Live broadcast antique city, others will miss your wholesale?

Chapter 132 Can Easter Eggs Really Be Made?

After the gunfire, there was silence.

There is no frightened flock of birds in the legend,
There were no flaming clouds filling the sky in response to the occasion,
Just a few flat gunshots, and then nothing.

Su Bai was silent for a while, a little surprised and a little relieved.

She didn't call in a hurry to check on the situation;

On the contrary, following the gunshots, a kind of laziness emerged from the cracks in the bones,

Lazy, wanting to do nothing.


Su Bai went to the wine cabinet in the room, without looking at the brand, he chose a bottle of red wine and opened it.

I forgot everything about sobering up, poured it into a goblet, held it and walked back to the French window.

Facing the direction of the farmhouse, toast and respect.

"Sister Su!"


When Xiao Cheng and A Niu went to Su Bai's room to look for her,
Half the bottle of red wine has been consumed.

Su Bai's face was stained with a layer of blush and he looked towards them.

Xiao Cheng blurted out: "The person died..."

Su Bai sipped the wine in his glass: "Go back."


Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three days,

Apart from drinking tea with Boss Yu, Su Bai also picked up a new hobby.


Xiao Cheng was keenly aware of this, and the Xiao family's good wine cellar suffered a heavy blow.

In just three days, a lot of old brandy, red wine, whiskey, Daiginjo, etc. were missing, and the few that were missing were all high-quality goods.

That is to say, Su Bai disliked that baijiu was too choking, otherwise those Mao 50s and Mao 80s would not be able to keep it.


Boss Yu, who had paid an unknown amount of treasured tea and had peonies chewed by Su Bainiu, was finally pleasantly surprised to see the return gift.

Still good wine,

Good vintage Bordeaux red wine,
Macallan and other old brands, aged single malt whiskey,
Su Bai moved a lot to Boss Yu.

for three whole days,

Every time Yu Qingqian saw Su Bai, his smile would overflow from his eyes and crow's feet.

Today is no exception.

Yu Qingqian skillfully took the wine in Su Bai's hand, glanced at it, and smiled from ear to ear:

"Yo, it's Glenfiddich today, and Young Master Xiao paid you another tribute."

"Xiao Su, why don't you keep it for yourself to drink, it's too polite, too polite."

Su Bai rolled his eyes,
If it really feels inappropriate, don't stretch out your hand so fast.

Yu Qingqian put away the wine and made tea attentively.

Su Bai took a sip and realized that the tea he brewed today was green tea, but he couldn't tell the difference clearly, so he asked:

"Today is this, Xinyang Maojian, or Lu'an Guapian?"

Yu Qingqian gave a thumbs up: "Yes, it's done after training, this is Xinyang Maojian."

Before switching to it, he gave Su Bai a bitter and resentful look so that Su Bai could experience it for himself.

How did you practice?
drink his tea,

Even drink and take.

Not anymore, Yu Qingqian even took the initiative to say: "If you think it's good, I can give you two catties. An old friend of mine gave it to me."

"Well, it's the friend who takes care of the old man you told me before."

Su Bai was taken aback for a moment before he remembered this matter.

At that time, she and Yu Qingqian had just met, and she picked up a jade pig hand from an old man who had been deceived by a trick, and later sold it to Ma Weidu's.

Feeling a little guilty, after all, money cannot be earned from poor people, so she entrusted Yu Qingqian to find someone to arrange it.

Unexpectedly, after a long circle, after so long,

Over a cup of Xinyang Maojian, we connected again.

Su Bai smiled and was not polite: "Then take two catties."

Yu Qingqian responded with a smile, and then brought the topic back to the wine, and said with a smile: "Xiao Su, haven't you had a drink recently? Why did you mention all the wine to me? I saw it, but it's all good wine. "

Su Bai spread his hands helplessly:
"Speaking of Boss Yu, don't laugh at me, I just can't get used to drinking.

The brandy is okay, the rest..."

"Red wine, a taste of grape skins;
Whiskey, coals. "

"I can't appreciate it, but brandy, Daiginjo sake, etc. are suitable for me."

Yu Qingqian agreed with a smile: "Wine is just like antiques. You can't just look at the value, you have to look at which one you like."

"If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it."

"There is no reason or no reason, and a joke is not a joke."

"Xiao Su, you have reached a certain level."

Su Bai: "..."

This can also be an embarrassing boast, Boss Yu, you have fallen.

Yu Qingqian said without knowing it: "Since you don't like it, why don't you ask Young Master Xiao not to give it away, and even try to mention it to me."

Su Bai chuckled: "This can't dampen people's enthusiasm."

"You." Yu Qingqian pointed at her and laughed.

In fact, he knew in his heart that after some things, Su Bai was really willing to treat Xiao Cheng as a friend, so he didn't mind taking advantage of it.

After all, with Su Bai's professional level, this bargain would always be paid back a thousand times over, so there's no need to be polite.

They talked about wine, tea, and antiques, talking about this and that. After chatting for a while, a person walked in in a hurry.

"Hey, talk about Cao Cao. When Cao Cao arrives, people really don't talk about it."

Yu Qingqian got up to greet her: "Young Master Xiao, why are you free to come over today?"

Xiao Cheng greeted Yu Qingqian, and questioned, "What are you talking about about me?"

Su Bai said, "The wine is good."

Xiao Cheng smiled broadly: "I'll look for it in the old man's wine cellar later. I'm sure there will be some good wine."

A light flashed across the eyes of Su Bai and Yu Qingqian.

Xiao Cheng sat down, took a sip of tea, and then said mysteriously:
"Sister Su, the case of Brother Wei and James has come to an end."

Su Bai immediately suppressed his smile.

Yu Qingqian's face showed surprise: "Young Master Xiao, your relationship is okay. I just drank two kilograms of wine from Gong Suo last night, but I didn't ask anything."

Don't ask, asking is borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, and what you drink is Xiao's wine.

Xiao Cheng smiled triumphantly, and then, under Su Bai's urging, he revealed the inside information he had learned...

On the same day, the gunshot that suddenly sounded and spread far to the resort, the corresponding gun did indeed hit Brother Wei.

He was shot several times and died on the spot.

"How did you make it like this?"

Su Bai has been curious for a few days.

Shouldn't people be buckled up and figure out what happened to James and the Russian girl?
Xiao Chengdao: "No one would have thought that his nose is so sharp and his heart is so ruthless, just when he realized something was wrong, he backhanded his wife..."

It turns out that after Brother Wei discovered that something was wrong that day,

He didn't take the slightest bit of luck, and immediately held Wei's wife hostage with a knife, and ruthlessly, the tip of the knife pierced into Wei's neck, bleeding half of his body.

Seeing that he was agitated and that Wei's wife's wound was near a major artery, Team Xing, who was in charge of the scene, did not dare to be careless and had to order to kill him.

"That James and that Russian girl..."

Su Bai sighed, and hurriedly asked.

Xiao Chengdao: "Then I searched the farmhouse and found their... wreckage."

Su Bai was silent.

Xiao Cheng slowed down, and continued to talk...

With modern criminal investigation technology, there is nothing to hide as long as your eyes are focused on it.

Perhaps, without Su Bai, Brother Wei would have been unable to escape the law.

Her appearance only accelerated the process.

After Wei Ge's death,

The criminal police team's trace inspection and forensic doctor came on the scene, and soon found the first scene in the farmhouse, and found the remains of the body.
And figured out all the circumstances.

Brother Wei opens and handles ham all day long,
With a separate work room, it is very convenient to do anything, and even if there is blood and oil stains on the body, it will not arouse suspicion.

Even Sister Wei didn't notice it.

The rest of the wreckage of James and the Russian girl was handled by him in a special way.

If Team Xing and the others find Brother Wei in two or three nights,

Maybe not even the last bit of debris will be left.

"Special method..."

Su Bai and Boss Yu looked at each other, and they both saw curiosity in each other's eyes, but no one asked.

Everyone had a premonition that it would be a shocking answer.

Xiao Cheng took another gulp of Xinyang Maojian, poured it all out without anyone asking.

Brother Wei, packed up the processed parts like that, then vacuum-packed them, and sent them to the person who bought ham from him before using the ready-made delivery address.

I contacted them afterwards and told them it was sent to the wrong address and asked them to help send it back to a new address.

When I didn’t focus on him,
These behaviors seem perfectly normal,
Is it normal to sell ham in the first place, or to distribute ham all over the country through the online celebrity network?

No suspicion was raised.

As for the address for customers to send back, it is a safe house of Brother Wei, so I found someone who didn't know it, and it was over after a while.

If there is no failure, after a year or so, he will have time to deal with it...

When Xiao Cheng said this, he slapped his thigh:
"When he took the shot, the two of them... well, they had already wandered around the country."

Su Bai: ...

Yu Qingqian:......

The stomachs of both of them were churning, and they put down the teacups in their hands one after another.

Su Bai swallowed hard: "Boss Yu, what did you just say you had for lunch?"

"Northeast cuisine, shredded lamb neck, stewed pork vermicelli, ground pot goose..."

Boss Yu's eyes were straightened, and he shook his head by himself, saying half of the name of the dish: "Forget it, the bad stewed small seafood next door is pretty good."

Su Bai agreed: "Just that, I can't eat the big meat."

Boss Yu silently took out the phone, canceled the cancellation, reserved the seat,
Neither of them mentioned the issue of nuclear wastewater or whether seafood could be eaten. Anyway, large meat and red meat were definitely not edible.

Su Bai still felt a little uncomfortable.

She always remembered how 10 days and a half ago, James came over and sat on the edge, took out his mobile phone and showed her the Russian easter egg.

The voice and smile are still in front of my eyes.

This guy is not a good person, but he is not a ham...

Su Bai shook his head, shook off this terrifying thought, and quickly changed the topic:

"Xiao Cheng, have you found the Russian easter egg?"

Xiao Cheng shook his head: "If you didn't find it, it doesn't matter. It can't even be called physical evidence."

"They didn't kill for that Russian Easter egg at all."

Su Bai grasped the point keenly: "They?"

"Yes, they."

Xiao Cheng then told the truth behind it...


James and Brother Wei, these two seemingly incompatible people, are actually old friends.

To be precise, poker friends.

The two met at a Texas Hold'em poker game in Hangzhou and had a heated game.

Simply put, two gamblers.

Gamblers cannot escape the outcome of losing in the end.


After both of them lost everything once and owed a lot of debt, they met each other and joined forces to make a crooked idea.

Russian girls are not the first victims.

Coincidentally, Su Bai also knew the first victim.

It was the Chinese girl who was at the flea market and wanted to stick to James.

She was a typical only child from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, with a house under her name.

Su Bai: "..."

She waved her hand, indicating that Xiao Cheng didn't need to go into detail about the girl.

You know, it's just that you were tricked into borrowing a bunch of online loans and then selling the house in your name.
The last tragic murderer.

That girl is xenophobic and nasty,
However, we should never end up like this.

Su Bai sighed for a while.

Xiao Cheng then went on to talk about the follow-up. This part is basically the guess made by the police based on clues and evidence.

After all, James and Brother Wei have already suffered retribution, and there is nothing they can do if they want to confess.

That day, when Su Bai and the others were eating at the farmhouse,
That Russian girl should have been killed.

Maybe the process and purpose are no different from the Chinese girls before.

Accidentally, it appeared on that Russian egg.

James didn't know if he discovered it later or if he had deliberately concealed the existence of the Russian egg and wanted to be alone.

I don't know why, but Wei Ge discovered it.

So there was infighting.

Everyone knew the result, and "James" traveled around the country.

Xiao Cheng sighed sadly: "Guesses are all guesses. After all, everyone is dead."

"It's not a pity that they died, but it's the Russian egg."

"I'm afraid I'll never find it."

Xiao Cheng's sigh was sincere.

After all, he was serious about hugging his thighs, so that day he learned that there were foreign treasures like Russian Easter eggs in the world.

Afterwards, Xiao Cheng secretly looked up information and asked people for advice.

The reason is that when Su Bai makes the appraisal, he can add a few words.

Unexpectedly, after learning about it, Xiao Cheng was really interested, and became interested in Russian Easter eggs.

That kind of European classic and top-notch luxury is very attractive to a rich second generation like him.

So it's a real pity.

Xiao Cheng finished sighing and found that there was no response. He turned around to look, only to find that Su Bai was immersed in browsing on his mobile phone.

He quietly poked his head over to take a look, and found that it was a video of Brother Wei opening ham.

It should be said or not, Brother Wei deserves it, but no matter how many times you watch the video of him firing ham, even if the process is repeated, it is still very healing.

Xiao Cheng's behavior of leaning his head made Su Bai very disgusted and rolled his eyes at him.

Then, she realized what she was saying and asked, "Xiao Cheng, what did you just say?"

Xiao Cheng scratched his head in disbelief: "I said, I'm afraid I'll never find that Russian Easter egg."

Su Bai shook his head: "That may not be the case."


Xiao Cheng, and Boss Yu, who had just ordered the meal, all turned their heads to look over.

Su Bai murmured, and asked, "Xiao Cheng, isn't Mrs. Wei involved in Brother Wei's affairs?"

Xiao Cheng didn't know why, but he still said: "No, the person has been discharged from the hospital, questioned, and released."

"That's good."

Su Bai got up, and patted Xiao Cheng's shoulder when passing by: "Why are you still standing there, let's drive."

"Drive? Where are you going? It's time for dinner..."

Xiao Cheng was a little reluctant, but he still grabbed the key and stood up.

"Let's go to Jinhua again."

"Why are you going to Jinhua?"

"The movie is over, shouldn't the easter eggs appear?"


people are gone,
Boss Yu was stunned for a while before he realized it, and muttered to the backs of the two of them:

"I've already ordered all the seafood..."

"Okay, I'll eat it myself."

In addition to being depressed, Boss Yu was also looking forward to it.

Could it be that there are really Easter eggs? !

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