Chapter 246
Wu Pin learned from Wu Weiwen how he became a married woman in one night.

Not only that, but this daughter-in-law has changed.

Because the daughter-in-law changed from Hu Yongmei to Zhou Ying.

To be honest, he also felt a little regretful.He and Hu Yongmei grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and they were both busy with getting married before. Although they didn't love each other to the point of life and death, they still had each other.

But suddenly, they changed people.

After he, Wu Pin, understood what happened, he didn't resent Hu Yongmei. After all, his life and death were uncertain at that time, and she didn't know that she had woken up, so she couldn't let people marry in and be a widow.

Just pretend that they are not destined.

As for the idea of ​​bringing both Zhou Ying and Hu Yongmei into the room, Wu Pin never even thought about it.

He envied the relationship between his father and mother very much, and also wanted to live a life of a couple for the rest of his life.

As for Zhou Ying, she is already married to herself, that is, her wife, and if she can stand up when she is "in danger", then I should not let her down.

These are Wu Pin's real thoughts, and he didn't tell anyone.

In fact, Wu Pin didn't know that although his character did not allow him to act like a half-hearted scumbag, what he didn't realize was that he still had a good impression of Zhou Ying.

Although this kind of favor is not emotional, Wu Pin is just envious of Zhou Ying's free and easy life, envying her breaking through the rivers and lakes, and envying that her life is completely different from his own.

But as time goes by and the two get along longer, this good feeling will eventually turn into mutual admiration.

And this week, Zhou Ying still has Wu Pin in her heart.

Sang Wei has no doubts at all, especially Zhou Ying is still so extroverted, and Wu Pin is so coquettish, and the two complement each other like this. To be honest, the days to come will be very exciting.

After confirming that Wu Pin didn't have any discomfort, after Wu Weiwen led the doctor away, he led Zhou Ying to Sang Wei,
It can be regarded as formally introducing Zhou Ying to Sang Wei. In his opinion, apart from parents, Sang Wei is the most important thing in this Wu Family East Courtyard.

Wu Pin's sudden appearance confused Sang Wei, and then she remembered that she was meeting a younger daughter-in-law, and she should give her a gift, but she didn't prepare anything.

She should be ready too.

Sang Wei got up and went to the small kitchen to clean up a table of dishes, and then the three of them ate heartily.

Zhou Ying was very clever. She saw that Wu Pin had different emotions towards this girl called Chun Xing, and took her very differently, but she kept silent and didn't ask.

After the meal, Wu Pin called together all the servants in his courtyard and introduced Zheng Ying to others.

Zhou Ying is also more sure that Chunxing Xing has a different status in this yard, but it doesn't seem like something is going on when she says she has something to do with Wu Pin?
Wu Pinna obviously respected her very much.

In the dead of night, only Wu Pin and Zhou Ying were left in the room. The candles were flickering. They were lying in the tent at the same time, so embarrassed that they dared not look at each other.

In the end, it was Wu Pin who broke the silence first.

"You can live in the east courtyard with peace of mind. Since you are married to me, I will not be sorry. You can do it at ease. If you don't want to, I won't force you."

Zhou Ying: I am willing!

"As for Chun Xing, although she is a girl in the east courtyard, she is extraordinary in my heart. She is not what you think. She is my savior. Just remember, you need to pay attention to treating me like you in private. Just treat her the same as her father and mother, and she can do whatever she wants in the face."

Treat them like elders?Zhou Ying didn't understand, but she would do it and treat her with the same respect as Wu Weiwen, and it could be done.

In this East Courtyard of the Wu family, Wen Weiwen is the one she admires the most, just treat him as the second Wu Weiwen.

After Wu Pin said some miscellaneous things, the two of them fell asleep one after another.

Wu Pin originally thought that having someone around him might not be used to it, but he had a good night's sleep and opened his eyes until dawn.

Wu Pin slept refreshed this time, not because there was a beautiful woman lying beside him, but because there was a beautiful woman, and he didn't need to take a medicinal bath for the time being.

It is a day to be able to escape a day.

Sang Wei is listening to gossip right now, and it was Zhou Ying and Shen Xingyi, the young master of the Shen family.

After feeding Xiaoshi last night, she sent him out.

Although he didn't have a mobile phone to take pictures, and the picture was not enough, Xiaoshitou has read so many novels, and his literary quality has improved a little, and the story he told is wonderful.

Sang Wei also understood the love and hatred between the two of them from Xiaoshi's description.

After it was over, she had to sigh with emotion: "As expected of the heroine, the young masters of the two families fell in love with her."

This reminded her of traveling across the world before, every summer vacation, the drama would be broadcast on TV, and the heroine in it was also carefree, which also attracted the hearts of several people.

But the difference is that the heroines in the TV series are not well-educated. This time Zhou Ying has watched too many people. Although she is also extroverted, she is also very chivalrous.

After listening to the gossip, Sang Wei left Wu's house and rushed to Hu's house. When Hu Yongmei was tested before, the little girl acted like Wu Pin would not marry, but the bridal sedan chair to pick her up came back empty.

Sang Wei has lived for so many years, and she is quite accurate in judging people. There must be something unspeakable about this sedan chair coming back empty. She wants to go to Hu's house to have a look.

She actually likes the little girl Hu Yongmei, she not only has the temperament of a lady, but also has a very tough character. In this ancient time when women were not allowed to leave the door, she can help Hu Zhicun take care of his own business , is already very good.

From Sang Wei's point of view, she and Wu Pin are quite right.

It's God's will to trick people.

But now that Wu Pin has chosen Zhou Ying, it's hard for her to say anything. It's not convenient for him to leave the Wu family's east courtyard now, so she should go for him to understand the matter clearly.

Don't let there be misunderstandings on both sides, and friends will become enemies at that time.

Although we can no longer form a family, we can still do business as usual.

When Sang Wei went to see Hu Yongmei, she went there as Chun Xing. Hu Yongmei knew Chun Xing, so she would definitely understand that Chun Xing replaced Wu Pin.

The Hu family refused to open the door to Sang Wei at first, for no other reason than their family broke the contract.

Although a little girl came to the door, they were still wronged.

Especially when Hu Yongmei hit the post, and she just woke up, it is not suitable for people to disturb her, otherwise...

But who is Sang Wei, and how can a door stop her?

When the door couldn't be opened, she jumped up, walked quickly outside Hu Yongmei's boudoir, and found a little maid to pass it on.

(End of this chapter)

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