With the help of the elders of the Sun clan, Shen Yingxia's textile workshop soon started construction.

A project like building a house is a big deal, and masons and carpenters often argue about it for some time. What they were arguing about was not just how to build the house, but their own role in it.

That is, who has the final say. The reward for the winner is also generous, in addition to more money, there is also respect.

But because of this, the Hui elders also found some young people from the village.

The three parties met, and the masons and carpenters had to give some face to the clan elders. Things went very smoothly.

It's not yet time for the ground to freeze, so they must quickly determine the location of the foundation and then determine the direction of the trench.

The elder of the Sun clan was very concerned about it. After confirming it with the mason, he led Shen Yingxia to talk. Shen Yingxia felt more and more that Zhou Lao had foresight in taking her to visit the elders of the Sun clan.

She didn't know much about engineering matters, so she mainly listened to their opinions. She has been in a war and understands the truth:

If you can't charge forward at the front, then you can provide support at the rear.

Chickens, ducks and pigs were raised on Zhuangzi. Farmers will take advantage of the slack period to cut more pig grass and fatten the pigs. When the New Year comes, they will sell them to the butchers who come to the village to collect pigs.

Farmers with a stronger foundation, such as the family members of the clan, will keep the thinnest among them until the New Year, slaughter them and keep them for New Year's Eve dinner.

The cured bacon can be stored for a long time, enough to feed the whole family for a whole year.

Most of the people who help the elders slaughter pigs can also get some of the meat's smell, such as water and pig blood, to satisfy their cravings.

Sunjiazhuang is not considered poor, and there are several wealthy households in the village who keep pigs for the New Year. But meaty food is still rare for farmers.

So Shen Yingxia decided to give supplements to the young people who were working. Zhou Lao was also happy after hearing this and repeatedly praised Shen Yingxia for her ability to do things.

The chickens and pigs raised on the farm are mainly for Shen's house, so they can't use them all. So Shen Yingxia simply bought the ones raised by other people in the village. The price given by Shen Yingxia was very real, and the seller was naturally very happy. The cooks at Shenjiazhuang are very good at their craftsmanship, and they are very satisfied with the young and strong people doing the work.

When they work, they do their best.

Just like this day by day, the prototype of the house soon came out.

Tanlang's health was getting better day by day under Luo Xi's care, but he was still a little weak.

After all, the spiritual energy in this side of the world is too thin, and Tan Lang cannot use his skills to regulate it, so he can only use Luo Xi's treasure to nourish it.

God's punishment is so terrible. Even the ancient true gods cannot violate the laws of heaven, otherwise they will be punished.

All things exist because of the way of heaven, and no one can break through the way of heaven. All the so-called people who can go against heaven have only received mercy from heaven.

And these arrogant people actually arrogantly think that they have defeated the law of heaven and think that others are stupid and ignorant.

Really ignorant.

Shen Yingxia has seen such people before. She thinks she comes from another world and despises everyone. Even on the most brutal battlefield, he was arrogant.

She would never talk nonsense to such people because it was pointless.

He raised the knife and dropped it, using his life to let him know the weight of life.

At the end of the month, Aunt Qiu sent someone to bring the news and reminded Shen Yingxia to go see the new store opening. Shen Yingxia was very busy doing logistics these days, and then she realized that half a month had passed.

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