"I want to take a photo with Xiaobao." Yuzi looked at Zhao Tianlei and said.

"Then stand still and I'll take the picture for you." Zhao Tianlei was still patient with Mr. Huo's little grandson.

A little arrogant, but still aware of propriety.

"I want to take a photo with Aunt Yun."

Why does my wife want to take a photo alone with you?

"Uncle Zhao, aren't you willing?"

I don't want to.

That's my wife.

Don't think I haven't noticed that you have been holding my wife's hand.


"Aunt Yun, hold me and take the photo."

Satisfy you.

What else can I do?

You little brat.

"The filming is done. Come down quickly. You are so heavy. My mother will be tired."

Yuzu came down quickly.

"If you're tired, be sure to tell us so we can take a rest."

Yun Xiaoxiao is very beautiful today, but she is wearing a cheongsam, but instead of wearing high heels, she is wearing a pair of white shoes, and her hair is tied up with a hosta, which is very beautiful.

"it is good."

A few of the younger ones also thought this palace was very spectacular.

"Daughter-in-law, let me take some pictures for you."

Zhao Tianlei thinks his wife is beautiful today.

It was really like a rich lady coming out of a boudoir, very gentle and intellectual.


"My mother is so beautiful."

"Little aunt looks so beautiful today."

Even the youngest Liangliang has his little head lit up.

Walking down, a few little ones wandered away, stopping and walking.

I didn't go around the whole place, so I went out.

Find a restaurant to eat.

"Aunt Yun, where should we go to play in the afternoon?"

"Do you want to go to the swimming pool? If not, then we will go boating."

Tingting and others want to go to the swimming pool.

But Yuzu wants to go boating. “Then let’s go rowing first and then go to the swimming pool.”

It is really not an easy task to take a group of children to play.

Fortunately, none of the children were upset, otherwise it would be really difficult to take care of them.

After finally coming out of the swimming pool, we took them to a roast duck restaurant.

I asked for a private room because there were many children.

Brother Yun looked at the roast duck. This was authentic roast duck.

It was also the first time for the Qingqing siblings to eat roast duck and they thought it was delicious.

After eating and drinking, we returned to the courtyard first, and then sent Yuzi back to the compound alone.

At the end of the day, Yun Xiaoxiao was very tired.

I couldn't even straighten my back. After taking a shower, I lay down flat.

"I'll massage your legs, otherwise they will be very sore when you wake up tomorrow."


"Don't move your hands or feet. I'm really tired today and I don't want to move."

"Daughter-in-law, actually I can come."


Yun Xiao's joke changed, "Why are children so energetic? My feet hurt when I walk, but they are still in such good spirits."

She just couldn't figure this out.

She also exercised. She went to school, and at the end of the day, she would probably have taken 10,000 to 20,000 steps. She was not a crispy college student.

But after playing today, I really feel like a crispy college student.

"Children have great energy."


"Tomorrow you take them to see the national flag being raised."

Well, I will take them to see the national flag raising tomorrow.

"Go to bed early."

To see the national flag being raised, you really have to get up early.

Zhao Tianlei just had an idea and saw his wife falling asleep while he was massaging her calves.

Didn't wake her up.

Before five o'clock, Zhao Tianlei called Xingyun Xiaoxiao in a low voice, and then went to call others.

Several children opened their eyes dimly.

"Let's go and watch the national flag being raised."

Liangliang almost cried, but Xiaobao coaxed him and stuffed him with food.

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