Chapter 201
After a night of treatment, Eunuch You was out of danger, and Emperor Xuan of Jin returned to his palace to rest.

This morning's morning court was straightforward. The courtiers waiting outside the Jinluan Palace were talking a lot, and they kept speculating about what happened in the palace.


Eunuch You was more than ten years older than Emperor Xuan of Jin, and he had followed Emperor Xuan of Jin since he was a child. When Emperor Xuan of Jin was not favored by the late emperor, it was Eunuch You who accompanied him through hard times and suffered bullying.

"Hey," Emperor Xuan of Jin wiped his tears, "Are you awake? Hurry, lie down quickly, don't open the wound!"

Eunuch You was lying on the bed, feeling flattered. He kept trying to get up to greet Emperor Xuan of Jin, but he gave up until Emperor Xuan of Jin showed displeasure.

Emperor Xuan of Jin cared for him for a few words and asked him to take good care of his injuries. If he needed any medicine, he should go to the Imperial Hospital to get it. Don't skimp on it.

Lin Zongzong said a lot, but Emperor Xuan of Jin looked at Eunuch You with guilt in his eyes.

The one who kept vigil for him last night was his newly promoted eunuch, but when the assassin came, it was You Fugui who blocked the attack. Emperor Xuan of Jin knew who was loyal and who was traitorous.

Emperor Xuan of the Jin Dynasty was so angry that he had the eunuch taken to the Department of Punishment and beaten with a hundred boards. He was sent to Xinzheku if he was still alive, and he was thrown into a mass grave if he was dead!
After the concubines of various palaces learned that Emperor Xuan of Jin had been assassinated, they sent their concerns and worries one after another. Emperor Xuan of Jin felt annoyed and drove them away.

The days of recuperation were extremely long, and Emperor Xuan of Jin could not lack people to serve him. Emperor Xuan of Jin did not promote new people, but asked Eunuch You's apprentices to serve him by his side.

During the days when Eunuch You was recovering from his injuries, Emperor Xuan of Jin Dynasty visited him whenever he had time. He visited Eunuch You more often than he went to the harem.

At the same time, Emperor Xuan of Jin did not stop his plan to take back Yangzhou.

Emperor Xuan of Jin Dynasty changed, of course, maybe he never changed. He was always that kind of person, but he just blurted out the words of enfeoffing Yangzhou in a fit of enthusiasm.

Jun Wu joked, so many people heard it, and it was too late for Emperor Xuan of Jin to regret it.

But when his interests are truly violated, he reveals his true face.

December [-]st is Shen Changan's birthday, and this year's birthday is also the day when she gets her haircut.

On the morning of her haircut day, Shen Changan was woken up early by Liuli and Shuiyun. She slept late last night and couldn't stay in bed today.

Then he was pulled to wash up and put on makeup. Without even opening her eyes, Shen Changan was pressed by Liuli in front of the mirror to put on light makeup. When she regained consciousness, she took the clothes from Shui Yun's hand and selected the clothes she would wear today. , it was a blue auspicious suit, but it was not too plain. It had been prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs early in the morning, so she put it on in a daze.

Shen Changan is good-looking, but even if she only wears light makeup to highlight her facial features, she looks extraordinarily pure.

Because she was still observing mourning, she couldn't wear red clothes, but cyan was also good, making her skin fairer.

"Why are you getting up so early? I haven't even woken up yet."

Shen Changan covered her mouth with her hand and yawned again. This morning, Shen Changan had been yawning since she got up. She couldn't help it, she was too sleepy, and she was usually still sleeping at this moment.

She and Ji had caught up with the Queen Mother's three-year mourning period. Emperor Xuan of Jin Dynasty meant that it was not a big deal and she could just entertain her friends in the palace.

"Princess," Liuli helplessly helped Shen Chang'an straighten up, "Although the palace is not easy to deal with, the hairpin ceremony is the second most important day in a woman's life after getting married, so we can't be careless."

"The princes and princesses will celebrate for you soon. Miss Lin is coming too. We, the princess, must be the most beautiful girl among them!"

Well, it’s not necessary (-_-) zzz
Liuli sighed. Their princess was good at everything, but she didn't care about anything she thought was unimportant.

Forget it, she, the eldest maid, should worry about the princess!Emperor Xuan of the Jin Dynasty didn't know what his attitude was. He only asked someone to send Shen Chang'an a hairpin gift, but no one came.

Tantai Qingcheng and Nalan Heng were the elders, and they sat in the upper seats.

After Shen Changan put on his makeup and changed into his auspicious clothes, Liuli and Shuiyun followed him to the main hall to pay his respects.

Tantai Qingcheng looked really emotional. Time flies so fast. Her granddaughter is about to get her haircut. After three years, she will get married.

Thinking like this, when Tantai Qingcheng saw Shen Changan walking in, she leaned over to salute and said hello, then she pulled him to her side with a smile and sat down: "Chang'an, grandma didn't watch you grow up, nor did she protect you. Brothers and sisters, when I first met you, you were still such a small baby. In the blink of an eye, you were about to get married..."

Tantai Qingcheng's eyes were a little red, Shen Changan held the handkerchief to comfort her: "Grandma, it's good for our family to be reunited. Chang'an is getting hairpin today, so grandma should be happy."

"Besides, I won't get married until I'm eighteen!"

Nalan Heng also advised: "Chang'an is right, today is her happy day, so just smile."

As he spoke, he pulled the corners of her mouth to give her a smile.

Tantai Qingcheng clapped his hand and laughed, "Go away! The child is still there!"

Shen Changan covered his face and snickered.

Well, you can actually pretend that I don’t exist...

A palace maid came over and asked Tantai Qingcheng to clean herself and change her clothes. When she came back and sat down, Tantai Qingcheng was dressed in formal clothes and looked dignified.

"The guest of honor is Mrs. Yun's wife, Yousi is Miss Shuiyun, and the person who praises you is your sister of the Lin family..."

Tantai Qingcheng told Shen Changan about the personnel and process in an orderly manner. When the two of them wanted to say more, a palace maid came over and reminded her softly that it was time to eat.

After dinner, relevant personnel also came. Mrs. Yun came with Miss Yun and Shen Junheng's companion, and Lin Wanyi came with several princes and princesses.

A few people chatted with Shen Changan for a while, and the hairdressing ceremony was about to begin.

When Mrs. Yun arrived, ritual music started playing, and Tantai Qingcheng and Nalan Heng, as elders, each said rituals.

Then the guests were welcomed to the table, and the music and etiquette were getting louder. The guests were Concubine Ji, Concubine Lu Xian, and others. Shen Changan didn't want to see irrelevant people on her birthday, so she just invited them on the excuse that it couldn't be a grand event. Friends and family.

From then on, Tantai Qingcheng and Nalan Heng sat high, and Lin Wanyi, the admirer, walked to the center to wash his hands and stood waiting on the west steps. Shen Chang'an turned to the south, bowed his hands, and then knelt down facing the west.Lin Wanyi, the complimenter, stepped forward and gave her a high bun.

Lin Wanyi had practiced for a long time for this day. Although she could not see, she could successfully complete all the steps.

Step by step, she has practiced for many days, and every step is a standard measure.

After the praisers stepped back, Mrs. Zhengbin Yun stood up and stood on the east steps to show her cleanliness, accompanied by Tantai Qingcheng and Nalan Heng, who bowed to each other.

Shen Changan lowered his eyebrows and turned to sit in the east. Si Shuiyun presented him with ropa and hairpins. Mrs. Zhengbinyun walked up to Shen Changan and loudly recited a congratulatory message: "On the auspicious day of the month, we will start to wear yuan clothes. I will abandon you when you are young." Ambition, follow the rules and become virtuous. Longevity test is only for Qi, and Jingfu is the guide for you."

(End of this chapter)

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