Chapter 261
Why is Wu Pin so sure that Du Mingli killed the man?

It is found from the height.

This Zha Kun should be a Manchurian, not very tall, half a head shorter than Shen Yuesheng at that time, Du Mingli is different, he observed carefully just now, this Du Mingli is a little taller than himself.

That means that he is taller than Shen Yuesheng.

At the beginning, Zhao Baishi and Master Zhao also told him that Wu Zuo had examined Shen Yuesheng's wounds, and his window was tilted from top to bottom.

It can be seen from this that he is a tall man, it is impossible for Zha Kun to move his hands, so he can't move a small bench when committing murder, right?
It may be that Wu Wupin's gaze was too long on the western bayonet, which made Du Mingli aware of something.

Du Mingli also noticed Wu Pin's abnormality, so Wu Pin must have noticed something, right?
But after thinking about it, he has already drank the poison, even if he realizes that it is useless, he just needs to pay attention to whether there will be a funeral in the Wu residence.

Thinking of this, he yelled for Wu Pin to drink again, but Wu Pin refused because he was too drunk, but since he had already had a drink, Du Mingli didn't force it, and only talked to Wu Pin about some other things before announcing the breakup. seat.

Wu Pin originally wanted to go directly to the yamen to tell Zhao Baishi what he had found, but halfway there he found a snack seller. Thinking of Zhou Ying's appetite after she became pregnant, he bought a little of each to take back.

He can go to the yamen anytime, but his wife and children are more important, and he also needs to tell Wu Weiwen that the court will directly open a chamber of commerce, regardless of whether the chairmanship will eventually fall to their Wu family, this must be acted on .

On Zhou Ying's side in the other courtyard, she just got up from her lunch break and was sitting on the steps at the entrance of the courtyard waiting for Wu Pin to come back. When she saw him bring food for her, she went up to greet him immediately.

The two got tired of it for a while, and it turned into Wu Pin sitting on the steps together, and then you and I ate the snacks brought back by the items, but he ate very little, most of which were eaten by Zhou Ying.

In fact, Wu Pin felt a little uncomfortable at this time. He just thought it was because he ate too much at noon and had indigestion. He asked his servants to cook a bowl of hawthorn water and drink it. He didn't think that he would be poisoned.

After eating the snacks, Zhou Ying saw that the servants were busy with their own affairs, so she put her head on Wu Pin's shoulder and pointed to the old sour jujube tree in the yard: "Wu Pin, did you see that jujube tree?" ? The reddest and biggest one, I want to eat it, please pick it off for me!"

She also dared to raise this opinion after she knew Wu Pin's ability.

Wu Pin looked at the sour jujube tree, then reached out and tapped Zhou Ying's nose: "You wait."

Then he got up quickly and climbed up the tree.

"That's right, it's the one on your left." Zhou Ying was as excited as a child under the tree, her eyes full of love.When his child is born in the future, he will also be like his father.

When Wu Pin stretched out his hand to drop the sour jujube from the tree, he suddenly felt unbearable pain in his stomach, and then he consciously thumped his feet and fell from the tree.

"Wu Pin!" Zhou Ying rushed over in a panic, why did Wu Pin fall?

He stepped forward to call the object's name, and slapped his face with his hands, but there was no response at all, and he could only feel his breathing was very weak
how so!So Zhou Ying beat her head in frustration, why did she ask Wu Pin to pick some dates for her?

The servants also panicked. A second ago, the young master was happily playing with the young grandma, but now he suddenly passed out like this.

Zhou Ying didn't know what to do at this time, so she could only sit on her knees and hug Wu Pin's face full of scars.

"Come on, hurry up and find the doctor, the young master has passed out!"

This was Wu Pin's little thought. Since Zhou Ying couldn't make it now, she directly sent a message: "Come here, and invite the best doctor!"

"Go to the east courtyard and tell the master and wife that the young master is in a coma!"

"Then two more people will come and carry the young master inside!"

The flustered servants gradually became orderly, and Zhou Ying realized that she should go to the doctor first, instead of holding Wu Pin and crying.

Wu Weiwen and Zheng Shi came earlier, seeing Wu Pin lying on the bed, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, Zheng's tears came down.

"What's wrong with my son?"

Zhou Ying was on the other side of the house, listening to Zheng's words, wiped the tears on her face, walked up to Zheng and knelt down: "Wu Pin just fell from the tree."

"How could Wu Pin climb the tree! There are so many servants and servants, even if they want to take it, why do they have to go up in person!"

Mrs. Zheng stared at Zhou Ying. If she didn't give her an explanation, it would definitely be a mess.

Asked about this, Zhou Ying burst into tears: "He wanted to pick dates for me! Mom, it's my fault, so beat me and scold me, if it wasn't for me, Wu Pin wouldn't have climbed the tree and fallen off! "

Zheng gritted her teeth and looked at Zhou Ying, took a step forward, and raised her hand. She really slapped her forward, but thinking that she was still pregnant with Wu Pin's child, she put her hand down again.

"Two people, help the young mistress down!" She didn't want to see her at all now.

"Mom, you can beat me and scold me, but let me stay here and let me watch Wu Pin!"

Zhou Ying even has the heart to die now, she would rather Zheng's corporal punishment on him, and stay here to watch Wu Pin, she is afraid that if she walks away, she will never see him again.

"If it wasn't for the sake of the child, you would have been asked to kneel in the ancestral hall long ago, help me down!"

Zheng didn't look at Zhou Ying any more, just wiped away her tears with a handkerchief, and then looked at Wu Pin who was lying on the bed.


"Be quiet, go down for the sake of the child, and Wu Pin will tell you what's going on here." Wu Weiwen spoke.

He knew more or less about Wu Pin's ability, so he didn't believe that he fell from the tree. What he worried about was the outbreak of the sequelae left by the previous coma.

But Zhou Ying is pregnant with a child, and it's really not suitable to stay here if she is emotional.

"Go and see if the doctor is here!"

Besides, Wu Pin's breathing is getting weaker and weaker now. In fact, Wu Pin didn't emit the poison so quickly, but he used his internal force when he climbed the tree just now, which accelerated the speed of the toxin outbreak, which made the poison erupt earlier. up.

But this is also a good thing, otherwise the toxin would be latent in the body for a longer time, and the consequences would be more serious. If it was an hour later, he would not be in a coma but would not be breathing.

The doctor quickly entered the other courtyard. He was beeping his pulse and rolling his eyes. After a while, he shook his head at Wu Weiwen.

"This Young Master Wu is the sequelae of the previous coma, and this time I can't help it."

In fact, he didn't find anything. Wu Pin's pulse was the same as that of a normal person, but weaker. He really couldn't find what the problem was, so he could only say so.

That's right, even the imperial doctor can't find out the poison, but the doctor in this small county can find out?Not every place has hidden masters.

(End of this chapter)

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