The modern me and the Republic of China her

Chapter 421 The more forbidden, the more I want to know the truth

Chapter 421 The more forbidden, the more I want to know the truth

Knowing that they were rushing back to the city, Chen Xing's mother went door-to-door to inquire and helped them find an ox cart selling radishes.

"Don't worry Xiaolan, I will take good care of your family. Be careful on the road, both of you."

"Thank you ma'am, we'll be back when we're done, take care of yourself!"

On the bullock cart, Qilan listened to the creaking of the wheels and looked at the sun.Time seemed to pass much more slowly in the mountains.

"Brother Li, do you still need to go to work today?"

"Yes, mainly afternoon and evening shifts."

Running to the countryside early in the morning, most of the work can only be done at night.Li Yan rubbed his sore arm, feeling sleepy.Yawn one after another.

"You can sleep peacefully for a while, and I will call you when it arrives."

A companion was willing to keep watch, so he really moved into the pile of radishes on the car, as if he was about to take a nap.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his back leaned against the carrot, Li Yan patted him on the shoulder suddenly:

"Little scholar, is moving house an idea for you to slap your ass temporarily? What if the family goes to inform you?"

"Hey, brother Li is worthy of being a security guard, and he has to think of danger in everything." Qilan gave him a helpless look, "Of course I have thought about it seriously."

"We had a good chat a long time ago. The night before in the medical center, I was cooking with brother Chen in the kitchen. He suggested moving to the countryside. The city is approaching the end of the new year, and many accidents may happen."

"That's right," Li Yan smiled wryly, "I don't know who caused the fire in the broken courtyard. The people in the inn come and go too much, so it's still safe in the village."

Dirt road with potholes.The big yellow ox pulling the cart is in the prime of life, and its thick hooves leave deep marks.At dusk, just in time to enter the city.The old vegetable seller gave each of them a big green radish.

"Boys, my radish is crispy and sweet, and it fills my stomach."

"Crackling!" Li Yan broke open the radish, juicy and fresh. "You want all these radishes, send them to the inn where I work."

"That's great," Qilan interjected, "I'll also drop by to help deliver."

The inn kitchen needs to buy radishes every day.It's rare to find something as good as this.The key asking price is also low.

The old farmer sold the radishes, took the money, and thanked them again and again.Qilan and Li Yan bought some food from the inn together, and asked him to bring them to Chen Xing's mother.The oxcart went back with several big bags.

"I'll go upstairs first and see if they're there."

Li Yan ran all the way on the blackened wooden stairs.The doors and windows of the two familiar rooms were tightly shut.He had to return disappointed.

"None of them came back. Hey, the young master couldn't control his temper, so he left. As a result, Caiwei went to look for it, but Jianhua didn't come back after several days at the newspaper office. With his temper, he will cause big trouble sooner or later."

"It's okay, I'll help you find it, work hard."

"Thank you! Come back early, I'll leave food for you all."

Li Yan hurriedly changed his clothes, and got into the sweaty cooking team in the kitchen.

Qilan took the initiative to take over the matter of finding someone, and walked towards the newspaper office where Jianhua worked.

The distance on the road is not too far, the fly in the ointment is that they have to pass by a place where prisoners are often executed.

On this day, another prisoner was beheaded here for public display.Even if it's cold and windy, circle around the crowd three times inside and three times outside.It's leaking.

"This area is definitely going to be hard to get through." Qilan struggled to squeeze out of the crowd and ran towards the alley.

Not far from the back door of the newspaper is a winding alley.It's cramped, dim, and there are very few people walking around on weekdays, so it's not very conspicuous.

"Crack!" A stray black cat jumped down from the dilapidated wall.It looked at the juvenile with a struggling mouse in its mouth.

"Boom!" He picked up a small stone at his feet and threw it over, causing the black cat blocking the road to escape.

At dusk, the newspaper staff came out one after another.Unlike other people who were in a hurry, a middle-aged gentleman wearing a long scarf and smoking with his head bowed stood unhurriedly on the side of the road waiting for the bus.

Qilan walked over politely.

"Sir, is the newspaper office closed?"

He turned his head and looked at the boy in front of him.Cigarettes were burning in circles at the fingertips, and faint smoke was constantly expelled from the nostrils.

"Well, it's early to get off work. If you are looking for someone, go in and ask."

After his kind reminder, the boy thanked him and entered through the door.The lights inside were still on, but the person on duty had almost left.

A woman with light make-up walked up to her.Seeing a strange boy, he frowned curiously.

"Which one are you looking for?"

"Li Jianhua, is he there?"

"Oh," the lady pointed to a lighted room upstairs, "he's been there all day."

"Thank you."

Qilan went upstairs, and at a glance saw the wooden sign nailed to the door, which read "Editor-in-Chief's Office" in three large characters.After knocking on the door twice, a familiar face wearing glasses appeared.

"Brother Jianhua, you are really good. You have become a backbone in such a short time."

"Come in and sit down. My sister is here too. What a coincidence today. Two people came here all afternoon."

The door closed softly behind him.Jianhua greeted Qilan to sit on the sofa and poured a cup of hot tea.

Caiwei arrived more than an hour ago.She hid behind the curtain timidly.I glanced at it quietly, knowing who it was, so I didn't feel nervous.

"Are you here to see my brother?"

"Yes. I haven't seen anyone for a few days, so I'm in a hurry. Li Yan asked me to come and find you guys."

"Sister, go back to the inn with Xiao Gu immediately. I won't be able to leave until tomorrow night at the earliest."

Jianhua returned to his seat.Holding a pen in hand, I immerse myself in drawing repeatedly on the manuscript paper.

Suddenly, he tightened his eyebrows, as if he was thinking deeply.

With the light of the electric light, Qilan could clearly see the title of the manuscript - it was a report about Tang Yuexian's car accident.

Relying on his trust in the character of the Li family brothers and sisters, he stepped forward and cut straight to the point:
"To be honest, I know Sister Yuexian. Could you let me have a look at this manuscript?"


Jianhua bounced off his chair like an electric shock, pulled a thick piece of kraft paper and covered the manuscript tightly.

"Sorry, I can't show you!"

Qilan's voice was decisive:
"The more it is forbidden, the more I want to know the truth."

Seeing his firm attitude, Jianhua adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and lowered his voice.

"This is a waste manuscript that cannot be sent out. The police station has already given a warning. Don't worry about it, we can't afford it."

"Can we just watch a precious life being swallowed by darkness?"

They were deadlocked over a piece of manuscript paper, refusing to give in to each other.

One is Lin Mi's boyfriend, and the other is his own brother.Which side should I stand on?

After much deliberation, poor Caiwei had no choice but to choose to help Qilan.She ran to the table, trying to peel off the kraft paper and take out the things underneath.

Unexpectedly, Jianhua reacted quickly, quickly took away the precious manuscript paper, and held it high above his head.

"Caiwei! Why don't you help me, but help him instead?"

"Brother, you are older than Gu Qilan, let him go, okay?"

 The cold wave is coming.Thank you dear readers.I will keep it assured.At least a million words or more.

(End of this chapter)

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