My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 454 Zhang Zhong is Here

Chapter 454 Zhang Zhong is Here
"Brother Zhang! You're here!"

Zhu Zhanhe quickly boarded the boat, saw Zhang Zhong approaching very enthusiastically, hugged him and said excitedly.

"Zhanhe, what's wrong with you, you are so excited to see me?"

Zhang Zhong was taken aback by Zhu Zhanhe's enthusiasm. Although he hadn't seen him for a long time, Zhu Zhanhe's performance was still surprising.

"I'm just waiting for you. Now the number of refugees in Laizhou has skyrocketed. If you don't come, I really can't hold on anymore. In the end, I can only send these refugees to Zhoushan for resettlement."

As Zhu Zhanhe said, he briefly talked about the current situation of the refugees.

Only then did Zhang Zhong realize that he had come in time, otherwise Zhu Zhanhe would have sent the refugees to Zhoushan in vain after working so hard.

"By the way, Brother Zhang, why did you come back so quickly? Could it be that Zhanqi and the others arrived in Tianzhu earlier than I expected?"

Zhu Zhanhe also asked curiously at this time.

According to his estimate, even if Zhang Zhong set off immediately after Zhu Zhanqi and his fleet arrived in Tianzhu, it would probably take several months to arrive at Daming, but the other party came early, which surprised him very much.

"I met Zhanqi and the others at Manlajia Port, as well as the Tang commander you appointed. When I heard them talk about the situation in Shandong, I guessed that you were under great pressure, so I left. Nanyang is coming to you!"

Zhang Zhong laughed.

After Zhang Zhong knew the situation in Shandong, he guessed that Zhu Gaoxu would definitely let him come to Shandong first, so he changed his route and came to Shandong without waiting for Zhu Gaoxu to send someone to inform him, so he was able to arrive in time.

"That's great, the fleet you brought this time is so large, how many immigrants can you take away at one time?"

Looking at the huge fleet of ships in the port, Zhu Zhanhe asked again.

Now there are more than [-] refugees in Laizhou. If Zhang Zhong takes away too few people, he will have to send them to Zhoushan.

"Don't worry this time, I will not only bring the fleet from Tianzhu, but also the fleet from Old Port and Managa. It is estimated that I can take away at least [-] immigrants!"

Zhang Zhong patted his chest and assured that he brought hundreds of sea ships this time. Although they were of different sizes, if they were fully loaded, it would definitely not be a problem to carry 2 people.

"2! That's great, with [-] less, the pressure on me will be much less!"

Zhu Zhanhe finally heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, one-fifth of them were lost all of a sudden, although there were still a lot of people left, but with the rations in his hands now, it shouldn't be a problem to support them for more than half a year. Zhu Di picked up new food.

"The fleet I brought this time is only the first batch, and there will be a second batch in the future, because before I came, I had already sent people to mobilize other ships from Tianzhu and Nanyang."

Zhang Zhong laughed again.

"Okay, you, you can mobilize so many ships now?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanhe couldn't help but look at Zhang Zhong in surprise. He didn't expect his brother to have such great energy in just a few years.

"It's not that I can do it, but that the King of Han is powerful. Now the King of Han is preparing to send troops to annex the entire North Tianzhu in one fell swoop. By the way, the South Tianzhu will also be brought under his control. By then, the whole of Tianzhu will be under the King of Han's world. Naturally, the fleets on the sea will listen to it." We dispatch."

Zhang Zhong laughed.

He is the captain of the navy appointed by Zhu Gaoxu. Not only is he in charge of the only navy under the name of the King of Han, but he can also commandeer merchant ships. You must know that the route from Nanyang to Tianzhu has been controlled by Zhu Gaoxu. As long as you run this route All businessmen must have a good relationship with the Han Palace.

"My father is going to expand again?"

Zhu Zhanhe was taken aback for a moment, but then he realized that this was not the place to talk, so he invited Zhang Zhong to disembark, and then asked Li Qi to set up the fleet, while he himself held a banquet at home, eating and chatting with Zhang Zhong.

Zhang Zhong also introduced Zhu Gaoxu's situation in Tianzhu, mainly because after the problem of Zhu Gaoxu's shortage of manpower was solved, he was finally free to work hard.

"My father is so confident that he wants to annex the entire North Tianzhu in one fell swoop, and by the way, he also wants to control the South Tianzhu? Isn't this step too big?"

After Zhu Zhanhe listened to Zhang Zhong's introduction, he asked worriedly.

"Zhan He, if we move the 10,000 immigrants from your side to Tianzhu, the King of Han will have [-]+ Ming people under his command. With these people as a base, we can quickly expand outwards, and the King of Han has not been idle in the past few years. , has been encroaching on the surrounding forces, so it’s okay not to take action, as long as we take action, we will not leave any way for them to survive!"

Zhang Zhong laughed and said again.

He has been to Tianzhu and personally observed the situation there, and has absolute confidence in Zhu Gaoxu.

"Even you have such confidence in my father, so I can rest assured!"

Zhu Zhanhe also smiled when he heard the words.

If Zhu Gaoxu controls the entire Tianzhu, it can be regarded as achieving his initial strategic goal. The next step is to strengthen the connection between Daming and Tianzhu, not only to strengthen the business exchanges between the two sides, but also to attract the people of Daming to settle in Tianzhu.

At that time, instead of using natural disasters and man-made disasters to attract refugees to emigrate like now, it will attract ordinary people to go to Tianzhu to settle spontaneously. I believe that as long as Tianzhu offers enough favorable conditions, many people will definitely be willing to go.

After talking about the business, Zhu Zhanhe and Zhang Zhong chatted a little more, especially about Zhang Zhong's family affairs. His wife Bai Shao has been living in Daming, and Zhu Zhanhe sent people to take care of them.

"Zhan He, this time I plan to take Bai Shao away and settle down in Tianzhu from now on."

After Zhang Zhong listened to his wife's recent situation, he suddenly spoke.

"That's fine, you will be mainly staying at Tianzhu in the future, let Bai Shao follow you, so you can take care of her nearby."

Zhu Zhanhe nodded and said, he was mentally prepared for this matter. Zhang Zhong took Bai Shao away, which was equivalent to cutting off the last connection with Daming. It is estimated that he will not return to Daming if it is not necessary in the future .

"By the way, my mother said last time that she wanted to move the family to Tianzhu as well. After all, my father can't always be outside alone."

Zhu Zhanhe suddenly thought of another thing, so he spoke again.

When Zhu Gaoxu left, he didn’t bring any of his family with him because he was going to war, but now that Zhu Gaoxu has settled down in Tianzhu, Princess Han also wants to send some people to Tianzhu, such as Zhu Gaoxu’s concubines, cooks and so on. This way Zhu Gaoxu at least has someone to take care of.

"Okay, then I will escort them to Tianzhu together. Is the princess going?"

Zhang Zhong nodded immediately, and then asked curiously.

"My mother still can't leave. The Zhuchai Association is developing rapidly now, and she needs to deal with many things. If she goes to Tianzhu, it is tantamount to handing over the affairs of the Zhuchai Association to others. My aunt Yongping has always treated Zhuchai. Will be watching like a tiger, my mother is reluctant to let go."

Zhu Zhanhe explained with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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