Chapter 685 Zhao Tianhe’s Marriage 3
Aunt Wang got off her bicycle when she arrived at the residence of the Royal Family and the Queen Mother, and led the way outside towards the Wang family.

"Sister-in-law is here."

As soon as someone saw Aunt Wang, they immediately said hello.

Some of them heard that Wang Yuemei's partner was introduced by Aunt Wang. They thought the young man was a good person, so they brought the two people together.

Then they saw the groom's procession.

There is a young man wearing red silk on the bicycle in front. He must be today's groom.

Today, Zhao Tianhe trimmed his beard, and his hair was not cut off. He had been sprayed with Yun Xiaoxiao's styling hair cream, which exposed his entire forehead and would not mess up his hair.

There were several bicycles following behind.

Cao Dali is strong and strong.

Fang Chaoyang is gentle and elegant.

Zhao Tianlei was considered to be the most handsome among several people.

Erdan is a sunny boy.

When Zhao Tianlei saw that they had arrived, there were no firecrackers here, so he had no choice but to take out a bunch of firecrackers, light them, throw them away and set them off.

The Wang family looked at this scene, some suppressed their laughter, and some looked at this scene in surprise.

When he arrived downstairs at Wang's house, he parked his bicycle and locked it before being led upstairs by Zhao Tianhe.

Brother Wang originally wanted to set off firecrackers, but he didn't expect that someone from the groom's side would do it first.

"Red envelope, red envelope"

There are children who come up to grab red envelopes.

Zhao Tianhe handed over two red envelopes each, not a penny, but a dime each.

After some children got it, they still wanted it, so Cao vigorously stuffed them with candy. He came with the candy.

"Eat candy, eat candy"

In this way, Zhao Tianhe and the groomsmen finally broke through the children and walked to the door of Wang's house.

"Red envelope red envelope."

Zhao Tianhe took out the red envelopes from his pocket again and distributed them one by one.

"The red envelope is too small, so I won't let it go."

"Huzi, stop your little uncle from picking up your little aunt."

These children appear to be the grandchildren of the Wang family. "Eat candy, eat candy, give you more candy."

"Brother-in-law, if you want to take Yuemei away, you have to get a big red envelope." Sister-in-law Wang came up to stop her.

Zhao Tianhe smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I just prepared some small red envelopes."

"Then just pack one on site."

Aunt Wang was speechless about her nephew-in-law.

"Niece-in-law, if you want a red envelope, just take it. I'll give you a few more at worst. Don't waste the auspicious time."

There are very few grooms like Xiaohe.

When children gather around, they give out red envelopes.

When I went out and took a look, I saw that a few grooms were still carrying red envelopes. Those who give out red envelopes usually give you a little candy.

This side of the river not only gives out red envelopes, but also gives out candies.

What's wrong? Isn't that right?
"sister in law."

Sister-in-law Wang was a little dissatisfied, but it still didn't show on her face.

Wang Dongmei glanced at the group of groomsmen, and finally her eyes fell on Zhao Tianlei and Fang Chaoyang. She didn't expect that there was a good-looking gay man next to her brother-in-law.

One is very handsome and wearing a down jacket, and the other is personable and knowledgeable.

When Yaomei comes back, I must ask her to help introduce him.

Zhao Tianhe finally reached the bride before the red envelopes were distributed.


The door was very close to the living room. Although there were many people standing there, Wang Yuemei could hear and vaguely see what was going on.

She was a little embarrassed.

"Brother Xiaohe"

I finally got the bride.

"The bridegroom and the bride bid farewell to their parents' upbringing together.".

They came to the royal father and queen mother and bowed to them together.

(End of this chapter)

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