You, Sister Yun, are willing to bear it. "I'm really willing to eat it.

I don’t even dare to eat like this during the Chinese New Year.

Even if you don’t need meat tickets to buy meat now, you still wouldn’t dare to buy so much.

“You can spend it and you can earn it.”

Tian Li recognized this.

They have shops. There are also factories.

Besides, people don’t eat like this every day.

Some fruits she had never seen before.

"How to eat this thing?" Tian Li picked up a mangosteen, but she didn't know how to eat it, but the skin of this thing was very thick.

"Peel it open, and the pulp inside looks like garlic cloves, but it tastes particularly good." Fang Chaoyang, who was not far from them, whispered.

When you take the pulp into your mouth, it is really sweet and delicious.

Isn't this cheap?

"Want some iced watermelon? I'll cut it into a plate for you."

This watermelon was brought to the table, each person took a piece, and soon the plate was gone.

Yun Xiaoxiao planned to cut another plate, so Zhao Tianlei took over the job and cut another plate.

"Your third brother is very kind to your sister Yun."

Du Ruo recognized this.

Du Ruo followed Fang Chaoyang to call Zhao Tianlei.

"So sweet."

"Say it's a new breed."

We ate and drank until it got dark. Before leaving, we even helped to clean up before leaving.

The few kids got a piece of ice cream from Yun Xiaoxiao, finished eating and brushed their teeth before going back to the house to sleep.

"Daughter-in-law, I can't stand it after eating too much seafood."

Yun Xiaoxiao was shocked, "Have you eaten a lot of oysters?"

I heard that this thing is a gas station for men?

"have eaten."

Yun Xiaoxiao wanted to push the other party away, but the other party had already pounced on him.

"daughter in law."

"Keep your voice down."

Brother Yun drank a little wine, returned to the study in a daze, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Yun Xiaoxiao went to pick up Yuzi. Her back was sore and she asked them to read at home while she went to lie down for a while. Brother Yun went out again.

When he came back, he said, "I came to Kyoto, but I still want to visit my aunt and grandma."

"Okay, let's go tomorrow."

Yuzi had dinner here in the courtyard and was sent back by Zhao Tianlei.

"Stay away from me."

I don’t want to look at this person.

"Daughter-in-law, I just can't hold it back."

"Anyway, I don't care. You stay away from me, or I'll sleep next to Qingqing and the others."

Can't separate beds.

It can only be farther away.

He just couldn't hold it back.

He is a young man with a lot of anger. He has not been with his wife for several days. It is inevitable that he has lost control a little. You can't blame him for this.

I was going to my great-aunt, so I couldn't go empty-handed, so I went to the door with some fruits and pastries.

"Xiaoxiao, you are here, come in, come in."

Professor Ning saw Brother Yun and felt that this man looked familiar.

"Grandma, this is my second brother, these are my two nieces and a nephew."

Come to Kyoto?

"Why are you so polite?"

Professor Ning really likes Yun Xiaoxiao. They go to the same school and publish books together.

As soon as she entered the house, Professor Ning quickly found some food at home, but she was old and didn't care much about food. At most, she bought some fruits and put them at home.

"Great aunt."

Professor Ning looked at these little ones and listened to their soft shouts.

It's summer vacation. After Professor Ning's grandchildren came to stay with her for a few days, they went out to play again.

Even let them stay for dinner.

Brother Yun went to cook. Originally, Professor Ning was still unwilling to let the guests cook.

"Grandma, my second brother is a good cook, and he rarely comes here. I also want to try his cooking skills." (End of Chapter)

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