My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 321 Prohibition of Weapon Trafficking

Chapter 321 Prohibition of Weapon Trafficking
"Your Majesty, I have been wronged. I had been making some weapons in Tianjin to sell overseas, but Zhu Zhanhe suddenly led someone to arrest me and put the label of treason on my head. It is simply too deceitful!"

In the Hall of Martial Arts, as soon as Li Maofang came back, she immediately complained to Zhu Di.

"Your Majesty, I can testify that those weapons were indeed prepared to be sold overseas in cooperation with Marquis Fuyang!"

Duke Ding Xu Jingchang also spoke at this time, because he was involved in this matter, so he was also called to the hall to testify.

The two made trouble together, and blamed Zhu Zhanhe for all their mistakes.

"Zhan He, what can you say?"

At this time Zhu Di also looked at Zhu Zhanhe and asked, someone should be responsible for such a big oolong.

"Grandpa Emperor, it is true that my grandson made a mistake in this matter, but Duke Ding and Marquis Fuyang are also taboos to build weapons on a large scale, not to mention selling weapons overseas. This will only increase the strength of overseas enemies and will not help us go to sea in the future!"

Zhu Zhanhe replied seriously.

If you make a mistake, you will admit it, but you have made a mistake, and the Fuyanghou and the other two also made mistakes.

"Your Majesty, Zhu Zhanhe is making unreasonable words. The imperial court has not stipulated that private weapons are prohibited. What's more, I only made some of the most commonly used knives and guns, which cannot be compared with the military equipment."

The Marquis of Fuyang immediately shouted dissatisfied when he heard Zhu Zhanhe's words.

"But so many weapons have been built, enough to arm several guards and horses. If they fall into the hands of someone with a heart, I am afraid it will bring a lot of trouble to the court. Even if they are exiled overseas, they will also increase their strength!"

Having said this, Zhu Zhanhe solemnly bowed to Zhu Di.

"Therefore, I would like to suggest to Grandpa Huang to control the export of goods from Daming, such as weapons and even ironware, and the export must be prohibited. After all, ironware has always been the most important resource on the battlefield since ancient times!"

As soon as Zhu Zhanhe's words came out, Duke Dingguo and Marquis Fuyang's expressions changed drastically. After all, they were still planning to make a lot of money by exporting weapons. If the imperial court banned the export, would they still be earning ass?
So Xu Jingchang immediately stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, ironware is very popular overseas. If it is banned, I am afraid it will cause us a lot of losses!"

"That's right, there are a huge number of civilian weapons, but they don't pose any threat to the imperial court. Zhu Zhanhe is simply scaremongering and making excuses for his own mistakes!"

Marquis of Fuyang also criticized Zhu Zhanhe loudly.

"Okay, why are you arguing!"

Zhu Di felt very disturbed when he heard the noise of the juniors, and immediately slapped the table and said angrily.

Now the three of Zhu Zhanhe didn't dare to speak anymore.

Zhu Di pondered for a moment, and finally said: "The imperial court cannot forbid the civilians to hold weapons. It was the Emperor Taizu who saw that the harsh prohibition of the Mongolian Yuan on the common people did not have any effect, so he could not prohibit the civilians to hold weapons."

Zhu Zhanhe nodded secretly when he heard this. In the Yuan Dynasty, in order to prevent the Han people from rebelling, the control of weapons was extremely strict. Even kitchen knives were stipulated to be shared by several families.

"But what Zhan He said is also reasonable. Of course, one or two weapons will not have an impact on the country, but if you build weapons on a large scale like you, Marquis of Fuyang, I thought you were trying to rebel!"

When Zhu Di said this, he gave Li Maofang a hard look.

"Your Majesty, forgive me, I am loyal to Daming and have no second thoughts!"

Li Maofang was startled when she heard the words, and hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

However, Zhu Di ignored Li Maofang, and continued, "You guys want to go to sea, and Zhan He tried his best to convince me, but overseas safety is also a problem. If you sell weapons to overseas foreign natives, it will only increase their strength and affect the safety of going to sea in the future."

Zhu Di paused at this point, and finally expressed his decision: "Therefore, it is forbidden to go overseas to sell weapons. Not only overseas, but also the small countries around my Ming Dynasty, we must also prohibit the sale of any weapons to them!"

Xu Jingchang and Li Maofang both showed disappointment when they heard that Zhu Di banned the sale of weapons to foreign countries.

Zhu Zhanhe was overjoyed that the export of weapons should have been banned a long time ago, especially in this era, although Daming's firearms are already very sharp, but cold weapons are still the mainstream of this era, and there is no generation difference in weapons, so weapons must not be exported easily.

What's more, in this era, the steel output of a country is definitely a sign of national strength. Daming is short of rich iron ore. How can the steel that was smelted with great difficulty be sold to others easily?

But at this time Zhu Di looked at Zhu Zhanhe and the others again, and then continued: "In this matter, all three of you are at fault, and you will be punished if you make mistakes!"


Zhu Zhanhe, Xu Jingchang and Li Maofang all bowed their heads in response.

"Zhan He, you didn't investigate the matter clearly, and you almost wronged the Marquis of Fuyang, and you will be fined half a year's salary, are you convinced?"

Zhu Di said in a deep voice.

"Grandson is convinced!"

Zhu Zhanhe also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, half a year's salary is a piece of cake for him, after all he doesn't live on beeswax.

"very good."

Zhu Di nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Xu Jingchang and Li Maofang.

"The two of you privately manufactured weapons in huge quantities. Even if you have no other plans, you are still too bold!"

When Zhu Di said this, both Xu Jingchang and Li Maofang turned pale with fright. They knew that their punishment would definitely not be as light as Zhu Zhanhe's.

"I don't think you are the first offender, and you are too young, so I will punish you and prohibit you from participating in the sea trip. In addition, you will think about it for two months behind closed doors, and think about where you are wrong!"

At the end of Zhu Di's speech, his voice became very severe.

Xu Jingchang is Zhu Di's nephew, and Li Maofang is his grandson. The two are nobles and relatives, so Zhu Di is stricter with them.

Hearing their punishment, Li Maofang and both of them also had a bitter face, especially Xu Jingchang, who almost burst into tears.

It's okay to think behind closed doors, but not allowing them to participate in this sea trip means that they can only watch others get rich.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

But no matter what they thought in their hearts, facing Zhu Di's decision, Xu Jingchang and Xu Jingchang did not dare to have any complaints, they could only bow their heads and thank them.

Zhu Di waved Xu Jingchang and Li Maofang back, but Zhu Zhanhe stayed behind.

"Zhan He, the North Korean envoy is here!"

Unexpectedly, Zhu Di suddenly said solemnly to Zhu Zhanhe.

"Envoys?" Zhu Zhanhe was taken aback for a moment, and then said in surprise, "No, didn't Zhu Yong and his envoys just leave, they probably haven't arrived in North Korea yet, why did their envoys arrive?"

(End of this chapter)

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