My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 647 Officials and Officials

Chapter 647 Officials and Officials
"Good knowledge does not necessarily make you a good official, but people with good knowledge generally have broad knowledge. With a little training, it is easy to become a qualified official."

Regarding Zhu Zhanhe's question, Yang Shiqi also frowned, but still answered.

"Yang Shangshu, you are from the Hanlin Academy. You must have met many well-educated people from the Hanlin Academy. In your opinion, how many of those Hanlin Academy are suitable to be officials?"

Zhu Zhanhe asked sharply.


When Yang Shiqi heard Zhu Zhanhe mention the Hanlin Academy, he couldn't help but blush, because strictly speaking, he was not from a formal imperial examination, but entered the Hanlin Academy as an editor through the recommendation of others. Later, Zhu Dijing was unable to do so. Taking advantage of the crisis, Yang Shiqi successfully entered the cabinet from the Hanlin Academy and officially entered his official career.

The Hanlin Academy gathered the best scholars in the entire Ming Dynasty. Everyone was well-read, and they were proficient in almost everything when it came to poetry, poetry, and other schools of thought.

But the shortcomings of this group of Hanlin officials are also obvious, that is, they only talk but are not proficient in practice. Some people even know nothing about government affairs and often make ridiculous remarks.

The reason why Yang Shiqi was able to stand out from the Hanlin Academy was also because he later entered the Zhanshi Mansion and handled a large number of government affairs, and gradually trained himself. If he had just come out of the Hanlin Academy and assumed his current position, I am afraid that He couldn't hold it up at all.

Of course, the Hanlin Academy is not without talents. For example, in addition to Yang Shiqi, there are also Yang Rong, Yang Pu and others. But like Yang Shiqi, they only gradually became familiar with it through a lot of study and practice after leaving the Hanlin Academy. Get involved in government affairs and develop your talents.

"Yang Shangshu, in fact, it is not just you civil servants, but also military generals. For example, the nobles who followed the Emperor Jingnan. Most of them were in the army in thousands or even hundreds of households, and some were ordinary soldiers. When Emperor Zu was in power, they did not perform well at all."

Zhu Zhanhe paused at this point, and then spoke.

"But just four years later, the heroes of Jingnan were granted official titles one by one and became high-ranking officials in the army. They were not born to be generals. They just seized the opportunity and followed the right people, so they were able to fly. soaring."

"But... there are still some differences between military generals and civil servants!"

Although Yang Shiqi was a little moved after hearing Zhu Zhanhe's words, he still spoke firmly.

"What's the difference? My father, like Grandpa Huang, when he first came to Tianzhu, there were only officials from the palace around him, but now these officials are all in high positions and help my father support the big man, even When there weren't enough officials, didn't you snatch away the noble stewards from various families and let them serve as local officials? Aren't you doing a good job now?"

Zhu Zhanhe gave another example.

Among the first batch of stewards recruited by Zhu Gaoxu, several outstanding ones have entered the core of the Han Dynasty, such as Zhang Shilang of the Ministry of Household Affairs. He used to be the chief steward of the British government. Because he was good at financial management, he also worked hard after becoming an official. Gao Sheng, and may even become a minister in the future.

Hearing that Zhu Zhanhe used the current officials of the Han Dynasty as examples, Yang Shiqi could not refute it. Especially the officials he recruited at the beginning were actually his idea. At the time, he thought it was just a temporary measure, but he did not expect that after these officials became officials, they would A considerable number of them performed well, even better than those officials with Jinshi background.In fact, this is normal. The most important thing for an official is organization and action. In addition, you must have a certain vision. And those stewards of the noble family have no shortage of organization and action when working in the noble family. , and later went to sea, their vision was even more extraordinary than that of ordinary people, so they had already possessed the basic qualities to be officials. As long as they were familiar with the officialdom, they would naturally be no worse than anyone else.

"Yang Shangshu, you know more about officialdom than I do. When many officials first took office, they were not familiar with their duties and could only rely on their petty officials. Some yamen would even be sidelined by petty officials. Without them, the entire yamen would be Nothing gets done.”

Zhu Zhanhe paused at this point, then continued.

"In the past, petty officials had no future. Some people could only be officials all their lives, but they had power, so many people simply used their power for personal gain. Therefore, petty officials were greedy for money. But if they were given a future, they would There will be scruples, after all, smart people will hesitate to ruin their own future for a little money."

"As for the shallow knowledge of junior officials, it is actually not a big problem. When Emperor Taizu was the emperor, officials needed to pass three exams to transfer to official positions. We can also organize exams for junior officials, and only those who can pass the exam will be awarded official positions. I believe that by then When they don’t need anyone to urge them, they will ask their husband to teach them how to read.”

Zhu Zhanhe listed several major advantages of transferring officials to official positions. Of course, there are also disadvantages to transferring officials to official positions, but they are nothing compared to the advantages, so he supports it so much.

After listening to Zhu Zhanhe's words, Yang Shiqi couldn't help but show a pensive expression.

Yang Shiqi does not deny the advantages mentioned by Zhu Zhanhe. The most important thing is that Zhu Zhanhe is now the prince of the Han Dynasty. Before Zhu Gaoxu left, he appointed Zhu Zhanhe to supervise the country, so Zhu Zhanhe’s opinions are actually On behalf of Zhu Gaoxu, he had to pay attention.

So after Yang Shiqi thought about it for a long time, he finally nodded and said: "Well, since the prince is so optimistic about the transfer of officials, I will go back and discuss it with my subordinates. Then I will try it out around the capital first, and if feasible, then in other places." Promote!”

"Great. If you, Yang Shangshu, complete this matter, it will definitely be a pioneering work, and it may even replace the imperial examination in the future!"

Zhu Zhanhe immediately praised.

In fact, he also knew that the main reason why Yang Shiqi agreed was because of his status as the prince.

However, Zhu Zhanhe did not use his status to pressure others. He mainly wanted to persuade the other party with reason. Now it seems that Yang Shiqi may still be a little reluctant to transfer from official to official, but Yang Shiqi is not a rigid person. As long as he sees the prospect of official transfer , I will definitely accept it slowly.

Yang Shiqi said goodbye and left, and the currency exchange at the bank continued.

In the following period, the bank was almost full every day, and a large amount of currency was put in and out every day. However, as time went by, the number of people coming finally began to decrease, and the currency circulating in the market finally began to change from the original variety to into a unified Chinese round.

With the currency unification in Xijing, Zhu Zhanhe is also preparing to set up banks in Beizheng Port and Lion Port to speed up currency exchange in these two important ports. As long as these two important economic centers have a unified currency, the entire The internal currency of the Han Dynasty will gradually be occupied by the Chinese yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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