The modern me and the Republic of China her

Chapter 444 I can keep my mouth shut

Chapter 444 I can keep my mouth shut
"If you lose, you can eat meat and drink soup for a month, you don't have to take risks for a meal of meat!"

The shopkeeper hadn't finished the second half of his speech when three big men rushed forward, and the young man guarding the door was completely covered.

In the not-so-spacious shop, Qilan fought with the bully leader in a pitch-dark fight.

In addition to having a certain aura in reading, this kid also has the ability to learn martial arts anytime and anywhere.

Over the past six months, not only did he take a set of military boxing from Lin Mi's father, but he also practiced the martial arts that Qi Jiang had trained in the Japanese military academy.

The bully can be regarded as a notorious local snake in the east of the city.Bullying the weak and fearing the hard, greedy and greedy.

In the past ten years, it has been entrenched in this area to collect protection fees from merchants and hawkers.

The sounds of the tables and chairs colliding, the sound of bowls and chopsticks falling, and the shock of the guys accompanied the applause that never stopped.

At this moment, Chen Xing looked at the three fleeing escapees, his trouser legs were trembling.

If you say you're not afraid, that's a lie.

If those people rushed forward with all their might, what would a mere chair do?
I heard the sound of fighting one after another, like the sound of drums on the battlefield.

Chen Xing, who originally wanted to give in, guessed that his companion was getting more and more courageous in the battle, and his courage also increased by eighty-nine points.

"Take the call!"

With a low growl, he found a strange angle, raised a small chair, and aimed at the person who was running in the front.

The man took several big steps back to the left, avoiding the flying chair.


However, the chair was definitely not wasted – it hit hard on a shelf of bowls and jars of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

Heavy objects fell one after another, and the sound of collisions and shattering could be heard endlessly.The loose wooden floor was also shaking and dusty.

The two people behind them couldn't dodge in time, and they screamed wildly after being hit.

It turned out that the goal of the chair thrown just now was not to hit him, but to dodge it to force him to move aside, so as to hit the huge shelf directly!

Seeing that his accomplice was suffering, the other party yelled and cursed unbearable swear words, and was extremely corrupt, rubbing his fists and beating Chen Xing who threw the chair.

This young man doesn't seem to have much skill, but his eyes are extremely flexible, and he has a new idea every time he turns.

He held his head in feigned horror and backed away again and again, as if he was going to surrender after losing the battle.

However, when the opponent's fist hit him, he suddenly grabbed a handful of chili sauce and vinegar that flowed out of the broken jar with both hands, and quickly and accurately wiped it on, coating his eyes thickly like preserved eggs. layer.

"Spicy you!"

This time it was a complete victory.The shopkeeper also had to give in, clapping his hands and sighing:
"You kid is cruel enough!"

The other ground was also messed up.The pieces mixed with the spices flowed underfoot.

The fight between Qilan and the bully leader is slowly coming to an end.

The enemy was knocked to the ground, moaning and unable to get up.

With disheveled hair, the young man stepped on the villain's back vigorously, and raised his hand to wipe the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Although he has the skills and is young and energetic, he can't stand being tired and hasn't eaten for a whole day.

At first glance, it seems that the outcome between the two has been decided, but in fact, Jiang is still old and spicy.

Just a second after Qilan took a breath, the bully took out an iron nail from an unknown dark place on his body, gritted his teeth and scratched it directly towards his calf.

The nail head is extremely sharp, and the trousers are thin, and blood will be seen immediately with a stroke.

In addition, he had been poisoned half a month ago, and had just recovered, and had a new injury.

He clutched the wound, unable to speak in pain, cold sweat falling down.

Seeing that the boy couldn't hold on anymore, the shopkeeper hurried over.

With a slap of the palm, the bully leader was stunned, and he was helped to walk into the inner room.

"Young man, I have learned some medicine, first I will show you an injury, apply medicine, and pack a bag."

Seeing this, Chen Xing also followed, thinking while running: Xiaolan has died again, what should I do next?

One of Qilan's arms was resting on the shopkeeper's shoulder, and the other was hanging down.

Grinning his teeth in pain, his mind is still not confused.

Injuries need to be healed, but do they have to be treated in this dangerous place?

The shopkeeper in this store is hardworking, but he doesn't care about money when doing business, so it must be difficult to hide his identity.

Wouldn't it be over if it was plainclothes from the police station?

But the wound on his leg was bleeding and he couldn't run, so he had to stay here for a short time.

He raised his head, looked at Chen Xing meaningfully, and told him with his eyes:
"In case there is a situation, I can keep my mouth shut, brother Chen, can you?"

Perhaps because they have been together for a long time, the two have changed from enemies to good brothers.

Although there are differences of opinion on many occasions and quarrels cannot be avoided, we can also communicate with each other at critical times.

The companion also quickly understood the silent message in this dim space, and nodded affirmatively, reassuring him.

The shopkeeper carried Qilan into a clean and tidy room.

There are no abacus and scales that are familiar in ordinary businessmen's rooms.

Except for a pair of tables and chairs, some neat bottles and tea sets, the whole room is empty.Empty to make people feel strange.

The shopkeeper asked Qilan to sit on a chair, rolled up his trouser legs, bleeding profusely, so he unscrewed a bottle of black ointment that was on the table.

"This is gunpowder, wipe it on."

"It hurts!"

The young man thought he could hold it back, but when the ointment touched his skin, it seemed to catch fire, or poured a spoonful of boiling water.

The sharp pain lasted for a moment, and miraculously disappeared.

The bleeding stopped, and the swelling around the wound also eased a lot.

At this time, two guys came in one after the other, and put the table full of famous mutton noodles, side dishes and wine.

"Let's eat. I'm tired. Eat some meat. This is the best tender mutton."

"Thank you shopkeeper."

"The three of us eat together, and I just want to taste the taste of this new winter sheep."

The host first picked up the chopsticks and invited them to eat together.

Chen Xing hugged the bowl and smelled it. The meat smelled normal and should be safe.So I thanked him and ate happily.

I took a bite and chewed the meat, it was really fragrant, and I couldn't help but eat half a bowl in one go.

Shopkeeper Yang smiled, filled two small blue porcelain wine glasses, and handed them over to say hello:

"Come on, Tian Han, drink something to warm your body."

Qilan took the wine, thanked her, and drank it up, not noticing anything unusual for a while.

The fatigue of the past few days made him so tired that he didn't want to eat, so he just tilted his head on the table and closed his eyes to rest.

The small wine glass in front of Chen Xing was also empty.The aroma of the wine on the lips is a bit novel, as if it is made of a kind of wild fruit that has been brewed for a long time.

Holding the bowl in his arms, he continued to work hard on several large pieces of mutton that were well-cut, but when he heard a "ding dong", he raised his head quickly.

The shopkeeper glanced at Qilan who was sleeping, and turned his attention to Chen Xing.

He put down the cup unhurriedly, with a half-smile, stared into the boy's eyes and asked casually:
"Young man, I don't know your name yet. The accent sounds like someone from the suburbs of Beijing?"

"Are you talking about me?" Chen Xing was already mentally prepared, and replied humbly:

"My family is in the mountains in the suburbs. I come to the city to visit relatives and wander around."

(End of this chapter)

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