Holding a shopping app in hand: the female supporting role of the era is numb

Chapter 841 He accidentally cut off a rotten peach blossom

"I don't know. Anyway, your sister-in-law said they stopped and rested along the way."

If it weren't for Xiaohe and Dali not knowing how to operate and manage, would he be keeping an eye on them in the factory?
  You can't leave both the garment factory and the electrical appliance factory to Xiaoyang, right?
  He couldn't do such a thing.

"What about their eating habits when they go out? I heard that the food cooked in many places doesn't quite meet the taste."

Zhao Tianlei glanced at Zhao Tianhe and said helplessly, "Do you think your sister-in-law will wrong herself?"

Zhao Tianhe didn't know how to answer these words.

My sister-in-law really won’t wrong herself.

He didn't get married and moved out, so he learned that fruits could be bought in boxes.

There is never a shortage of seafood and meat, and meat can be eaten basically every day.

At that time, they opened an electrical appliance store, and their lives were quite tight, but my sister-in-law did not wrong them.

Now that they have money, they will not feel wronged when they go out.

"If I hadn't gotten married, I wouldn't have wanted to move out."

It was only after I got married and moved out that I realized that my sister-in-law was very generous.

Basically there is no shortage of fruit to eat.

If someone had told him five years ago that in five years you would be able to eat meat every day and you might not want to eat fruit, he would have laughed at the other person.

But when the facts were before his eyes, he never expected it.

Even now, when he comes over, his sister-in-law asks him to pack some food and go home.

"My sister-in-law will definitely come back before school starts."

You don’t need to tell me, I know this.

"Director, I applied. Our factory director agreed to this, but we have to deliver it as soon as possible. The employees of our machinery factory are waiting to use it."

"That's no problem."

Wang Lan looked at Zhao Tianlei, "Director, your factory can develop this electric fan, but it brings convenience to the masses."

"At that time, the research and development was also focused on reducing costs so that the public could afford an electric fan to send cold air to their homes."

"The factory director is so considerate, your wife must be very happy."

Zhao Tianlei didn't know yet that this was Wang Lan's test. “It would be my honor for her to marry me.”

  Also, how could such a big factory not be married?

Unexpectedly, the flowers withered before she expressed her feelings.

Zhao Tianlei didn't know that he accidentally cut off a rotten peach blossom.

Yun Xiaoxiao has a rotten peach blossom here.

"Comrade, do you have a partner?"

Yun Xiaoxiao looked at this person helplessly. She just came out to buy something, and was stopped by someone, who even planned to stalk her.

"Not only do I have a partner, I also have children."

Having made it so clear, Yun Xiaoxiao didn’t think the other party would come forward, right?
  But the other party thought she said that on purpose.

How can I tell that this lesbian is already married and has children?

Not at all.

"Comrade, if you want to reject me, you don't have to make such an excuse, right?"

Yun Xiaoxiao stopped and glanced at the other party, "Why should I make excuses? This is the fact. You don't have to deny it. I am really married."

The gay man still didn't believe this was true.

"It's impossible, it must be fake. I won't give up just now. I came back from abroad."

"Are you an overseas Chinese?"

Yun Xiaoxiao directly switched to a foreign language and asked the other party: "Are you going back to China to play or are you coming back with your family?"

The gay man didn't expect Yun Xiaoxiao to be so fluent in foreign languages.

Guessed his identity.

Really too smart.

If you grow up abroad, your personality will be more cheerful.

"I'm really married, you go chase the muse in your mind." (End of Chapter)

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