My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 156 Zhu Gaoxu is Cochin

Chapter 156 Zhu Gaoxu is Cochin

Cochin Tsinghua Mansion, this is the area where the local power of Cochin is the most powerful, and almost all the states and counties in the mansion are controlled by local tyrants.

Even after the Ming Dynasty occupied Jiaozhi, the powerful forces in various parts of Tsinghua Prefecture still did not suffer too much blow, and even the officials at all levels in Tsinghua Prefecture were all held by local powerful forces.

Daming also wanted to send officials to Qinghua Mansion, but since several transferred officials died in office for no apparent reason, no officials dared to come again.

It can be said that Tsinghua Mansion only recognized the rule of Ming Dynasty on the surface, but internally, the local tyrants in Jiaozhi still had the final say. Even every Cochin rebellion almost always started from Qinghua Mansion.

Even when Zhang Fu was in office, there were many anti-Ming Jiaozhi people who secretly moved around in Tsinghua Mansion, looking for opportunities to drive away the Ming army. It can be said that this is the anti-Ming stronghold of Jiaozhi.

However, the situation in Qinghua Mansion changed completely with the arrival of Zhu Gaoxu.


Following Qianhu Xu Lie's order, more than a dozen cannons roared together.

I saw that the seemingly solid gate in front of the village was immediately smashed by the artillery, and the Jiaozhi people behind the wall screamed in fear, and many people even dropped their weapons and ran away.

Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the artillery, Xu Lie took the lead and led thousands of people into the Hu family's stronghold. Anyone who dared to resist would be killed without mercy.

Two hours later, the entire Hu clan surrendered. Several Hu clan elders were beheaded and sent to Qinghua Prefecture. His Dazhai was burned to the ground by Xu Lie.

Similar things are happening throughout Thanh Hoa Province.

The main reason is that three days ago, Zhu Gaoxu suddenly came to Tsinghua Mansion from Jiaozhou Mansion, and then ordered all the powerful people in the mansion to go to the mansion to discuss matters.
The tyrants in Qinghua Mansion have long been used to being the Tu Emperor, and they have always listened to Daming, so many tycoons simply regarded Zhu Gaoxu's orders as farting.

It's a pity that this group of tyrants made a mistake. Zhu Gaoxu is not Zhang Fu. When Zhang Fu was around, he had to pay attention to the influence. After all, as a general, not only the civil servants watched over him, but also the eunuchs sent by Zhu Di. Containment, to avoid a dominance.

If Zhang Fu wanted to use force against a powerful man, he might be impeached by civil officials, saying that he was good at starting wars and the like.

But Zhu Gaoxu didn't have any scruples, and the civil servants and eunuchs didn't have any restraint on him. For him, Cochin is his own territory. On Laozi's territory, you have to listen to Laozi!
Therefore, when the three-day deadline came, Zhu Gaoxu sent out several armies, and all the tyrants who had not yet arrived in the capital were within his attack range.

In just one night, the local tyrants entrenched in various parts of Tsinghua Mansion were greeted with catastrophe. Although some people resisted desperately, they couldn't resist Zhu Gaoxu's elite soldiers and generals, and they still couldn't escape the fate of extinction in the end.

Of course not everyone is that stupid, there are still some tyrants who are very winking, they knew that Zhu Gaoxu was not easy to mess with, so they obediently came to Fucheng to pay a visit, and escaped the catastrophe.

Li Li is the most discerning one among them. Like other tyrants, he joined Daming as early as Zhang Fu, and also served as an inspector. However, like many Cochin people, he hoped to drive Daming out of Cochin land.

Taking advantage of his official position, Li Li began to collect as much information as possible about Daming, because he knew that if he wanted to defeat the enemy, he must understand the enemy.

When Zhang Fu was transferred away, many Jiaozhi people who were secretive and anti-clear also rushed to tell the news. Li Li was also very excited, thinking that the time to start an incident had come.

But when he learned that Zhang Fu was replaced by Han King Zhu Gaoxu, Li Li calmed down. He knew the power of His Highness the Han King. The reason why Zhu Di was able to win the world in the first place had a lot to do with the Han King.

Therefore, since Zhu Gaoxu arrived in Jiaozhi, Li Li has been paying attention to the other party's movements, and when Zhu Gaoxu led his troops to Qinghua Mansion, Li Li also came to see him immediately, and also sent a large number of gifts, which saved his life.

Today Zhu Gaoxu held a banquet at the magistrate's yamen for Li Li and other officials and tycoons of Tsinghua Prefecture.

So Li Li also changed into his inspector's uniform, and came to the magistrate's yamen early to wait. After a while, all the tyrants from all over the city came together, only a dozen of them in total.

You must know that Tsinghua Prefecture is the largest prefecture in the north of Cochin. There are seven counties directly under the jurisdiction of Fucheng alone. In addition, there are three prefectures under it. Each prefecture has four counties. When all counties are added together, there are nineteen indivual.

Moreover, Thanh Hoa Mansion is densely populated. During the previous Hu Dynasty, the capital was even moved to Thanh Hoa Mansion. Therefore, there are many powerful people in the whole Thanh Hoa Mansion. As far as Li Li knows, there are thirty or forty of them.

But now less than half of the people came, which made Li Li's heart heavy, he had already heard that Zhu Gaoxu sent troops to hunt down those tyrants who didn't come, and it is estimated that these people are also in bad luck.


At this time, the eunuch shouted, Li Li and the others divided into two teams, and followed the eunuch to the inner hall, where they saw that the food and wine had been set up, and three officials were already sitting in their seats and waiting.

Li Li knew these three people, and the most senior person was Huang Fu, the chief envoy of Jiaozhi and inspector, and the one sitting next to him was Sun Xin, the prefect of Tsinghua Prefecture.

Although this Sun Xin is also a native of Jiaozhi, his father is Han. When Zhang Fu attacked Jiaozhi, Sun Xin was the first to join Daming and made great contributions. That is why he was appointed as the prefect of Qinghua Prefecture. Unlike Li Li, Sun Xin Xin is loyal to Daming, and in the eyes of Li Li and the others, belongs to Daming's lackey.

There is another person sitting across from Huang Fu and Sun Xin. Li Li also met this person two days ago. The other person is Yang Shiqi, the chief official of the King of Han’s residence, and the number one counselor next to the King of Han. He is behind many things to help the King of Han. Make suggestions.

Yang Shiqi and Huang Fu had relaxed expressions. Before Li Li and the others came, they seemed to be chatting about something, but when these people arrived, the three of them immediately shut their mouths and looked at the local emperors of Tsinghua Mansion with smiles.

Li Li's heart trembled when Yang Shiqi and the other three looked at him. For some reason, he always felt that when these three looked at him, it was like looking at a piece of meat on a chopping board.

Li Li and the others took their seats. They thought that Zhu Gaoxu would come soon, but they didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, the other party still didn't show up. This made Li Li and the others start whispering to each other. On the other hand, Yang Shiqi and Yang Shiqi all looked like they were in the presence of an old god. , seems in no hurry.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps and the impact of armor leaves were suddenly heard from outside the hall.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Zhu Gaoxu walking in with his armor on, the armor was covered with blood, holding a long knife in his right hand, but a human head in his left hand.

Seeing Zhu Gaoxu came in and glanced at Li Li and the others, he bared his teeth and showed a cold smile, which scared many people's expressions and felt that Zhu Gaoxu was like the king of Hades who was killed in the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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