"With your words, Xiao Su and I didn't run away today."

Boss Yu was happy, but also a little disappointed: "It was just a little bit..."

"If I hadn't been lucky with a small amount of money,
Xiao Su, you have good taste.
Even if our trip is in vain. "

Su Bai nodded knowingly.

She understood what Boss Yu was saying. This enamel pit was a bit of a trap, but it didn't make a difference.

There are still good things in there.

If Xiaoqian really didn't get something good and didn't come to his senses, he couldn't blame others.

I just want to admit defeat.


Su Bai gave Boss Yu a strange look.

I didn’t find anyone playing tricks, and I didn’t give you a chance to perform.
You feel uncomfortable, don't you?

I didn’t expect you to be such a boss Yu.

At this time,

The good luck of the small money inspired many onlookers, and many people continued to gamble.

After opening about twenty boxes, two people finally opened the treasure.

However, the quality of the two treasures offered was not high, and the estimated price was only a few dozen to 20.

Or the market price, or the auction price?
If I sell it myself, it’s hard to say whether I can sell it.

Including Xiaoqian’s unexpected piece of snuff, not even one worth 30 yuan was sold today!

With only the last twenty items left, the boss finally stood up from that stool.

"Come on, come on, behave yourself. Let's take the last twenty pieces together. The starting price is 50. Is there anyone who can round them up?"

Everyone is very excited.

Because there are at least two treasures in it, and there are three more if they are not guaranteed. If it is 50, there will be no loss at all, and it will even be a profit.

"50 here." Someone raised his hand and shouted.

"Me, 51 million."


For a while, the flea market felt like a street auction, which was quite interesting.

Su Bai found that many of the people watching were about to yawn before, but now they were shouting out the price in high spirits.

There are actually people waiting for this...

It's very similar to those in lottery shops who specialize in buying lottery tickets that have been scratched by others and then picking up the same thing from inside.

There were many people shouting, and the number reached 60 at once.

60 was a hurdle, and the number of people shouting dropped by half in an instant.

When the price reached 70, there were only a few people left bidding.

In the end, it was a middle-aged man standing behind Su Bai who won the auction of the twenty cloisonne boxes at [-].

The middle-aged man has dark skin and looks quite gentle. When he just bid for the auction, his voice was calm, without any anxiety.

Su Bai sniffled and clicked his tongue: "Boss Yu is quite profitable now."

"What?" Boss Yu pointed to his nose, in disbelief: "Forget it for others, how dare you accuse me of making money? Don't you know how much you make?"


Su Bai wiped away the cold sweat and quickly explained: "The fishing boat owner is the fishing boat owner."

Boss Yu: "Oh~"

Suspicious look.

"How did you know?"

“Didn’t I just go out to sea once? At that time, I found a fishing boat owner to rent, and I also went out to sea for fishing.

The ship boss is very similar to this boss. "Su Bai was referring to the last time he and Xiao Cheng attended the maritime auction.

Suddenly, Xiao Cheng rented a fishing boat. At that time, the people on the boat were almost all tanned, and there was still some fishy smell of sea water and fish on their bodies.

As for why he was the boss and not a crew member, it was because this man had a similar temperament to the owner of the fishing boat at that time.

What’s the last name of that fishing boat owner? It seems to be... Ye!
And to be able to spend 80 yuan so generously to open enamel, ordinary crew members should not be able to do it.

Boss Yu nodded understandingly and did not ask further about the resemblance.

It would be extremely rude to accidentally be overheard saying something about the smell or something.

A few words of effort,

The fishing boat owner had already gone up to pay the money, and there was a lot of discussion around him:

"If you buy those for 80 yuan, it's a loss to specify."

"That's right, the items offered out in the first two times didn't exceed 20 yuan. The three items offered here for 20 yuan are considered to be the best."

"If you have money, you can spend it however you want."

"It's still the little brother who made snuff at the beginning. I'm really envious."

The owner of the fishing boat opened the box on the spot. He was very proud and opened it all in one breath.

The boss who opened the enamel still abided by the rules. As usual, there were indeed two valuable items inside.

Those are two pieces of jade.

One of them is a jade handle.

Another one is a Pisces jade pendant.

The boss who opened the enamel leaned over and looked over, and said with a smile: "Tsk tsk, you really made money this time, these two pieces of jade are from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, look at the luster of the jade, look at the workmanship, maybe at that time Emperor Qianlong even used it."

If this was really used by Emperor Qianlong, it would be easy to add another 30, let alone 0 to [-].

The owner of the fishing boat was obviously very happy, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut, "It does look good."

"Of course." The enamelling boss walked over and took out the note underneath the two jade objects in the box. "Look, this is the proof."

The note was handwritten, with a line of text that was somewhat understandable but not 100% similar to Chinese characters. Japanese katakana was also filled in on it.

Just by looking at the Chinese characters, you can guess the content.

One reads "Qing Qianlong Jade Ruyi".

One reads "Qianlong Pisces Jade Pendant of the Qing Dynasty".

The signature is a Japanese name.

The boss who opened the enamel said: "These two pieces of jade were collected from an old man in his 90s in Kyushu, Japan, and they should have flowed to Japan at that time."

The owner of the fishing boat smiled so much that his eyes narrowed, and he enjoyed the compliments from the people around him. Even the owner of the enamel maker, who had charged him so much money, looked bright in his eyes.

The feeling of pride in his heart was similar to that of catching a net of wild large yellow croaker or bluefin tuna at sea.

However, just as he was enjoying himself, a cold snort came, destroying all his fantasies.

"Qianlong Gong? That's nonsense."

The owner of the fishing boat felt a little nervous. He knew that in this kind of situation, how could he not be somewhat confident if he dared to mess up the situation like this?

He instantly felt that the wild large yellow croaker had shrunk into small yellow croakers, and the bluefin tuna had turned into yellowfin tuna, and he quickly followed the sound and looked around.

"Do you know the jade materials and craftsmanship of the Qianlong period? It's really off the top of your head. This is obviously something from the late Qing Dynasty."

When the man said the second half of the sentence,
The fishing boat owner also saw clearly that it was none other than the middle-aged man who bought snuff just now.

"Impossible." The enamel owner's heart sank, but his mouth was still tough, and he shouted at the middle-aged man: "You said it wasn't, right? I swear, there was not a single lie in what I just said."

Someone with a keen mind has already heard it.

What he swears is that he didn't tell lies, including Kyushu, Japan, a 90-year-old man, etc.
I didn't swear that the stuff was real.

The boss who opened the enamel didn't dare to shout like that, and he wasn't a real expert, so he didn't dare to say that.

Su Bai found it interesting, walked up and asked the fishing boat owner:

"Brother, can I take a look?"

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