Chapter 530 The Pine Forest

The police station is used to watching people order food, and they are not ambiguous in arresting suspects.

Since Gu Qilan is the number one "important criminal" who has been wanted for more than half a year, the portrait has been revised and revised, and the artist has been constantly changing.

Finally, compared with the popular male official in the capital, he found a similar one, which was not satisfactory.

As soon as the latest one came out, he sent the young and vigorous Deputy Captain Zhao to gallop all the way to the gate of the city.

As soon as he saw the tall horse, the officer guarding the city gate speculated about the identity of the visitor, so he didn't dare to be negligent, and got up to greet him in person.

The space as big as a palm was quickly vacated, the tables and chairs were cleaned, and hot tea and snacks were served.

As soon as he talked about the arrest of the wanted criminal, Deputy Captain Zhao laughed out of disdain:

"After living for a long time, I caught a schoolteacher to fool us, huh?"

"It's just misplaced."

"Catch Doctor Zhang as soon as possible, or you will be dissatisfied with the superiors, and be careful that you will be replaced by an order."


After Vice Captain Zhao finished speaking, he jumped on the horse, did not sit down, and did not drink tea, as if he had more important business to rush back to.

Desperately waved the whip at the horse's belly.The horse's hooves rattled and ran away in the blink of an eye.

The officer held back his temper and was reprimanded, and stared at the shrinking back with dissatisfaction and shouted:
"It's just a dog, what's the air!"

It is true that the other party pointed out the omissions in his work.

He waved his hand and asked his subordinates to untie the teacher's rope.The whole family surrounded the headed family member who was released in disbelief, weeping with joy again.

On the newly posted portrait, the paste is still wet.

Out of curiosity, the officer moved closer and looked at the wanted criminal in the portrait with wide eyes.

It's not Jiangyang Bandit, what's so scary?

Those people in the police station love to make a fuss over a molehill, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

Crowds of gangsters and villains in the city are free, but a doctor who is saving lives and a boy under the age of 20 are posted in the most conspicuous positions at the gate of the city.

After leaving the city, Chen Xing fell down and took a rest, then got up energetically and continued to lead the way.

After walking more than 100 meters, there was no suspicious person staring behind him, so he led his two companions into a forest by the roadside.

The forest is dominated by pines and cypresses.Not afraid of the northwest wind and ice and snow in the twelfth lunar month, it is a good place to cover.

The eyes are full of green branches and leaves, woven into a large "green curtain".

The three of them hid inside, waiting for the ox cart that Mrs. Chen and Lin Mi were riding to pass by.

The schedule was rushed, and Qilan and Zhang Wenxuan, who took a ride in a hurry, only had time to bring two important things, weapons and a medical kit, and they didn't prepare anything for food and drink.

After bumping all the way in the car, and spending nearly three hours queuing at the temporary inspection office, both of them felt a little weak in their legs.

Everything is bleak in winter, and birds are hard to see.

This place is no better than the autumn forest, where you can catch some wild fruits to satisfy your hunger.Nothing to eat.

Qilan sat quietly with his hands on his stomach, Zhang Wenxuan squatted down and took a nap, and there was a gurgling sound from his stomach from time to time.

Thanks to Mrs. Chen for bringing a basket of pancakes and boiled eggs that were baked overnight.

Lin Mi's appetite was small, most of the food was eaten by Chen Xing, and he was full by the afternoon.

Chen Xing looked at his friend who was dizzy and hungry in sympathy, and consciously climbed up the tree to dig out the pine nuts in the squirrel's nest.The top priority is to keep them from starving.

However, it's freezing cold, and the squirrels' nests are deep.After climbing three trees in one breath, they couldn't find an ideal "grain storage place", so they had to set their sights on the tallest and thickest tree.

That tree is a rare old tree, so wide that it takes four people holding hands to circle it.The height is more than 20 meters.

He wiped the palms of his hands and climbed up against the rough bark. His palms were worn out and bleeding, and he finally stood in a position where he could "see everyone at a glance".

Relying on the mischief experience accumulated in the fields and mountains since childhood, Chen Xing found a well-hidden squirrel nest on the south-facing side of the tall tree.

He hooked the branch firmly with his feet, leaned his body nimbly, and stretched his arms towards a small black hole covered with bird feathers and dead branches.

The opening of the hole didn't look deep, but it took a long time to feel for it before grabbing out a dozen pine cones.

It turns out that the hard work of small animals to store food for the winter is no less than that of farmers.

There was a rustling sound overhead.

Looking up, three little guys with fluffy tails stood vigilantly on the branches, their small black eyes stared at the digging humans, and they squeaked, as if they were very angry.

Chen Xing shyly returned more than half of the pine cones in his pocket, and sighed:
"Little squirrel, let me borrow some grain from you first, and return the newly harvested corn kernels this year."

As soon as the words fell, a strong wind blew.

A piece of floral cloth rolled several times in the air, and was finally caught by a thick old tree.This cloth was specially given to Lin Mi by Mrs. Chen, and he recognized it immediately.

"Look, Xiaolan, why did your girlfriend's scarf suddenly fly over?"

Hearing his chanting, Qilan opened his eyes, and was also stunned by the turban flying over his head:

"Brother Chen, Mi'er may be in trouble, I have to find a way to help her get out safely!"

Without the cover of the turban, Lin Mi's smooth white skin and bright facial features can be seen at a glance.

Immediately, countless eyes shot over from all directions, focusing on the girl.

I can't tell whether the eyes of those men and women are curious, jealous or malicious.

With a glow on her back, she was so panicked that she was at a loss for what to do.

"Son, get in the car!"

Mrs. Chen held Lin Mi in front of her and squeezed through the crowd step by step.

The driver also enthusiastically helped to bring the ox cart closer, and opened the curtain to let them come up.

From morning to noon, the line in front of the checkpoint moves slowly.

Messy footprints and ruts covered the ground layer after layer.Except for the wind, there are all kinds of complaints and curses in a low voice.

Most of the people present were peasants and small traders, and many of them could not read a few big characters.Finding people wearing glasses one by one in the crowd is more difficult than going up the mountain to catch rare animals.

The flag-waving soldiers ran around and chanted for hours, their mouths dry.

The queue at the back was still so long, and they knew they couldn't bear it, so they focused on checking young people under the age of 20 and young people wearing glasses.There are old people, women and children in the car, and a cursory glance is enough.

The crooked procession changed from snails to centipedes, moving so fast it could be seen with the naked eye.

Universities and middle schools in the capital had already been on vacation for ten days or so, and the soldiers' eyes were sore, and they couldn't find a single scholar.

The officer sat down and drank until the pot of tea was drained.Too much water is easy to get anxious.

He carefully took out something that was stuck in the registration book on the table, stuffed it into the pocket of his underwear, and then left in peace.

"I'm going out into the pine woods. Only women and children and old people are allowed until I come back."


After the soldiers guarding the gate saluted, the two gates opened one after another.

The officer couldn't wait to pass through the arched opening, and ran into a grove closest to the city wall.

 Thank you reader Night Light for your reward!Thanks for your support, Happy National Day!

(End of this chapter)

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