My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 368 Yao Guangxiao Passes Away

Chapter 368 Yao Guangxiao Passes Away

"People can invent hot air balloons to fly to the sky, and of course they can also invent other means of transportation, thereby shortening the distance between two places."

After listening to Zhu Zhanhe's words, Yao Guangxiao couldn't help muttering to himself.

These reasons are not complicated, but Yao Guangxiao has never dared to think so boldly before.

"Yes, the more developed the transportation, the smaller the world will be. Land transportation is limited by terrain, such as mountains, rivers, deserts, etc., which will hinder land transportation, but there are no such problems at sea. If we can Invent a ship that travels thousands of miles a day, and then the continents of the entire world will be connected!"

Zhu Zhanhe paused when he said this, and then said with a solemn expression.

"Gunpowder was originally invented by me in the Central Plains, but it has been spread to the West through the hands of the Mongols. As far as I know, the people there are cruel and aggressive, and they use firearms to the extreme. The firearms they made are no less than my Ming Dynasty. Just imagine, if they come to the coast of Daming with strong warships and sharp cannons in the future, the harm will be so great that they will not be comparable to a small Japanese pirate!"

When it came to the end, Zhu Zhanhe thought of the humiliation of the later generations for a hundred years. Because of backwardness in technology, the land of the Central Plains was ravaged by others, countless people died tragically at the hands of foreigners, and even a small Japan dared to invade the Central Plains.

And the root of all this is because the Central Plains gave up the sea and only stared at its own one-acre three-point land, completely unaware that the world had begun to change drastically.

Hearing Zhu Zhanhe's words, Yao Guangxiao also fell into deep thought.

However, Yao Guangxiao's body was too weak, and he no longer had the energy and time for him to think about these things, so he quickly moaned, and said to Zhu Zhanhe again: "My son, you... I really can't imagine what you said... Can’t come out, can you give me a detailed description?”

As an ancient man who lacked basic scientific knowledge, Yao Guangxiao really couldn't imagine the scene Zhu Zhanhe described.

Looking at Yao Guangxiao who was starting to weaken, Zhu Zhanhe nodded heavily and said: "Okay! Then I will start with the sea traffic. The current ships can only be driven by wind or human power, but one day in the future, someone will invent a The principle of a ship driven by steam is very simple, that is, the fire boils water, and the water turns into steam to generate powerful thrust..."

Zhu Zhanhe was very patient, starting with the most basic steam engine, introducing various new inventions that will appear in the future, and later talking about the development of firearms, including flintlock guns, back boring guns and so on.

Listening to Zhu Zhanhe's narration, Yao Guangxiao also seemed to see a corner of the future world, which made him smile. Even when he was dying, he didn't feel the pain in his body. In the end, at some point, his eyes Eyes full of wisdom have quietly closed.

Zhu Zhanhe, who was talking about it, suddenly felt something was wrong. When he saw Yao Guangxiao who passed away peacefully with his eyes closed, he couldn't help feeling sad, and tears blurred his eyes.

After the grief, Zhu Zhanhe stood up and went outside the room to tell Zhu Di the sad news.

Although Zhu Di had been prepared for a long time, when he heard the news of Yao Guangxiao's death, he still couldn't restrain his grief. He entered the room alone and stayed with his old friend for a while.

It was not until after dawn that Zhu Di made an order to announce the news of Yao Guangxiao's death.

Yao Guangxiao had a will before his death, and he was to be cremated and buried according to the monk's etiquette. Zhu Di also complied with his will and did not change it.

However, regarding Yao Guangxiao's death, Zhu Di still decreed to suspend the court for two days, and posthumously awarded Yao Guangxiao as a minister of Xuanli for promoting sincerity and assisting the country, as a special minister of Ronglu, Shangzhu Kingdom, and Duke Rongguo. Wrote the Shinto inscription for Yao Guangxiao.

Such an honor can be said to be unique during Zhu Di's reign, but Yao Guangxiao's achievements are also worthy of the honor after his death.

Zhu Zhanhe personally presided over Yao Guangxiao's funeral. During the cremation, he also ordered people to increase the firepower and burn the relics for Yao Guangxiao. This was mainly to prevent people from slandering Yao Guangxiao after his death. After all, he worshiped the Buddha all his life. Someone will definitely use this to make a big fuss. Yao Guangxiao offended many Confucian scholars back then.

Yao Guangxiao's funeral was over, and Zhang Zhong invited him to have a drink that day, so Zhu Zhanhe came to a courtyard in the south of Beijing, where Zhang Zhong's nominal wife, Bai Shao, cooked a few small dishes with her own hands.

When the capital was moved back then, Zhu Zhanhe also sent someone to bring Bai Shao over. First, it was convenient to take care of her. Second, since Zhang Zhong wanted to come back, he would definitely return to Beijing first.

"Zhan He, look at your tired face, you must be exhausted these days, the young master has gone, you have to take care of yourself!"

Zhang Zhong poured Zhu Zhanhe a glass of wine and comforted him.

"I know that the young master's funeral is over, and I will take a good rest in the next few days."

Zhu Zhanhe nodded, and then asked: "By the way, how are my father and the others doing in Tianzhu, did they encounter any difficulties?"

"Don't worry, the King of Han is progressing smoothly in Tianzhu. Now he has conquered North Tianzhu. He did not encircle Delhi before, and then sent people to surrender. As a result, someone soon offered up the city and sent the head of Hazel Khan to the King of Han. ..."

As Zhang Zhong said, he told in detail about Zhu Gaoxu's sending troops to North Tianzhu.

Before Zhang Zhong left Tianzhu and returned, Zhu Gaoxu had captured all the areas controlled by Hazel Khan and became the most powerful country in North Tianzhu.

"However, there is also a problem now, that is, too much land has been conquered, and the officials under the king of Han are seriously insufficient. They even had to requisition the stewards sent by Xungui, plus some Jiaozhi officials, so that they barely ruled the conquered area. If you want to expand outward, you can only use those Tianzhu people as officials."

Zhang Zhong finally said in distress.

It is not impossible to appoint Tianzhu people as officials, but it will leave huge hidden dangers. After all, Tianzhu people rule the place, and it is very likely that the tail will not go away, forming local separatist forces, and troubles are likely to occur in the future.

"I also encountered this problem when I was in the Japanese province. Later, the emperor sent a group of officials. In addition, I recruited a group of Confucian scholars from North Korea to serve as officials. This solved the problem of manpower shortage. "

Zhu Zhanhe said with a solemn expression when he heard the words.

Only by using one's own people as officials can one rule better in the future.

"Yeah, so when I come back this time, I just want to ask His Majesty for help to provide the King of Han with a group of officials to solve Tianzhu's urgent needs!"

Zhang Zhong also nodded again.

He had already begged Zhu Di before, and he also told Zhu Gaoxu's request, but because Yao Guangxiao was seriously ill and Zhu Zhanhe was not around, Zhu Di hadn't responded yet.

(End of this chapter)

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