My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 685 Mirror

Chapter 685 Mirror

Mufas gave Zhu Zhanhe a statue of Athena, which he knew must have been snatched from Europe without asking. The Black Sheep Dynasty gave Zhu Zhanhe a white camel, which represented auspiciousness.

The gifts from both countries were very rare, but unexpectedly, Besun of Timur's mission suddenly stood up and said that they also had a gift, and that this gift was more precious than the gifts from the other two countries.

"Who doesn't know how to tell lies? If you have the ability, show it to us and see what good things you Timur can prepare?"

Mufas sneered and mocked.

"That's right, when I came here just now, I didn't see any gifts brought by your Timur envoy?"

Jahansha also mocked at this time.

Before, the three kingdoms' envoys entered the palace almost at the same time. The Black Sheep Dynasty and the Ottomans all came carrying things. Only the Timur envoys were almost empty-handed, and they didn't see anything with them at all.

Facing the ridicule from the envoys of the two countries, Besun suddenly smiled coldly. He gestured behind him, and someone immediately came forward with a flat box. This box was not big, and was about the same size as a briefcase in later generations. , it can be brought in by one person, no wonder Jahan Shah didn't notice it.

"What valuable gift can be packed in such a small box?"

Seeing that the other party actually took out the gift, Jahansha still mocked unconvinced.

"Ignorant man, who told you that the bigger the gift, the more valuable it is?"

Beisun suddenly glanced at Jahansha and retorted with disdain.


Jahansha was irritated by the other party's ridicule. He was about to stand up and get angry, but was interrupted by Zhu Zhanhe: "Okay, everyone, please calm down for a while. Let's see what gifts Besunhu envoy brought?"

Seeing Zhu Zhanhe speak, Jiahansha could only suppress his anger and sit back.

I saw Beisunhu taking the wooden box with his own hands at this time. Although this wooden box is not big, it is very exquisite. It is carved with complicated patterns and inlaid with various gems. It looks extremely gorgeous. If nothing else, it is just beautiful. This box is a work of art of astonishing value.

Beisun suddenly took out a key, inserted it into the keyhole on the box, turned it once, and then opened the box. Then he gently opened the lid of the box, as if he was afraid that if he applied too much force, the contents inside would break?
Seeing Bei Sunhu's cautious movements, Zhu Zhanhe and others were also aroused in curiosity, so they all looked into the box.

The box was covered with soft silk, and on top of the silk lay an extremely gorgeous oval mirror. The outer frame of the mirror was carved from ivory and was also inlaid with various gems. Especially the top of the mirror turned out to be A ruby ​​as big as an egg, this gem alone is worth a fortune.

"Venetian glass!"

When they saw the mirror in the box, Mufas and Jahansha exclaimed almost simultaneously. Everyone in the envoy behind them also exclaimed in surprise. Apparently they were also very shocked by this gift.

In fact, it is not surprising that the people of the two missions were so surprised, because the glass mirror has been monopolized by the Venetians since its inception. In order to prevent the manufacturing method of the glass mirror from being leaked, they set up a workshop on an island, and the craftsmen worked all their lives. Can only live on the island.Even the method of making glass is considered a top secret in Venice, and a special agency has been established to manage it.

Although Venetian merchants have long been able to make glass mirrors, due to technical limitations, the success rate of making glass mirrors has always been very low, and the successfully made glass mirrors are generally very small, usually only as big as the palm of a hand.

But even glass mirrors as big as the palm of your hand are regarded as treasures by ladies from all over the world. They usually have dedicated servants to protect the mirrors. Only when attending parties will they take out the mirrors to show off in front of their friends.

Compared with those glass mirrors that are as big as the palm of your hand, the glass mirror that Bei Sunhu took out now is as big as two books. Such a large mirror cannot be found even in Venice. It can definitely be called a priceless treasure. .

It is said that there was a king in Europe who was even willing to trade more than a dozen cities in exchange for a mirror, and that mirror was only as big as a book, which was far inferior to the mirror in Beisunhu's hand.

Although the statues given by Osman and the white camels given by the Black Sheep Dynasty were precious, they were obviously much inferior to the glass mirror in front of them.

However, as the person involved, Zhu Zhanhe's expression seemed a little strange at this time. It was just a gift from the Black Sheep Dynasty to a camel. At worst, he could still eat roasted camels in the future, but the mirror that Beisunhu gave him gave him something to eat. An urge to scold my mother.

Although glass mirrors are very valuable now, they will soon be worthless, because just some time ago, Zhu Zhanhe had someone trial-produce a glass mirror. After all, he would certainly not let go of such a money-making tool.

According to Zhu Zhanhe's knowledge, flat glass is not a problem at all. It can be achieved by either the floating tin method or the barrel method. As for the mirror reaction, which is easier, tin foil can be solved by adding mercury.

So under the guidance of Zhu Zhanhe, Dahan's glass mirror had been successfully trial-produced and was about to be launched for sale. As a result, Beisun suddenly gave him a mirror as big as two books. Although it was very gorgeously decorated, it was In essence, it is still a worthless glass mirror.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, these are the trophies captured in the Aegean Sea by my grandfather during his Western Expedition. They are also the most important collection in our Timur Palace. I specially give them to His Highness the Crown Prince today in the hope that they can be exchanged for my eldest brother's freedom!"

Besunhu was very satisfied with the reaction of the Black Sheep Dynasty and the Ottoman mission. At this time, he saluted Zhu Zhanhe triumphantly, without noticing the strangeness on Zhu Zhanhe's face.

"You want to trade a mirror for your eldest brother's freedom?"

Zhu Zhanhe asked Beisunhu, a little dumbfounded.

"Of course not. We can also agree to some of the conditions put forward by the big man. This mirror is also one of the bargaining chips in the exchange. After all, if this mirror is placed in Europe, it can replace more than a dozen cities!"

Beisun suddenly said with a sincere expression.

This mirror is one of the trump cards prepared by their mission. After all, the negotiations have reached a deadlock, and neither side is willing to give in. So Besun suddenly wants to use this mirror to exchange for the big man's concession, and at least let them keep two corners. city, thereby achieving the purpose of containing the Han garrison in Kabul.

Seeing that Bei Sunhu's expression didn't look like he was joking, Zhu Zhanhe finally ordered helplessly: "Someone, bring over the mirror where I usually change my clothes!"

Following Zhu Zhanhe's instructions, two maids immediately returned to the back hall. After a while, they came over carrying a mirror as tall as one person.

When the people of the three missions saw this mirror, everyone's eyes were straightened, especially Bei Sunhu. He looked at the mirror that the other party held out, and then looked at the mirror in his hand. For a moment, he felt like Is it like a dream?
(End of this chapter)

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