Chapter 574 I have to stay
Xiaomei stood upright with her head raised, her waist-length hair blown back and forth by the north wind that came in through the pried-open window.

Cold, hard metal brushed against the tip of her nose.

Maybe it was too much killing, the bloody smell from the muzzle even overwhelmed the smell of gunpowder.

After asking a lot, she didn't say a word.Whether it was verbal threats or threats with pistols, they got nothing anyway.

Young, like a flower, how could this woman spare her life?
The sniper's face was gradually covered with a layer of loss and anxiety, and his eyes also released a murderous look.

With a tight finger, the trigger was pulled, "Boom!"

The magnolia flower chandelier on the ceiling is hit.Hundreds of fragments splashed down from the top of the head in an instant, and the warm yellow light disappeared.

From the corner of Xiaomei's eyes, she glanced around, only in the copper stove for heating, the charcoal fire was burning vigorously.It is so red that it is unforgettable at a glance.

Qilan stared at the window, and suddenly the lights in the room went out.Everything is shrouded in gray and dark colors.

"I can't wait for those people behind the wall, so hurry up!"

Chen Xing finally let go of his hand: "Okay, go in from the darkest side!"

They nimbly slid through the bushes, circled around, and reached a small side window shaded by tall black trees.

The windows fluttered lightly with the north wind—and they were not bolted!
After rummaging in the dark, I found a small room separated from the big room by a thick wall. There was a tinge of rejoicing amidst the tension:
If the snipers hadn't been attracted by the big window facing the chandelier first, or had the patience to look for it more, they would have gone in and hit the muzzle of the gun, wouldn't they have become living targets?

The two of them crept to the wall together.

Qilan's forehead accidentally bumped into a sharp object, and by the faint moonlight, he saw that it was a decorative oil painting frame nearly two feet high embedded in the wall.

The sides of the frame were embossed, and the corners were inlaid with shiny beads.

Chen Xing curiously touched the beads one by one, the feel of the lower right one was obviously different from the other three: it was not fixed, it seemed to be movable.

With a little force, the picture frame slowly moved down along the smooth inner wall.The wall behind it turned out to be empty.Taking a deep breath, the heat and aroma of the fire in the outside room hit his face.

A slender, gray figure pointed a gun at Xiaomei, and with the other hand, he quickly flipped through cabinet doors and drawers, as if the target he was looking for could be hidden inside.

The last cabinet door slammed shut, and nothing was found.The sniper's patience ran out over time, he put down the pistol, grabbed her neck with both hands, and pinched her with a gloomy face:

"Think I'm afraid to shoot? If you don't say anything, you'll be killed—"

"Death" was still halfway through the mouth, and the flesh on the back was suddenly pierced deeply by a sharp object.Under the severe pain, the iron claw was finally removed from Xiaomei's neck.

She rolled to the ground, coughing again and again, her face turned red from holding back.

The dagger pierced deeply, and the position was on the upper side, as if he had nailed half his life at once, and his upper body twitched uncontrollably.

He gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to touch the wound, the red palm was steaming with hot and fishy smell.

Turning around, his round eyes were filled with astonishment:

According to legend, the life-threatening ghosts and gods rampant in all directions will be brought down by an unknown boy.

He raised his bloody finger and pointed at the young man's face, blood dripped from his fingertips, and his tone was full of remorse and resentment:
"It turns out that I've been tricked."

"Who gave the order for the car accident on Wenmo Road two and a half months ago?"

Qilan asked sharply, and the chaotic and mournful afternoon after Zhu Juanjuan's two elder brothers were killed appeared before his eyes.

"Oh," the sniper touched his hooked nose and lips with a sneer, half of his face was covered with blood: "You don't even know."

"Clang!" An oval-shaped silver washbasin was thrown down on the back of the head.He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Qilan pulled out his dagger to find Xiaomei.

Chen Xing jumped out and shouted nervously: "Those guns on the wall have been withdrawn, they will come here soon!"

"Follow me!" Xiaomei who had recovered her breath suddenly got up, and staggered into the small room separated by a wall.

The slender fingers tugged hard on the closet door, and the voice was gentle and excited:
"Ma'am, they are here to save you!"

Mrs. Lin poked her head out from behind the cabinet door.His face was pale and swollen, only his eyes were bright.

Qilan and a boy slightly older than him supported her and hurried her to the side window.Seeing Xiaomei standing still, they urged anxiously:

"Miss Xiaomei, come with us!"

"Miss Dong, Brother Zhang is also practicing medicine in the countryside. You will be able to treat diseases and save lives better if you go."

"I have to stay," she gritted her teeth and opened the side window to the maximum, "Hurry up, I won't be able to escape any later!"

Qilan turned out of the window first, and then Chen Xing helped Mrs. Lin back out.As soon as he entered the garden behind the house, he heard a neat array of military boots ringing in his ears.

With the cover of the shadow of the tree, the hurried guards did not realize that there was someone hiding behind the rockery.

The other team, led by General Hong himself, bypassed the two dead guards lying on the steps, and rushed straight to the main entrance.

It was only a moment when the door opened, and it felt like a year or even longer in his heart.

The guards tied up the sniper lying on the ground and dragged him mercilessly into a military vehicle parked at the gate of the house.

Afterwards, he gave an order that the guards could only wait outside the house, and they were not allowed to act without an order.

In the huge room, only he and Xiaomei were left.

"Mei'er, are you alright?"

The man's tone showed concern, looking at the girl curled up on the European-style sofa beside the bed.

Even though she was frightened, two deep marks were pinched on her neck. Xiaomei raised her head and looked at him, her eyes had already returned to calm.

"I'm fine," she sat up and rubbed her eyes, "I'm just too sleepy."

"Let the maid clean up the room tomorrow morning, and come to my room at night."

He stretched out his arms, causing her to shrink back instinctively in fright.

"Don't want to?" General Hong's expression turned serious, and he said in a threatening tone: "You can decide for yourself about the doctor's life."

One word hit her mind.Xiaomei stood up helplessly and ran to the table, gritted her teeth, and hugged her bag tightly.

"Let me wear some perfume, please."

She took out a small and exquisite bottle from her bag, unscrewed it slowly, took a few drops of liquid and poured it into her palm.

"This fragrance is my favorite, you should also smell it." The girl smiled at him, and the room without lights added a bit of hazy beauty to her.

General Hong hesitantly approached her, sniffed the crystal clear bottle of liquid in her palm for a few seconds, and then began to feel dizzy.


He opened his mouth slightly, and blurted out an unfamiliar name.Before he finished speaking, his eyes were filled with tears.

A dose of half a bottle lasts about one night.Actually, she didn't need to spend the whole night.

In a quarter of an hour, the immediate troubles could be solved with the pistol secretly brought from home.

The medicine given by my uncle was originally used to kill harm with a knife.But in good conscience, she finally heeded the call of justice.

(End of this chapter)

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