Being able to successfully obtain the lawyer's license this time shows Li Xin's strength. Especially, Li Xin is an ordinary graduate with no family background or background.

Don't think that everyone is the same in the workplace. Those with resources, connections and background can get along like a duck in water.

The resources he has are not at the same starting line. Li Xin may not be able to get an order even after hard work, but someone with a background may be able to get it easily with just a few words. This is the gap.

It's not that Ningxia wasn't worried before, but she also hoped that her friends could be tempered and succeed through their own efforts, rather than the result of her own help behind the scenes.

In the end, it all depends on Li Xin whether he will become a famous gold medal lawyer or a mediocre lawyer. Ningxia cannot help with this.

All she can do is let her friends be bullied and help when they need her most.

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