Chapter 11
Fu Xiao never thought that the first time he taught someone else was teaching games.Although I had taught my cousin elementary school mathematics before, that didn't count—after all, my cousin didn't take her seriously at all at that time, and covered her ears and pissed her off.

Fu Xiao got through Jiajia's WeChat friends, and found out her full name was "Yang Yujia", and asked her uncle for his adult-authenticated account.

Although Fu Xiao is not a good teacher, but in the game of Glory of Kings, she is very conceited that her level relative to Jiajia is about the same as that of her second-year cousin in mathematics.

"You mean I'm a primary school student." After two rounds of double platooning, Jiajia pouted after getting this evaluation after repeated pressing.

"In this game," Fu Xiao said and opened the hero panel, "The reaction speed of elementary school students is not a derogatory term, I'm just complimenting you."

"You're saying that I'm not even as good as a primary school student!" Jiajia rolled her eyes.

"Ah, yes." After getting acquainted, Fu Xiao was not as restrained as before, and teased Jia Jia more easily.

"Here." Jiajia handed her a cup of fruit tea, which was the takeaway she had just arrived.

"Look, how many heroes can you recognize in this hero panel?" Fu Xiao took the fruit tea, which contained her favorite watermelon.

"Me?" Jiajia frowned. "Please, big sister, I am a contestant in the city finals! A person who doesn't recognize a hero defeated a gold medal provincial contestant! What do you make others think!"

"They might think, your teammates are really good." Fu Xiao nodded and said solemnly.

"It's too much," Jiajia said, "What are you trying to say?"

"What I mean is that you not only need to know each hero's name and position, but you also need to know how they play to really know him."

"I have to learn all the heroes to fight them?" Jiajia was still confused.

"For example, take Miyamoto Musashi who is opposite us." Fu Xiao clicked on the game replay. This is a Japanese swordsman who looks like an uncle.

"If you were Zhaojun, how would you freeze this hero?"

"Squat in the grass."

"What if you don't squat on the grass?"

"Frozen wherever others are." Jiajia slowed down her speech, as if she knew she was going to learn something new, after all, according to the method she said. She had never been frozen by Miyamoto Musashi before.

"Open the training camp and choose Miyamoto Musashi to see." Fu Xiao thought for a while and said.

In general, as long as players have played enough games and experienced enough beatings, they will naturally know the skills of each hero, and even have some muscle memory when facing heroes like Miyamoto Musashi.But Jiajia is different. She doesn't play that much. To understand what measures to take against different heroes in a short period of time, she can only try it herself.

"Okay." Jiajia opened the training camp obediently, and the uncle read the name of his lover Atong and walked onto the display page.

It turns out that this is how Miyamoto fights mages. On the first floor, Miyamoto will be big when you meet him. Miyamoto who knows how to play a little will cheat the mage's skills. He still has a displacement. No wonder Jiajia's skills will disappear sometimes when playing Daji. It was all cut off by his blade.
Jia Jia buried her head in practicing and repeating, Fu Xiao felt that she was only doing this when she memorized the Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion.

"Do you understand?" Fu Xiao finally asked.

"Understood!" Yang Yujia, a three-good student, replied sitting upright.

"Then back to the first question." Fu Xiao held back a smile and continued to ask, "How does Wang Zhaojun fight Miyamoto Musashi?"

"Skills put! Feet! Get down!" Jiajia followed the tone of elementary school students and skipped vigorously word by word.

"How does Daji beat Miyamoto?"

"Back! Spring! Water! If you don't return to the spring, wait until all his skills are used up before hitting! Come out when necessary! Gold! Body!"

"Good! The next hero, Lu Bu!"

One afternoon passed, and Jiajia fully understood the skills of 15 popular warrior heroes, and knew the timing and motivation of using their skills.

"Okay." After Fu Xiao announced that today's warrior study was over, Jiajia stood up and said happily, "Let's go! I invite you! Let's go after dinner."

"No way." Fu Xiao looked down at the phone. "You have just learned about the theory, and you haven't practiced it yet."

"?" Jiajia shouted, "It's six o'clock in the afternoon!"

Fu Xiao raised her head: "Yes."

"You don't have to do this if you want to earn tuition!"

"But there are only six days left in the next game."

They looked at each other.

"And you still have a few basic game understanding problems that need to be solved." Fu Xiao pulled a stack of papers on the table, looked them over and over again, and looked up at Yang Yujia questioningly.

"Scratch paper, you can use it." Jiajia replied blankly, she still couldn't believe that after four hours of torture in the training camp, Fu Xiao still had the energy to sit there and draw.

"Don't you eat?" She had no choice but to sit down again, silently looking at the picture drawn by Fu Xiao. It was a simple canyon, marking the upper, middle and lower roads.

"I'll just buy a bag of instant noodles on the way home in a while." Fu Xiao muttered nonchalantly, then pointed to the map seriously and said, "You know that the perspectives of the two sides are reversed, similar to us standing face to face, and my left hand Is that on your right?"

"Are you trying to say that their top lane is our bottom lane?" Jia Jia still refused to give up on the fight for dinner, "Instant noodles are not nutritious!"

"That's right." Fu Xiao ignored it, and concentrated on ticking the line of "Map Identification" just listed.

"In this way, it is a very important strategic reference to pay attention to which buff the opponent's jungler has, which determines whether he will give priority to our top lane or bottom lane."

"A lot of times, three-lane players don't have time to pay attention to these things if the lane is fierce. As a support, you have to stand up and consider this. Do you understand?"

"But how do I pay attention?" Jia Jia finally stopped being obsessed with instant noodles: "I follow the shooter, but I can't see where the opponent's wild man is and when he will open it."

"Die when you go out and the shooter's support are idiots." Fu Xiao replied simply.

"But Zhang Sui said—"

"Then he is also a fool."

Yang Yujia folded her arms now and began to look at Fu Xiao angrily.

Fu Xiao didn't know why she just blurted out the words, she obviously only met the girl in front of her yesterday, but now she became open-mouthed and talked about everything in front of her.She tried her best to put on a sullen face, trying to show the majesty of the teacher and resist Yang Yujia's dissatisfaction.

"I'll cook you instant noodles first, it's too late to eat when you go back." Yang Yujia broke the stalemate and said bluntly, stood up and ran to the kitchen quickly.

The tea restaurant Goddess who eats Yangchun noodles also has Master Kong's braised beef noodles?Fu Xiao finally didn't hold back.She studied Jiajia's common heroes for a while, then picked up her mobile phone and walked into the kitchen. Yang Yujia unwrapped the bag, took out the bread and ingredients, turned down the heat, and deftly poured it into the less boiling water. Poached two eggs, skimmed off the white foam, and after the poached eggs were formed, gradually increased the fire, and when boiling, threw two bags of instant noodle seasoning and noodles into it.

Soon, the fragrant boiled instant noodles came out of the pan, and Yang Yujia even decorated it with a few freshly washed spinach leaves.The red oil soup is served with emerald green spinach, and there is a half-covered golden poached egg yolk on top.Fu Xiao picked up the bowl and couldn't wait to take a bite of the noodles: "Isn't this much more delicious than Yangchun noodles?"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, please collect it~ Woohoo, this is really important to me!


(End of this chapter)

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