"Dad, help me watch the two brothers. Dabao got another double hundred percent in the test. I also heard from my mother that Dabao participated in a calligraphy competition before and won No. 2. He was the youngest among them."

The third son's two sons are so outstanding, and his own two sons are already old. Can Zhao Tianhai not be angry with these results?

They also asked someone to teach them.

But this result has not improved much?

Can you not be angry?
The big trees and the small trees lowered their heads but did not speak.

When I came back, I was still a little white, but in just a few days, both brothers had tanned a lot.

"Work hard for me. Since your grades are not good, then learn how to farm in advance."

"Give me a good job, or I won't feed you. After all, the number of work points you earn a day is not enough for you to eat."

When they were young, they saw many educated youths and commune members earning work points.

Now they earn their own work points?
You only earn three or four centimeters from pulling grass for a day.

"Grandpa, you don't know, my classmates all say that we are country bumpkins. They say that we are dirty and have bugs on us. It is obviously the new clothes my mother bought for us." Xiaoshu whispered to Captain Zhao.

Captain Zhao really didn't know that his grandson was facing such things at school.

"Just answer them, your ancestors were not farmers for three generations. If we farmers did not grow the food, they would not have food to eat. Also, if they study hard and get good grades, they will naturally not say that Dabao is in their class. I’m still considered a foreigner in class, and the other students in the class are all local kids.”

"Dabao is the youngest in their class and is also the class monitor. He has the best grades. He got [-] points in the test because the test paper only has [-] points instead of only [-] points in the test."

"Your parents are also doing this for your own good. Not only does your dad have to farm, but he is also running outside in such a hot weather just to make money for you, so that you can eat and wear well. You can buy new clothes and shoes now because of your dad. Mom has worked hard to repay them by studying hard, and Erya scored over [-] points in the exam."

When Dashu heard that Erya had scored over [-] points in the exam, he was considered to be in the same year as Erya, but he only scored over [-] points.

"Whether you are a child from the county or a child from our country, we are all classmates, you are all students, and your task is to study. Maybe after you do well in the exam, your father will take you to Kyoto to play?

Dabao and Xiaobao's grades have remained so good because they read more, can speak English, can calligraphy, draw, and seem to have learned swimming again. "

Will there be so many?

"Grandpa, after we passed the exam, will my parents really let us go to Kyoto? I haven't been to Kyoto yet?"

I have heard Dabao and Xiaobao mention it before.

But I really haven’t been there.

"As long as you pass the exam, I told your father that you can live at your uncle's house and let Dabao and Xiaobao take you skating. You can also play in the snow, build snowmen, and go to the zoo and amusement park. .”

Is there so much to do in Kyoto?

"Grandpa, have you been there?"

Captain Zhao nodded, "I have been there, and many children are skating there on skates. Snow is something they are accustomed to. There are many animals in the zoo."

Children are very curious about things they have never seen before.

When Zhao's mother is not at home, Captain Zhao eats whatever he wants and drinks a cup of malted milk every day. This stuff has a shelf life. (End of chapter)

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