"Sometimes the tutors have more resources than we do, not to mention that this is a mutually beneficial thing. Graduate students are not like us undergraduates who need to go to class every day."

Zhao Tianlei looked deeply at his wife, "Daughter-in-law, why do I think you are asking me to continue studying with you?"

"Postgraduate entrance examination?"

Zhao Tianlei felt threatened by his wife.

It seems to be saying: Do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination? If you don’t take the postgraduate entrance examination, would you give it a try?

"Test, test."

Yun Xiaoxiao suddenly raised her lips and smiled, "I know that my Dabao dad shares the joys and sorrows with me."

"Daughter-in-law, can you..."


Ding Aiguo wanted to target Zhao Tianlei, but this Zhao Tianlei was very slippery.

Rarely drinks with others.

Basically I don’t eat or sleep outside.

Go home on time every day.

It's time to graduate from college.

Many students in the class have good relations with Zhao Tianlei.

Zhao Tianlei is very generous, and there is no delay in commissions. Many people have earned thousands in Zhao Tianlei relying on commissions.

Nowadays, a worker's salary is fifty, and this one thousand will take two years.

It is completely enough for their living expenses in school.

"Are you in graduate school?"

"I haven't thought about it since I was in graduate school."

"Tian Lei, you don't want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, do you?"

Zhao Tianlei nodded, "My wife is taking the postgraduate entrance examination, so let me take the postgraduate entrance examination together."

Others couldn't help but joke, "We Tianlei are following in my sister-in-law's footsteps."

"That is."

It’s New Year’s Day in a flash.

"Aunt Yun, my mother wants to see you.":


Want to see her?

But to be honest, I haven’t met Yuzu’s mother yet.

But I learned from Yuzu that her mother is very tall.

People from the Northeast are taller than people from the South, Yun Xiaoxiao knows this. When you go to the Northeast, if you dress childishly, others will think you are a child.


On New Year's Day, Yun Xiaoxiao met Yuzi's mother.

This person is Yu Jifeng.

"You must be Xiaobao's mother. I have long heard that my Yuzi talks about you. You are indeed very beautiful."

You are such a straight-tempered person, if you don't know, I will misunderstand you.

"You are handsome, too."


Yuzi's mother smiled heartily, "I don't blame my son for liking you so much. I like you too."

We just met for the first time.

Yuzi's mother's eyes fell on her youngest son and the two children, "Youzi's father and I are too busy. We have lived with my father in the compound since we were one year old. His father and I rarely accompany him."

"Yuzu can understand you."

Yuzi's mother looked at her son again, "After having Xiaobao, he smiled more."

Although there are many children playing with Yuzi in the courtyard, they have some purpose.

Xiaobao didn't have this idea.

Because his parents are both students from prestigious universities, and he himself is also very good.

"Yuzu is a bit arrogant, but he is still very sensible."


Yuzu's mother didn't understand the meaning of this word.

"Cold on the outside and hot on the inside."

it seems to be like this.

Because there is a car, traveling is convenient.

The two women took their three children to watch movies, go to the children's amusement park, roast duck, and even buy a lot of food.

"My mother, you haven't been shopping with me like this for a long time." Youzi whispered to Yun Xiaoxiao.

"Your mother is too busy. She wronged you because of the country. But if you want to go out to play in the future, you can call me and I will take you to play."

Yuzu nodded.

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