Let you make games, you directly shoot blockbusters?.

Chapter 284: All red names are strange

Chapter 284: All red names are strange

The weekend is coming.

The MMO market has once again experienced a wave of explosion.

The major manufacturers' vigorous announcements this week finally broke out this weekend, attracting countless players to get involved.

Even Xu Gu and others who were doing mission leveling could feel that there were obviously more players.

Especially when I went back to Stormwind City to learn skills, I was even more stunned by the hot scene in the city. I looked around and saw that the streets were full of players.

"My darling, are there too many people here?"

"There seem to be a lot of people of other races."

Xu Gu and the others slowly walked into the city and looked at the scene of people coming and going around them in surprise.

As the first batch of high-level players to enter the game, and wearing full equipment, they suddenly became the focus of attention for the novices.

"Look! There's a boss!"

"What a cool piece of equipment!"

"I heard that the equipment in this game is difficult to obtain."

"Is that what you got in the advanced copy?"

"The dungeon is more difficult than wild monsters, and many teams have been wiped out."

"Boss, please bring me!"

Looking at the messages that kept popping up around him, Xu Gu's vanity was greatly satisfied, and he even felt windy when he walked.

Although they are only level 30 now, they are indeed considered to be bosses for novices who have experienced the dangers of the wild.


They didn't stay long.

After learning the skills and turning in the tasks, we came outside the city again.

"We are now at level 30. How about we level up somewhere else?" Xu Gu suggested as he opened the map of the Eastern Kingdom.

"It's okay, anyway, the experience in the wetland has become lower."

"How about going to Stranglethorn Valley? It's marked level 30-45 there."

"The Valley of Thorns?" Xu Gu lowered his gaze and looked at the southernmost area of ​​the Eastern Kingdom Continent. "It looks a bit far, and there is no flight point."

"What are you afraid of? Just run over and open the flight point. Maybe it can be used in the future?"

"That's right, I've been leveling in the wetlands before, and it's time to go look elsewhere."

In a whole week, they only explored less than one-fifth of the Eastern Kingdom.

The vastness of this game world is simply beyond their imagination.

And what surprised them even more.

There are no air walls or reading bars between the maps in this game, and it adopts a seamless map mode.

The entire Eastern Kingdom continent is connected into one. Even if you run from the southernmost point to the northernmost point, there is no problem, but it will take a lot of time.

According to their estimate of the scale of this map, it may take several hours to complete the entire journey. They can only slowly explore and unlock the griffon flight point over there, so that they can get there faster.

Such a comparison.

Stranglethorn Valley, which is only separated by two map areas, doesn't seem that far away.

"In that case, let's go."

After that, the team left Stormwind City through the main entrance without stopping any longer.


Two 10 minutes later.

They finally arrived at their destination, a valley that looked like an ancient jungle.

As the southernmost seaside area of ​​the Eastern Kingdom, the vegetation here is indeed much denser than other areas.

The five members of the team walked inside and were immediately shocked by the lush scenery in front of them.

"Is this Stranglethorn Vale?"

"It's so strong, the foliage and textures have been refined."

"It seems like no one has come here to level up yet."

"The first echelon has only passed level 30. There will be more people in a few days."

"It's just right, no one is trying to compete with us."

As they talked, several people couldn't help but their eyes lit up, feeling the pleasure of being the first to seize resources.

I briefly tested the monster strength on the periphery, and there was no problem.

The five members of the team immediately pushed inward and began to explore inside Stranglethorn Valley.

along the way.

They crossed jungles, crossed suspension bridges, and cleared wasteland ruins.

Because I had dungeon experience, I had no dangers along the way and completed several tasks that I encountered along the way.

The mage with the highest experience value has also been upgraded from level 30 to level 31, and his output ability has been improved again.

"Look! There's a weird looking monster over there."

Suddenly, Lao Jiang, a hunter in the team, shouted.

Everyone looked around and saw a rickety figure that looked like a zombie, with a red name on its head like the monster, but it looked out of place with the crocodile monsters around it.

"Is it an elite monster!?" Xu Gu looked happy.

The elite monsters in this game will drop various exclusive green and blue equipment. Basically, they will be attacked by a large group of players as soon as they are refreshed.

Now that no one is coming to snatch it, wouldn't they be able to monopolize the equipment?
"Go! Get rid of it first!"

"I'm here to blame the elite!"

"Haha, I got some equipment again."

The remaining people were extremely excited and without any nonsense, they rushed towards the zombie monster.

When the zombie monster encountered them, he was obviously stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran away.

"Huh? This monster is quite smart and can actually run away."

Xu Gu said in surprise. He quickly used the acceleration potion he had accidentally obtained before and caught up with the zombie monster.

Haven't done it yet.

The mage's Ice Arrow skill had already been activated, passing by him and exploding on the zombie monster, causing it to enter a deceleration state.

"Well done, Master!"

The few remaining people cheered excitedly and immediately gathered around to attack the zombie monster.


next second.

An arcane skill exploded on the opponent's body, and a series of prompts suddenly popped up in front of them.

[You are attacked by an arcane explosion from the tribe player "Little Rookie". 】



Xu Gu and others were stunned for a moment.

Then suddenly reacted.

"Holy shit! This isn't a monster! It's a tribe player!"

"A tribe player actually came here?"

They never expected that this "elite monster" would be a player, and that he came from the tribe.

This was the first time they encountered a tribe, and they were inevitably a little surprised.

Because the red names are displayed between different camps, which means you can attack at will!

"What should we do? Do we want to kill him?" Xu Gu hesitated.

"Do it! Why not do it? This is already famous, and it's still a hostile camp."

"The red names are all weird, fuck him!"

After the words fell, the attack broke out again, pouring out towards the opponent.

The tribe player was unable to defeat the four-handed opponent with two fists, and his blood volume was instantly wiped out.

Before falling to the ground, he sent a series of messages, which seemed to be cursing.

It's just that because of the different races in the camps, the words on both sides are not interoperable and become a string of garbled symbols.

["Little Rookie" died and was honorably eliminated. Military rank: Soldier (contribution points obtained: 4)]

"Huh? Do you still get honor for killing tribe players?" Xu Gu looked happy.

He remembered the on-site PVP gameplay that became available after level 10, and you could redeem equipment and items through honor points.

Wouldn't that say.

As long as he kills enough tribes and raises his military rank, he can buy those high-end equipment?

"His body is still here, and he should be resurrected later."

"How about... we stay here and gain some honor?"

Lao Jiang was eager to try, his eyes fixed on the tribe's corpse.

As soon as these words came out, other people's eyes lit up and they squatted on the spot.

as predicted.

Within 2 minutes, the tribe player was resurrected in a burst of light and appeared at the place where he died just now.

But before he could escape, a large attack came down again, killing him on the spot, leaving only a string of curses in the orcish language.

after that.

He attempted resurrection two more times.

But they were all stopped by Xu Gu and the others, leaving several tombstones behind.

"Are we being too mean?"

"Em...it does seem a bit immoral."

"Then forget it, you'll have to kill a few times. Leveling up is more important."

After all, there is no deep hatred between the two parties.

After killing the opponent several times in a row, and getting familiar with the wild PK gameplay, I gave up my plan to continue to stay and continued my leveling up elsewhere.

The tribe player also took this opportunity to resurrect and escape from the jungle, heading straight for the southern coast.

that's it.

The five members of the team were leveling up and advancing at the same time.

Soon we came to a building called [Gurubashi Arena].

【You have entered the PVP area, please pay attention to safety. 】

Wild PVP area!

Seeing the prompt, Xu Gu's expression changed.

He remembered that someone had said on the chat channel before that wherever the PVP area was marked, except for the people in the team, whoever entered would directly become hostile.

Even if they are in the same camp!
"How can there be a PVP area in a place like this?"

Out of curiosity, a few people walked inside while being careful about their surroundings.

But soon, their eyes suddenly widened, staring at the center of the amphitheater with expressions of ecstasy.

"Treasure chest!"

"There is actually a treasure chest in this place!"

That's right.

It's the treasure chest!

It was placed ostentatiously in the arena without any obstruction or monsters.

Not being able to sit still, he hurriedly jumped into the circular sand of the arena and headed straight for the treasure chest.

【Arena Treasure Box】


Xu Gu right-clicked and directly selected to open the treasure chest.

After a long reading, there was a click, the treasure chest opened, and a dazzling golden light erupted.

An item list also pops up.

[87 silver coins, 51 copper coins]

[Arena Master Ornaments (Green)]

[Healing Angel Belt (Green)]

[Arena Arm Armor (Blue)]

"I'll do it! Blue equipment! And two more green ones!"

Xu Gu swore loudly, causing several waiting teammates to tremble.

"One blue and two green? Are you sure??"

"Isn't this treasure chest too damn fat?"

"Quick! Send the screenshots of the equipment and take a look!"

You must know that they have cleared so many dungeons and completed so many tasks, and they only have one or two blue equipment.

They were all shocked that they could find one thing by opening the treasure box.

Especially after seeing the screenshots of the equipment that Xu Gu sent out, I was even more excited and said that I am very prosperous.


There are advantages to pioneering new maps before other players.

The purpose of setting up such a treasure chest in this arena is obviously to provoke fights between players.

When there are more people here in the future, it won't be that easy to grab the treasure chest. No one will watch you finish reading.

"I don't know if the treasure chest will be refreshed. While there is no one around now, how about we just level up next to it?"


After making up their minds, the five members of the team turned around and left, preparing to find a suitable leveling location nearby.

But at this time.

An accident occurs!


There was a muffled sound, and the pastor's roommate was knocked unconscious on the spot.

The originally empty surroundings suddenly felt trance-like, and four undead thieves appeared and controlled them instantly.

Even Xu Gu, the remaining paladin, was hit by ice arrows passing by outside the field and slowed down.

A familiar figure hurried in from outside.

It was the tribal mage who had been killed several times by them before!

"I'm super! He's from the tribe. That guy went back and called for help from the tribe!"

Xu Gu and others reacted immediately and quickly broke away from the control to fight back.


The other party was obviously prepared.

The thieves who were the best at PK were called. Relying on powerful burst output, they could eliminate the most vulnerable priests and hunters with three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes.

Although the mage escaped from the encirclement by teleporting with the flashing skill, he was overtaken by two thieves and died suddenly on the spot.

The thick-skinned Xu Gu and another soldier were left, unable to defeat the four with their fists, and eventually fell to the group fight.

"You were careless, that little kid actually went to move the reinforcements." Hunter Lao Jiang cursed and died in a very aggrieved manner.

"You can summon so many tribes at once. Is there a way to the continent of Kalimdor nearby?"

"It can't be wrong. It's so close to the coast. I suspect they came here by boat."

When they were at the port of Stormwind City, they had taken a boat to other places.

If the means of transportation connecting the two continents were here, it would probably be very lively in the future.

in other words.

This valley of thorns.

It will be the first place where the two camps collide.

If it is occupied by the opponent, their alliance will undoubtedly be at a disadvantage.

"You have to notify the others as soon as possible!"

After Xu Gu said this, he quickly opened the guild interface and announced the news.

Suddenly, the chat in the guild exploded.

The news spread like wildfire throughout the entire alliance camp.

(End of this chapter)

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