My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 382 Tianjin Kaihai

Chapter 382 Tianjin Kaihai
It stands to reason that Kyushu was taken by Zhu Zhanhe and became the Japanese province of Ming Dynasty, and the Japanese pirate rebellion was completely subsided. As long as Kyushu is still in the hands of Daming, it is impossible for the Japanese to go south again.

When Zhu Zhanhe returned to Daming from the Japanese provinces, he found Zhu Di immediately and expressed his desire to abolish the sea ban.

However, Zhu Di seemed very cautious about this matter, saying that he had to think about it, but after waiting for so many days, Zhu Di hadn't responded yet.

In fact, Zhu Zhanhe knows that even if a national policy with such a huge impact as the sea ban is wrong, once it is implemented, it will definitely form a huge inertia and even generate a huge chain of interests.

In fact, not only in Ming Dynasty, even in later generations, there are many policies that have been scolded by others, and even caused public outrage, but they cannot be abolished because they are related to the interests of too many people.

The same is true of the sea ban. For example, after the sea ban is lifted, what will happen to the so many guards set up along the coast?People who moved to the mainland before, should they move back?How should the banned seaports be lifted?

It can be said that each of the above items involves the interests of countless people. If one fails, it may cause local turmoil. Therefore, if you want to abolish the sea ban, it will definitely not be solved by an imperial decree.

But the abolition of the sea ban could not wait any longer, so after sending Zhang Zhong and the others away, Zhu Zhanhe immediately returned to the capital, and then entered the palace again to meet Zhu Di.

"Grandfather, the Japanese province has settled down, and there will be no Japanese pirates going south to make trouble in the future. In this way, there is no need for the sea ban, so it is time to abolish it!"

When Zhu Zhanhe saw Zhu Di, he spoke very directly.

"I knew you kid couldn't help it."

Unexpectedly, Zhu Di laughed when he heard the words, and then said again.

"Don't worry, I have already discussed with the cabinet. It is indeed time to abolish the sea ban, but it cannot be abolished all at once. After all, this matter is related to the stability of the entire coastal area, so it must be done step by step."

"Grandfather Huang is wise, but he doesn't know how to proceed step by step?"

Zhu Zhanhe's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he asked immediately.

It seems that Zhu Di also listened to his own words at the beginning, but the sea ban has too much to do with his interests, so he waited for so long without any movement.

"I'm going to unblock one port first to see how it works. If there are no problems, I will unblock other ports. This kind of transition can be remedied in time if there is any problem."

Zhu Di explained.

In fact, regarding the lifting of the sea ban, there were differences in the cabinet before. Although the Japanese pirates are gone, the sea ban has been implemented for so many years, and a solid chain of interests has long been formed. If the sea ban is broken, it will have to face local turmoil.

So some people feel that it is better to keep the status quo than to risk breaking the sea ban.

However, some people think that the sea ban was originally established to prevent Japanese pirates. Now that the Japanese pirates are gone, the basis for the sea ban is gone.

In the face of the quarrel between the cabinet, Zhu Di finally made the decision, and let go of a port first, which can be regarded as a compromise.

"Grandpa Huang is wise, which port do you plan to let go? I think Suzhou is good."

Zhu Zhanhe immediately suggested that Suzhou is the starting point for voyages to the Western Sea and shipping, and it is also the mouth of the Yangtze River. Liujia Port in Suzhou has the title of "No. [-] Port in the World", so if Suzhou Port is released, Definitely can have a bigger impact.

"Suzhou is indeed good. If there is no move to the capital, letting go of Suzhou is definitely the first choice, but now the distance is a bit far away, and it is inconvenient to convey government orders, so I think it is better to let go of Tianjin Port first."

Zhu Di shook his head and chose Tianjin Port next to Beijing.


Zhu Zhanhe was a little dissatisfied. Although Tianjin is the largest port in the north, its history is actually very short. It was only when Zhu Di started his war that Tianjin was finally given a name. Although a port was established later, it was mainly used for military purposes until the capital was moved. After that, Tianjin Port was officially developed.

It can be said that the background of Tianjin Port is too shallow. Some large ports with a long history in the south, such as Guangzhou and Quanzhou, are much stronger than Tianjin, let alone Liujia Port in Suzhou.

"Don't be too greedy. Although Tianjin is not as good as the big ports in the south, it is also good. Moreover, Tianjin Port is newly established without too many conflicts of interest. It is also close to the capital and easier to control."

Zhu Di seemed to know what Zhu Zhanhe was thinking, so he spoke again.

"Yes, then choose Tianjin!"

Zhu Zhanhe also came to his senses when he heard the words, nodded immediately and said, being able to break the sea ban is already a great progress, and the rest can be done slowly.

"If Tianjin wants to open the sea ban, someone must be in charge."

Zhu Di said, looked at Zhu Zhanhe, and gave instructions directly.

"Just after you came back from Japan, you have nothing else to do, why don't you go to Tianjin to host this matter."

"Grandson obeys!"

Zhu Zhanhe immediately agreed that he must participate in such an important matter as opening the sea ban, and he is not at ease if it is entrusted to others.

"Very well, since you proposed Kaihai, I believe you can handle this matter well."

Zhu Di nodded in satisfaction, then he seemed to have thought of something again, so he picked up a memorial on the table and handed it to Zhu Zhanhe with a smile.

"This is the good news just sent by the Japanese province. I was about to call you into the palace, but I didn't expect you to come by yourself."

"Good news?"

Zhu Zhanhe was taken aback, when did the Japanese province go to war again?
With doubts in his heart, Zhu Zhanhe took the good news, opened it and looked at it, only to find out that the last time Yang Yun wrote a letter, saying that the Ashikaga shogunate was training naval forces in the Kamakura area, and modeled the warships of Ming Dynasty to build a new type of warship. warship.

At that time, Zhu Zhanhe was still worried that the Ashikaga shogunate would launch an attack on the Japanese province.

Unexpectedly, after discussing with generals such as Yang Yun and Zhu Yong, they felt that they could not just sit back and watch the Japanese navy become stronger, so they decided to take the initiative to attack. After all, the Ming's navy basically has no opponents at sea.

So just some time ago, Zhang Fu led the navy to raid Kamakura and defeated the navy in the Ashikaga shogunate's drill, especially the shipbuilding workshops around the port, which were burned by them.

After reading the good news, Zhu Zhanhe also said in admiration: "Yang Yun and others are really decisive. After this battle, the elite naval forces of the Japanese kingdom are wiped out. At least they can guarantee the safety of the Japanese province for several years!"

"I also think that Yang Yun and the others have done a good job. I'm even thinking about whether Zhang Fu should send troops to the coast of Japan every once in a while to clean up their navy?"

Zhu Di said again with a smile.

Having tasted the powerful sweetness of the Daming Navy, of course he also wants to make full use of the role of the Navy. After all, naval battles are much more sure than land battles.

(End of this chapter)

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