"Jiang Nian was a fool when he was young. If he becomes a fool again, it will be justified in appearance.

"It shouldn't be difficult to bribe Jiang Niannian's cousin to testify for me. Coupled with the nanny's testimony, I can easily recover all the family property."

"How do you know that her uncle is willing to cooperate?" Zhao Yuening questioned.

"Madam, you don't know something now. My uncle and his daughter Jiang Er'er teamed up to bully the stupid Jiang Niannian.

"Later, Jiang Niannian was beaten until his brain became clear, and he fought back.

"Now that family is living in dire straits because of Jiang Niannian.

"As long as they can get revenge, they will rush to do it even if they don't give money."

Liu Yu'er actually laughed out loud as she spoke.

Jiang Niannian's legs went weak and he collapsed to the ground. Shen Yingxia's eyes were quick and she quickly grabbed her with her hands.

Zhao Yuening said: "She didn't eradicate the people who had hurt her?"


"You can't accomplish great things if you are soft-hearted. Well, just do it like this! Well, the contact point between Shuiyunjian will also be temporarily disabled until you take over."


Jiang Niannian, who was holding back, was completely paralyzed at this moment. Fortunately, Shen Yingxia practiced kung fu, picked up the thin Jiang Niannian and ran away, and finally did not cause any trouble.

After putting her down, Shen Yingxia realized that Jiang Niannian had burst into tears.

"How could they bully me, hide from me, and use me like this?!" Jiang Niannian roared like a wounded little beast.

"Keep your voice down. This is in the palace! There are ears and eyes everywhere!" Shen Yingxia also lowered her voice.

"So you trust her because your identities are reversed and your interests are related?"

"Not only that, I know the entire content of this novel..." Jiang Niannian said absently.

"Novel?" Shen Yingxia was confused.

"Yes, it's a storybook. You, me, and everything in this world are just words on a piece of paper..."

"So, Liu Yu'er is the protagonist?"

She took a deep breath and calmed down her emotions:

"That's right! In the book, Liu Yu'er not only won the victory in the end and became the mistress of the Zhao family, but also took me back to the Zhao family to take good care of me.

"Yes, she is not a pure and kind person in the book. But she is just trying to survive. So I can understand..."

"You didn't expect that her ruthlessness would be directed at you now?"

Jiang Niannian suddenly looked at Shen Yingxia, his eyes full of doubts:

"Yes. Ever since I met you in Jiangnan, I had a vague feeling that something had changed.

"But I still believe that if she is the heroine, she must have a halo. You can't go wrong by following her.

"But after what happened just now, I realized that her road to the top was paved with human lives..."

People will only understand this when it is related to their vital interests.

"Now, the facts are in front of you. You can pretend to be deaf and dumb, continue to believe in the content of your... well, novel, or you can make a different choice.

"You must decide your own destiny. When you figure it out, you can go to Jiangjia Cloth Village to ask Aunt Qiu to send a message."

Shen Yingxia didn't want to leave Jiang Niannian, who was now blind-eyed, here, but there was a girl coming this way in the distance.

Even if they want to join forces, they can't reveal their relationship now. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

She had to leave quickly, leaving only one sentence: "Protect yourself."

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