Chapter 430

People, it is indeed wrong.

The biggest problem is that the family members of the warlords that the third wife associates with on weekdays all like to watch the plays of Fu's class, and they have to go to join them at the end of the year.

The news from Fu's class came out that Yuguan was a little ill and was recuperating, and would wait a few days before performing again.

On the first night, they also placed a large bet on the mahjong table, betting on when he would be on stage.

Among them, the two most powerful ladies bet on the day after tomorrow.

She had always flattered them, so she followed suit.

If she doesn't let the actor go out, not to mention losing money for nothing, the people in the army will find out who did it sooner or later, and she can still get the show?

Thousands of calculations were made, but the police mistook the popular male actress for Gu Qilan and arrested him.

Man, is already in jail.Silence, but absolutely dare not.

The only way out is to send him back politely.

The third wife did not recognize the young man behind the jade official.

Seeing him standing still, all his anger went over there.

"Are you new here? You're so ignorant! You still haven't let him loose!"

Sergeant Liu saw that she was on the pole to send the chief's son to work, so he couldn't tell the truth face to face for a while, so he continued to smoke.

Yuguan couldn't guess the real identity of the young man.

Watching him cut the thick ropes on his hands and feet neatly, he felt that this person had a strong background.

Seeing that he moved quickly, the third wife made an inch of it.

"Go to the side door and prepare the car, and send it out secretly. Don't let outsiders see it, and give more sealed money."

She is still going her own way, but she doesn't know that people have long been tired of this arrogant behavior.

As soon as you enter the door, you direct and direct. Do you think this is your own home?

This kind of person who doesn't know good and bad should learn a lesson and distinguish how much he is.

He turned his head, hands behind his back, and approached the woman who gave orders just now:

"Man, I can send it away, but the funds are tight at the end of the year, and I'm afraid you will need to help advance the money first."

"The hush money should at least not be lower than the appearance fee for the past few days."

"Yu Guan, tell me the truth, how much does it cost for a day's appearance?"

"My lord, the younger ones are calculated as one hundred foreign dollars a day."

"Okay, if you delay your three days' work, it will be three hundred oceans. Madam, do you understand?"

She stomped her feet angrily: "Why should I pay for it!"

Qin Feng sneered, took out the portrait from his pocket and shook it loudly:

"Isn't it a headache to clean up this mess? Why are you so petty?"

She wanted to continue shouting, but Sergeant Liu quickly stopped between the two of them.

"Madam, don't quarrel with the young master. He was also present on the day of the arrest, so it's inevitable that you will feel angry."

"I didn't bring so much money with me today. Just give me 100 yuan today, 100 yuan, okay?"

Qin Feng stretched out one hand, staring at her as she counted the money one by one from the purse.

"Come on, I'll keep it first, and I'll ask you for the remaining two hundred later."

"it is good."

Qin Feng took the money bluntly, greeted Yuguan and got into the car.

The third wife is not reconciled to being dumb.

She loves money like her life, and she hates others taking money from her pocket.

I got a bad nose and lost 300 yuan in vain. It's like grinding meat in my heart.

She hated Qin Feng so much that she wanted to grit her teeth.

This hatred, accumulated in an instant, unexpectedly came from behind, much more violent than the hatred towards Gu Qilan.

"Why, discouraged? Who patted his chest and said that catching him is as easy as catching a sparrow?"

"The capital city is huge. Digging someone out is no better than finding a radish in the field. When will we not bother to find it?"

"You guys are all idiots, worse than idiots! From September to now, it's the Chinese New Year, and you haven't even caught a hair!"

"I'll tell him later, how dare you be rude to me!"

"It's up to the owner to beat the dog. If Mr. Chief listens to you, he won't do anything to his own son just because of this matter."

I can't eat or sleep well in prison.After leaving the gate of the police station, Yuguan looked like he couldn't lift his spirits.

"Send it home, or go directly to the theater?"

"At home. I'm going to rest today. I'll see the class leader tomorrow."

He yawned and reported his address, and Qin Feng continued to drive.

There is a place on the road that is crowded with people, so I can't get through it for the time being.

When I was driving, I looked back and saw that the person in the seat had fallen asleep.

Yuguan's face is very delicate, with a femininity that does not match her gender.

Qin Feng pondered, the Gu mansion was also a family of officials after all, and could not raise a man with such an image and temperament.

"What do they look like, Gu Qilan, who they've worked so hard to catch?"

Occasionally, Qin Feng suddenly got a little curious, took out the portrait and looked at it again and again.

When the portrait arrived in his hands, it was already the result of secondary processing.

Half a year ago, when Qilan left Gu's mansion, Zhu Juanjuan drew his portrait and sent it to the police station. Who would have thought that it would fall into the hands of Sergeant Liu.

Her painting skills are at best amateur level, and her sketches will become blurred after a long time.

Without portraits, it means looking for a needle in a haystack.

Gu Qilan's appearance is not very clear from the people who escaped from Houhai.

Later, some plainclothes people who were planted in the streets and alleys brought various gossips, which were amazing.

Now this one, and the portraits of the three members of the Lin family that are posted all over the streets and alleys, are all from the same artist.

This person claims to be a ghost, and he can draw people with a few words of description without looking at real people.

The reason why the police station wanted to find him was also a last resort.

Before the Lin residence was sealed up, Sergeant Liu personally led people in to search it carefully.

It stands to reason that with so many rooms up and down, you should get a few photos.Except for some daily clothes, furniture, and toys, I couldn't find anything of value.

Police Chief Liu ran upstairs and downstairs several times wondering, but finally he had to give up.

"It looks like someone is ahead of us."

"I don't even know who is watching that house. It's better to be cautious, don't enter casually, and put a seal on it."

Without the photos, I had to quickly invite the painter.

He was a thin, dark and thin former Qing court painter, wearing a long robe and mandarin jacket, and a long braid that he was reluctant to cut short.

Qin Feng looked at the dry old man and thought to himself: If he can draw like a ghost, is he here to deceive people?

The brush in the old painter's hand was flying on the paper like clouds and flowing water, and he roughly drew the appearance of Lin Mi's father and daughter just by relying on a few witnesses caught in the Huaxia Hotel.

He saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

It is not a good thing to draw vividly, the more distracted the better.

"Wait, old man," Qin Feng finally stepped forward to play tricks when there was no one else around.

"Your paintings live up to their reputation, but some places are too beautified. I have seen those three people, and they are much uglier than your paintings. Please feel free to change them"

The old painter didn't know his intention, and according to his instructions, he changed the portrait round after round until it was beyond recognition.

By the way, I also redraw the picture of Gu Qilan.

This change turned him into the appearance of a popular male dancer in the capital by accident.

(End of this chapter)

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