My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 671 The Han army can really fly

Chapter 671 The Han army can really fly
The harassing Han army retreated, the fire in the camp was extinguished, the injured soldiers were carried to the back camp for treatment, and the entire military camp of Timur's army slowly fell into silence.

Even the patrolling soldiers relaxed at this time. Some simply found a place to take a nap. After all, they had been patrolling for most of the night and everyone was sleepy and tired.

This is not to blame these soldiers for being lax, but in their opinion, the Han army has already harassed them, and they must be safe tonight. In addition, it is almost dawn, so there is no need to worry.

In fact, not only the patrolmen thought so, but everyone in the entire military camp thought so. Even the brothers Ulugh Beg and Besunhu were sleeping peacefully in their tents. The entire military camp was in a very relaxed state. in the atmosphere.

However, the sky in the east turned slightly white, and most people were sleeping the deepest at this time. However, they could only see the city of Peshawar in the distance. Several city gates quietly opened, and countless Han troops poured out of the city gates, in silence. He rushed towards the military camp of Timur's army as quickly as possible.

It was not until the Han army almost reached the edge of the military camp that they finally alerted some alert soldiers, but by this time it was already too late.


With a roar, the quiet dawn was broken, and countless Han cavalry galloped on horseback, reaching the edge of the military camp in the blink of an eye.

When the harassing Han army set fire last night, they not only burned some tents, but also burned the horses outside the camp, leaving a gap in the defense of the camp. The soldiers in Timur's camp thought that the Han army would not come again, so they simply No patching.

As a result, this gap became their biggest weakness. The Han cavalry swarmed in through the gap and rushed directly into the military camp. They waved torches and began to set fire to the camp. The fire burned wherever they went.

The army behind them also rushed in. The Timur soldiers who were awakened in the tent were rushed into the tent before they could figure out what was going on, and then their heads were chopped off.

There were also some people who reacted faster, groping for weapons to resist, but they didn't even have time to put on armor, and they were no match for the Han army who were armed to the teeth.

In addition, after the tent was set on fire, the soldiers sleeping inside were burned to death before they could even escape from the tent. Those who escaped had to face the butcher's knife of the Han army. For a time, the entire military camp was filled with screams.

Ulugh Besun and Besun were suddenly awakened. They were in the middle of the army and the Han army had not yet reached them. So they immediately mobilized their soldiers and planned to organize their forces to resist the Han army's attack.

However, as soon as the two men organized several thousand people, the cavalry of the Han army had already arrived, followed by setting fires everywhere. The burning tents illuminated the military camp at dawn.

The thousands of people organized by Ulugh Bo and Besunhu only held on for a moment before being rushed to pieces by the Han cavalry. The two men could only retreat under the protection of their personal guards.

Fortunately, the military camp was in chaos at this time, and the Han army did not find the two Ulugh beauties mixed in with the chaos, otherwise they would definitely not escape death.

At this time, most of the entire military camp had been destroyed. The Han army not only set fire to the tents, but even went to the rear where grain, grass and supplies were stored. Then a bigger fire broke out, burning the entire sky red.

Seeing that even the food and supplies were burned, Ulugh Beg and Besunhu felt despair. In addition, the entire military camp was in chaos. It was impossible for them to organize their troops, so they could only lead the guards around them to fight out. military camp and fled all the way to the north.

Even the generals ran away, and naturally there was no resistance in the entire Timur camp. Those who could escape all fled, and those who could not escape either surrendered or were killed.

It was Chang Wei who was responsible for this dispatch. With the support of Zhu Gaoxu, he led an army of [-] to fight out. Before that, he deliberately sent a small group of cavalry to harass, thereby lowering the opponent's vigilance. This move really had a miraculous effect.Seeing that the overall situation of Timur's military camp was decided, Chang Wei immediately distributed his troops, leaving some manpower to guard the military camp. At the same time, he asked Zhu Gaoxu in the city to come and take over.

Chang Wei himself led eight thousand cavalry and chased the defeated soldiers in the direction in which they fled.

With the power of victory, Timur's remaining defeated soldiers were frightened, so Chang Wei had to expand the results and not give these defeated soldiers a chance to reorganize.

More importantly, Chang Wei found no trace of Ulugh Beg and Besunhu in the military camp. The other party probably escaped. If they could catch these two people, it would not only be a great achievement, but also a great achievement. They can be used to blackmail Sultan Shaharul and force the Timur Empire to give up huge benefits.

With the above purpose in mind, Chang Wei also clung to the defeated soldiers along the way and killed anyone who dared to resist. This also resulted in the road being filled with the corpses of Timur's defeated soldiers.

Ulugh Beg and Besunhu were in a hurry when they escaped from the camp, taking only more than 1000 guards with them. After escaping from the camp, they gradually gathered some of the defeated soldiers, and finally gathered more than 5000 people.

But even so, Ulugh Beg and Besunhu didn't dare to stop at all, and ran all the way along the way.

Because the more than 5000 people under their command had been frightened by the Han army for a long time and did not dare to face the Han army directly, so their only way out was to escape and run desperately. Only by escaping to the rear could they be safe. .

Chang Wei at the rear also quickly discovered the traces of Ulugh Beg and the others. After all, with so many defeated soldiers gathered together, there must be important people among them, so Chang Wei also clung to Ulugh Beg and the others.

This also made Ulug Beg dare not stop at all. After two days of running wildly, there was Qingshui River in front of him. Although this river was not deep, the place where horses could cross was not wide. Thousands of people wanted to cross. Crossing the river also takes quite some time.

Uluru Bo and Besun suddenly looked at the Qingshui River that was getting closer and closer. Their eyes also showed a bit of hope, because as long as they crossed the river, they could rely on the danger of the river to stop the Han army, even if they failed. , at least it can slow down the Han army's pursuit.

However, at this moment, someone in the army suddenly shouted in panic: "Han... the Han army is flying over!"

"Who's talking nonsense?"

Beisun suddenly heard the shouts behind him and turned around angrily, wanting to execute this guy who disturbed the morale of the army on the spot.

However, just when Besun turned around, he happened to see huge balls like floating clouds flying towards them in the wind in the sky behind them. There was also a large basket hanging underneath the balls, which was vaguely visible. Several Han soldiers.

"How is it possible that the Han army can actually fly?"

When Besun suddenly saw the hot air balloon in the sky, he couldn't help but be shocked and stunned, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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