Chapter 334 Who Are You?

After taking a pill, Qilan felt that his mouth was half bitter but not sweet.

Could it be that what you are taking is not an antidote, but a cold and cold medicine for headaches and brain fever?
The pill seemed to melt faster than snow in his stomach.

A cold air rose from the bottom of the stomach, as if to freeze all internal organs.

After a chill in his abdomen, his two legs that had long been numb felt.

The blood had already turned black at the wound on the calf cut by the blade, but there was some obvious pain again.

After struggling a few times to stand up, they all limply half sat down.

Obviously, the effect of this medicine is limited, if it is not ready, it is very thorough.

I didn't know how to test the medicine just now because I had nowhere to go.

When he really felt relieved, he didn't have the courage to continue taking the remaining pills.

God knows I have to eat another half?one?two?

What if I go too far and eat my body to pieces?
Qilan decided not to take the remaining two pills, picked up the box, stuffed it in his pocket, and half sat down to rest.

There was a rustling sound from behind, and the sound of high heels.

There was a man and a woman, people he knew.

At this time, he restrained himself, telling himself over and over again in his heart not to look back.

With Shi An here, everything is fine.

With Qin Feng here, God knows what will happen.

Seeing his long legs dangling on the small stones on the side of the road, and the wound was still stained with black blood, Shi'an rushed forward with a handkerchief to wipe the wound.

"Does your leg hurt?"

This question made Qilan feel warm in his heart.

But due to the presence of the third person, he had to put on an "unfamiliar" look.

I saw him turning his head back like lightning, and looked at her with his big flickering eyes, "Miss, can a man and a woman kiss each other!"

The hand holding the handkerchief froze immediately, and she lowered her eyes shyly.

"Is Qilan afraid that I will reveal his identity?"

Shi'an recalled that when she ran back to Liji Tailor Shop to rescue soldiers, she was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

In a hurry, she really didn't mention his name.

Although he ran all the way in a hurry, when the words came to his lips, he still folded them properly before speaking.

"It's not good, it's not good, my family is in trouble!"

Boss Li was still there at the time, Qin Feng saw her turn pale with fright, and hurriedly followed her all the way out.

He also knew that it was impossible for He Shi'an to go out to shop alone at such a late hour, and he would definitely be accompanied by servants.

He just didn't want her servant to cause trouble outside the shop, and he couldn't stand by and watch.

Of the two pistols on Qin Feng's waist, there was actually only one bullet left.

Therefore, although he rushed to the scene, he was still very cautious, not wanting to waste this bullet unless it was absolutely necessary.

Unexpectedly, the development of the situation completely exceeded his expectations.

He Shi'an's "servant" was fighting with a man in a black cloak. Not only did they each have a knife, but they also held a pistol.

What's more, that person actually has a black pipe bomb!
Qin Feng looked at the explosives in astonishment, and never dared to be stingy with the last bullet.

The choice in front of him is much simpler and rougher than Qilan's--
You can only shoot one shot, and the target must be killed with one shot!

Otherwise, they would all be swallowed by the flames with a bang.
The shot stopped an explosion and, objectively speaking, was worth it.

However, in Qilan's view, a valuable clue lies in this sniper who has been seriously injured.

Once the other party dies, it will naturally be broken.

Qin Feng interrupted abruptly from the side:
"Hey, you are quite courageous, dare to talk to your lady like this!"

The "servant" in front of him didn't look like a servant at all, he was not only curious, but also a little uncomfortable.

Shi'an quickly showed a sincere smile to resolve the embarrassment:
"I've always hit it off with him, and that's how we usually talk. Thank you for helping us today!"

Qin Feng still kept teasing her a lot:
"When did Ms. He have such a temper, and she even bandaged the servant herself?"

Shi'an was not afraid of his half-truth and half-false ridicule, and said with a bit of coquettish anger:

"You don't have a little girl who is pleasing to the eye at home. Seeing that I have one who can tell, are you envious?"

Qin Feng didn't ask any more questions. If he asked again, he might offend others after doing a good deed, or offend others after paying for the bullet.

During this period of time, Qilan's legs became more flexible again, and his body was not as heavy as it would be if he was poisoned. He made an effort and really stood up, and moved his steps slowly a few times.

At Li Ji's tailor shop, Boss Li sent two shop assistants over.One held an iron rod in his hand, and the other carried a basket containing ointments and bandages for bruises.

When they saw the already stiff sniper curled up on the ground, they backed away in fear.

"This... killed someone."

"It's okay. It's a robber who died. I'll go to the bureau later and ask the police to clean it up."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he strode up to Qilan involuntarily, held up one of his arms and urged:
"You go too, I'll help people to the end, and send your lady home first!"

"Is your leg still tight? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

No matter what he said, even coaxed and persuaded, Qilan naturally refused to go to the hospital.

A man is not afraid of minor injuries and pains.

The most important thing was that he hadn't finished the task yet, just came out from Zhang Wenxuan and Xiaomei, and it was not in his character to go back in such a state of embarrassment.

Qijiang hadn't contacted him yet, so he was fine and went out to a shop, but instead provoked a fight that almost killed him.

"Thank you, I won't go!"

His voice was loud, but he said very little, shaking his head very positively.

Qin Feng was even more confused.

This young man has a handsome appearance, even though his body is covered in dirt and mud, even his coarse clothes can't hide his temperament.

In front of Shi'an, he was rejected by the young man, so he had no choice but to let go, and left with him.

Qilan limped forward, and Shi'an, whose face was full of tears, hurriedly followed.

Of course, she did not forget to give Qin Feng a grateful smile for his help.

Qilan in her eyes is obviously more masculine than before.

Dare to do things and be responsible, even if you get hurt, you don't say a word.

Qilan walked with his head down, his footsteps stopped next to the sniper's pistol.

Bending down, picking up the gun, opening the chamber——
He did it like flowing clouds and flowing water, as if he was born to be a soldier.

From the corner of Qin Feng's eyes, the vision stayed on the young man.

Naturally, this scene did not escape his eyes.

He almost ran over, and before he could stop, he stretched out his hand to block the path in front of the young man, and asked in a low voice:

"who are you?!"

Shi'an's heart skipped a beat.

Qilan's identity, which she had managed to conceal with great difficulty, was about to be exposed, what should she do?
(End of this chapter)

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