My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 679 Multinational Mission

Chapter 679 Multinational Mission

Zhu Zhanhe returned to Xijing, where there had been a lot of government affairs that needed to be dealt with, but he still tried his best to take time to accompany Uluru around Xijing.

Ulugh Bo was also very knowledgeable and tried not to trouble Zhu Zhanhe. He usually liked to go to Sitianjian and Guozijian to talk with the learned officials or young supervisors. He made many friends with his erudition.

Shortly after Zhu Zhanhe returned to Xijing, news came from Zhu Gaoxu. After Shaharul learned that his eldest son Ulugh Beg had been captured, he sent an envoy to see Zhu Gaoxu and discussed exchanging benefits for Ulugh Bet.

Zhu Gaoxu was also very straightforward about this, and directly asked Shaharul to assign the Kabul area to him, otherwise he would not be able to let Ulugh Beg back.

The envoy sent by Shaharul was also very angry about Zhu Gaoxu's request, because Kabul was an important town in the southwest of the Timurid Empire and was as famous as Peshawar. Now they have lost Peshawar. If they lose Kabul again, then the entire Timurid Empire will be affected. The southwestern part of the empire will be out of control.

Therefore, the envoy refused on the spot and said that the Timur Empire would never agree to other people's blackmail!
Zhu Gaoxu acted even tougher on this. He beheaded a captured Timur noble and gave it to the envoy to bring to Shaharul. If the other party was unwilling to cede Kabul, he would give it to Shaharul next time. , will be the head of Ulugh Beg.

The negotiation has reached a deadlock, and it depends on Shaharul's reaction next. However, according to Zhu Zhanhe's estimation, Shaharul will definitely give in, because Ulug Beg's status is too special. As the heir of the Sultan, he There must be no accidents, otherwise Timur will definitely cause a great turmoil within the country, and may even threaten Shaharul's position as sultan.

Half a month later, Zhu Gaoxu also returned to Xijing. Peshawar was guarded by Chang Wei, and news came from Shaharul that another mission would be sent to discuss the specific matters of redeeming Ulugh Beg. There was no explicit agreement to cede Kabul, but the tone of talk has loosened.

After Zhu Gaoxu came back, Zhu Zhanhe finally had time to promote primary schools to other cities. The two pilot primary schools in Xijing have now achieved great results. Not to mention the students during the day, they have only wiped out the night schools. Ban, in just a few months, helped hundreds of people escape from being illiterate.

Moreover, after these people become literate, it also brings them practical benefits. For example, private parties can understand the contents of newspapers and thus master first-hand information.

In addition, after these people can write and calculate, they can get higher wages even if they work for others. People who do business on their own can also keep accounts without worrying about being deceived.

There are even some young people who work harder and even plan to enter the yamen as subordinate officials after studying for a few more semesters. You must know that subordinate officials in the Han Dynasty can also become officials. I believe that as time goes by, there will definitely be a group of people who came from night schools. Officials are active in official circles.

In Zhu Zhanhe's view, these first batch of people who went to school to be literate are equivalent to the first batch of people who went to sea to do business during the reform and opening up in later generations. Now the Han Dynasty has a great demand for people who are literate and literate. Anyone who can read and digit, All have good development opportunities.

Therefore, the construction of the second batch of primary schools has also been put on the agenda. Xijing plans to build four more primary schools, which should barely meet the needs here. In addition, Beizheng Port and Shizi Port will also build several primary schools.

The officials of the Imperial College have already accumulated experience in these matters, so Zhu Zhanhe only needs to give them instructions.

Early that morning, Zhu Zhanhe was handling official business in Zhan Shifu, when he saw Li Qi suddenly walking in quickly to report: "Prince, there is news from Beizheng Port that a foreign mission has arrived!"

"Foreign mission?"

Zhu Zhanhe was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously: "Which country's mission?"

"The other party is flying the Black Sheep flag, so it should be the envoy of the Black Sheep Dynasty!" Li Qi replied again.

The so-called Black Sheep Dynasty is actually a dynasty established by the Turkmen people. This dynasty occupied Baghdad many years ago, and its territory includes southern Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kurdistan and other places.

The Black Sheep Dynasty has been at war with the Timur Empire since its founding. Especially when Shaharul was in power, he defeated the Black Sheep Dynasty many times and seized their land. However, the Black Sheep Dynasty soon killed them again. came back and expanded its territory outwards. For this reason, the war with the Timurid Empire became more intense.

"Black Sheep Dynasty? So they have heard that we defeated the Timurid Empire, so they came here to join us to deal with Shaharul?"

Zhu Zhanhe thought for a moment and immediately guessed the purpose of the Black Sheep Dynasty mission.

After all, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Such a simple truth, the Black Sheep Dynasty must understand that if they can form an alliance with the Han Dynasty, they will be able to make the Timur Empire vulnerable to enemies from both sides. Even if the Han Dynasty does not send troops, they can still contain the Timur Empire's military strength. .

"I also think so. In the battle of Peshawar City, we defeated the many with less. Ulugh Beg's army of one hundred thousand was defeated miserably. Even he became our prisoner. This matter has spread, and people around Timur's empire have Those countries will definitely notice it too!”

Li Qi also nodded in agreement.

Central Asia and West Asia are already full of diverse forces. Although the Timur Empire was once hegemonic, it has now begun to decline. Various surrounding forces have also emerged, wanting to replace the Timur Empire's hegemony. The Black Sheep Dynasty is one of them.

This time, the Han Dynasty also squeezed into Central Asia. With the battle in Peshawar City, he successfully entered the game of hegemony and became one of the top players. That's why the Black Sheep Dynasty sent a mission. , even if we can't form an alliance, we must at least have a good relationship with the big man.

"Send someone to greet them. It just so happens that we have to negotiate with the envoy sent by Shaharul. Then the envoy from the Black Sheep Dynasty can be used as a bargaining chip to suppress the people from Shaharul's side."

Zhu Zhanhe said with a chuckle.

There is no morality to talk about between countries. There are only naked interests. For example, when cooperating with a country, it does not prevent them from exchanging some benefits.

"Prince Yingming, I will do it right now!"

Li Qi agreed and immediately retreated.

However, before the Black Sheep Dynasty's mission arrived in Xijing, news suddenly came from Beizheng Port that another mission from another country had arrived. This time it was the Ottoman Empire that Zhu Zhanhe was very familiar with.

The Ottoman Empire takes its founding Sultan Osman I as its national name. The current Sultan is Murad II, who is also a very accomplished king. Under his leadership, the Ottoman Empire has repeatedly defeated the coalition forces of European countries. The strength of the army has become more and more powerful. It is becoming more and more powerful, and it is also one of the powerful enemies of Timurid Empire in the west.

(End of this chapter)

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