Let you make games, you directly shoot blockbusters?.

Chapter 273 This technique is called flashback

Chapter 273 This technique is called flashback
"you sure!?"

At Yiyou Headquarters, an incredible voice sounded.

The senior management responsible for this game development festival looked at the employees who came to report in astonishment.

"We have just confirmed that the mini-game released by Honghuang... has sold over [-] copies."


half a day.

Sales exceeded [-]!
Even now, the employee has not recovered from the shock.

Although this result includes all platforms, the few masterpieces they mainly promote have only sold [-] copies.

For a game with such a small investment, without much publicity, its sales are not much worse than those of these big productions. Anyone who hears this will be surprised, or even disbelief.

But this is the fact.

Now it's happening right in front of their eyes!
"Could it be that Hong Huang's recent fame played a role?" The person in charge said, frowning, "It shouldn't be, I've seen that game, and the style of the game is simply incredible. That kind of game sold tens of thousands of copies in half a day?"

Although he is happy that the games on his platform are selling well.

But this is a bit too bizarre.

If Hong Huang comes out with some kind of masterpiece this time, he wouldn't be surprised even if it breaks through [-], not to mention breaking through [-] in half a day.

But this "Total War Simulator" is really a bit...

"Forget it, it's good news anyway, put their game on the homepage, and promote it in turn with those masterpieces."

"Would this not be good?"

The employees were hesitant.

After all, those masterpieces are the main focus of this development festival. If a small game is suddenly inserted, it always feels like all the quality will be lost.

Players will wonder when they see this.

Even if such a small game is placed in a high-profile exhibition, Yiyou is too petty. Isn't it possible to produce more heavyweight works?
"There's so much nonsense, just do what I ask you to do!"

The person in charge didn't explain too much, turned around and left without saying a word, and went to report to the boss.

As for the staff, he is just a part-time worker.

The boss had already spoken, so naturally he didn't dare to disobey, so he immediately turned around and went back to arrange the matter.

And not long after.

The popular "National War Simulator" appeared on the event homepage and received the same level of promotion as other masterpieces.

As soon as this news came out, many manufacturers were in an uproar.

Especially the producers of those masterpieces looked even more ugly.

"What are you doing at Yiyou? They actually arranged for a small game to be promoted at the same time as us."

"Could it be that in their eyes, our game with an investment of tens of millions is still inferior to the painting style of a prehistoric person?"

"Honghuang is indeed powerful, but we have to see what kind of game he comes up with!"

Although they have never played the game of Prehistoric, they have also seen it.

Putting it together with the kind of small games that can be made casually, does it mean that their games are only at this level?


In the eyes of Yiyou.

Can old manufacturers like them not compare to Honghuang?
"Go and find out what's going on."

The company's top executives directly dialed the subordinate's phone number and asked him to investigate the matter.


The phone had just been hung up for less than half an hour.

They received extremely shocking news.

The sales volume of that prehistoric game.

He has actually caught up with them!
It was precisely because of this incident that Yiyou put "Total War Simulator" on the homepage and promoted it on the same screen as them.

"This TM is also okay?"

All the senior executives stood stunned on the spot, their mouths wide open.

Although Honghuang's game has an advantage due to its low price and low sales volume, it would be too outrageous to catch up with the sales volume of their masterpieces on the first day!
Just based on that devilish painting style?
Or is it a brain-dead physics engine?

These people who have been working in the game industry for so many years feel that their views have been refreshed once again.

The original plan of asking Yiyouxingshi to be blamed was suppressed, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.


And this time.

The popularity of "Total War Simulator" is still growing.

From the beginning of a dormitory, to chat groups, to various gaming circles, they have all fallen into the trend of fighting crickets online.

Many anchors have even received suggestions from fans and played this magical game live.

"Oh! Why is this soldier so stupid? He just stands here and doesn't move!"

"Hahahaha Xun'er, look at your king, he's stuck under the dragon boat."

"Wait a minute? Will this soldier blow up himself after firing the cannon??"

"No, I'm going to die laughing here today..."

Ouyang Xiao's live broadcast room was filled with all kinds of exclamations and laughter.

Originally, she just heard that Honghuang had released a new game, so she called Xun'er, Xiaoqian and the others to try it out.

Unexpectedly, the more I played, the better I got.

I immediately became a fan of this cute and cute painting style.

The most important thing is.

The live broadcast effect of this game is also strong.

There are even more barrages than usual.

"This game is so awesome."

"How come there is such a silly painting style hahaha..."

"It felt like my intelligence was being pushed to the ground and rubbed hard."

"Don't tell me, this game looks simple, but the strategy is not low at all."

"Has cerebral gout started to attack Honghuang again?"

At this moment, the audience couldn't help but recall the scene dominated by "Humanity Has Fallen".

It’s also a small production.

The same magical style.

This "Total War Simulator" is even better, with a beauty that's missing its brainstem.

But have to say.

Putting aside the style of painting.

This game still has many advantages.

For example, the ease of getting started is definitely unmatched by many sandbox warfare chess games.

Many of them are not used to playing the Zhanqi game because the rules and the coordination between the chess pieces are too complex and require a lot of learning costs.

But this game is different.

The brisk painting style directly dilutes this flaw, turning a game that originally had a high desire to win into a cheerful game with no idea of ​​the outcome.

You only need to move your fingers, select your favorite troops to play, put in your favorite formation, and then you can start the game.

Not much intrigue.

There is no such mess as taking one step and thinking three steps.It is such a simple and pure joy, and you can experience the essence of strategic gameplay in an overall relaxed atmosphere.

Start from the player’s experience.

This is probably what can be called a good game.

It actually doesn't have much to do with the size.

of course.

Because of content and style limitations.

It's okay for this kind of game to be a small hit, but it's not easy to become a big hit.

Therefore, Chen Lin did not put too much emphasis on this, and only regarded it as a product for players to relax in his spare time, and to deal with invitations from art games.


tuk tuk-

There was a knock on Chen Lin's office door.

"Come in."

After the voice fell, Lao Song opened the door and walked in.

"Chen Lin, I just received news that Shengqu is negotiating for the agency rights of "God's Domain"."

Lao Song's expression was extremely serious.

"God's Domain? That role-playing game that's been very popular abroad recently?"

Chen Lin frowned. These big manufacturers were moving much faster than he expected.

"Yes, it's the one with a Western mythology theme. It is said that Penguin and Juqing came forward to raise the price and wanted to stop Shengqu, but later Shengqu still won the agency rights at a price of 1.4 million per year."

"1.4 million, plus domestic promotions and content adjustments, it's almost 2 million, right? Shengqu is really generous."

To know.

This is just the agency fee.

Generally speaking, in addition to the agency fee, the game publisher will also take a portion of the share, which is quite costly.

Obviously, Shengqu is determined to win the MMO market.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so willing to spend money.

Now that Shengqu has taken action.

The other major manufacturers will definitely not sit still and wait for death, and will soon come up with countermeasures. When the time comes, it will be another battle between dragons and tigers.

"It's a bit difficult to handle now."

Chen Lin rubbed his temples, his plans completely disrupted by this sudden news.

"According to our current development progress, it will not be completed until at least March next year. During this period, I'm afraid..." Lao Song hesitated.

Unlike stand-alone games, online games are very sticky players.

It is rare to take a break before continuing to play.

Because that would seriously fall behind.

For games of the same type and level, the earlier they are released, the more advantage they will have, while later releases will only attract the remaining players.

There are only so many player bases.

Once it is divided up by other manufacturers.

They wanted to pull him over again, but it wasn't that easy.

You can’t expect those competing products to persuade all players to quit, right?
"Originally, I planned to use another game to lay out the world view, but it seems I have to change my plan." Chen Lin said in a low voice.

The game "World of Warcraft" is actually an extension of the world background of "Warcraft".

Although one of them is a real-time strategy game and the other is an online RPG, the plots are connected to each other.

"Warcraft" is equivalent to the previous game.

Without its foreshadowing, the opening plot of "World of Warcraft" would be inexplicable and incomprehensible.

Although it will not affect ordinary players.

But there will always be something missing, making the game incomplete and fragmented.

This is the case now.

He probably won't be able to repeat this path of success.

After all, the plot of World of Warcraft will not begin until after Battle for Hegemony 3.

"Forget it, that's fine. We don't have enough time anyway. Let's find another way to complete the plot."

The same method may not be effective in different worlds.

Chen Lin doesn't dwell on these.

Anyway, real-time strategy gameplay has been lonely here for many years, and it can't compare with the popularity of its previous life.

And he didn't forget it.

My main method is CG!

As long as you have enough wealth to customize the CG, are you afraid that you won't be able to complete the world view of the game?

He still has that confidence.

"Another way to complete the plot, you mean to promote CG?"

Lao Song had seen the plan for "World of Warcraft", so he had a fairly good understanding of the game's design, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Absolutely. Isn't that the popular trend nowadays? Let's release the most popular parts first to build IP, and then go back and make prequels, so that players will pay for it."

Just like their "Resident Evil", after the eighth part became popular, they could make a seventh part in the form of a prequel and continue the plot.

This technique is called flashback.

Not uncommon in the gaming and film and television industries.

Even a lot.

"But the problem is, this doesn't solve the slow release of our games..." Lao Song reminded again.

The problem of the game plot is solved.

But there is still no way to change the fact that other major manufacturers are ready to do it.

It would be okay if it were for other types of games, but they are all fixated on MMOs.

Even though he was very confident in his own production level, he was still unsure.

"Well, this is indeed a problem." Chen Lin touched his chin with one hand, "But there is nothing we can do. We can't rush the work and go online early. It will be counterproductive. Let's wait and see what happens. During this time, I will find someone to help. CG is made first.”

"That's the only way to go." Lao Song nodded.


The two chatted some more about game development, and then he turned and left to make personnel deployment.

While ensuring quality, try to increase the production speed as much as possible.

Chen Lin in the office activated the computer and opened the document.

"World of Warcraft movie?"

As he murmured, the original movie for this game came to mind.

The special effects of that movie were strong, but the plot needed to be changed so that it could be more relevant to the game.

and also.

He remembers that Gul'dan was played by Azu?
It seems that there is such a thing.

When he first heard about it, he was surprised for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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