My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 835 Talk on the train

Chapter 835 Conversation on the Train

The train rumbled along, but the passenger compartment was very smooth.

Zhu Zhanhe naturally heard Mufas's hint, and he did not intend to beat around the bush again, so he smiled slightly and said: "Mufas, what do you think about fighting back to Osman to seize the throne of Sultan?" ?”

"No, but I know that His Royal Highness is very resourceful and will definitely help me think of a good solution!"

Mufas was shocked when he heard this, and he sat upright and said.

"Okay, if you don't have any ideas, then I will tell you what I have. If you think something is inappropriate, you can put it forward."

Zhu Zhanhe paused for a moment before speaking, and then continued.

"Ottoman is a big country, and your eldest brother Murad II is a talented and strategic monarch. Otherwise, Osman would not be able to pull Osman back from the edge of destruction, and even let Osman's strength expand rapidly. I want to take it from him. Seizing the throne of Sultan is not an easy task.”

"What His Highness said is absolutely true. I also know that this matter is very difficult. If there is anyone in this world who can help me, it is only Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Mufas also said solemnly at this time.

He was not flattering Zhu Zhanhe, but expressed his true inner thoughts. If he wanted to pull Murad II down from the throne of the Sultan, only a country as powerful as the Han Dynasty could do it.

"Haha, Murad II's reputation is at its peak in the Ottoman Empire. If you want to seize the throne of Sultan, you must find a way to undermine his reputation. For example, he lost Egypt this time, but he put all the blame on you. His popularity has some influence, but it’s not huge.”

Zhu Zhanhe smiled again at this time.

"Yes, Murad is very cunning. When he first came to the throne, there were many nobles in the country who opposed him. But after he ascended the throne, those nobles who opposed him either died in battle inexplicably or had their military power taken away. , nearly half of the nobles from all over the world are his confidants, and it is not easy to damage his reputation."

Mufas nodded again.

"It is actually not difficult to attack Murad's reputation. I am going to send the Han Dynasty's navy into the Mediterranean. I will start with the Ottoman navy first. You must also know that the Ottomans have always attached great importance to the Mediterranean. If they The elimination of naval power will definitely deal a heavy blow to Murad II’s reputation.”

Zhu Zhanhe did not hide anything anymore and directly told Mufasdao about the movements of the Han Navy.

"Destroy the Ottoman navy!"

Mufas was shocked when he heard this. Of course he knew the importance of the navy to the Ottomans. After all, expansion on land was not easy. At least it was difficult for the Ottomans to expand on land now, so maritime expansion became the focus of the Ottomans.

If, as Zhu Zhanhe said, the Ottoman navy was wiped out, it would definitely be a heavy blow to the Ottomans, and it might even cause dissatisfaction among local nobles against Murad II.

"With the navy destroyed, there will definitely be power turmoil within the Ottomans. You can take advantage of this opportunity to raise the flag against Murad II and lead your army to the Ottoman territory. I will fully support you then, as long as you If you can win a few battles, you will be able to gain a foothold in the Ottoman Empire, and you will naturally have the opportunity to get back what you want in the future."

Zhu Zhanhe spoke his thoughts in a gentle tone, but in just a few words, there seemed to be countless bloody storms. This is power. A word or an idea from a superior person may decide countless people. life and death. "this……"

After hearing Zhu Zhanhe's words, Mufas also showed a hesitant expression. He knew what it meant for the Ottomans to promote the navy, and he also knew that he would face many difficulties if he wanted to break into the Ottomans and defeat the Ottoman army head-on.

Of course, Mufas does not have to face these difficulties alone. He has the support of a giant man behind him, which also relieves him a lot of pressure.

"Your Highness, although our Ottoman navy is not as good as that of the Han Dynasty, it still has hundreds of warships. Are you really sure of destroying them?"

Mufas hesitated for a long time, and finally raised his head and asked Zhu Zhanhe.

As soon as these words were spoken, it meant that he basically agreed with Zhu Zhanhe's plan. Although the navy was very important, compared to personal power, it was nothing to Mufas.

"Don't worry, I have sent enough warships to the Mediterranean this time. With the cooperation of the Venetians, the Ottoman navy will have no room to struggle. After destroying their navy, the next step is to send you back to the Ottomans. Although I will give you a lot of support, Mufas also needs your own efforts."

Zhu Zhanhe finally said in a serious tone.

"I know this. As long as His Highness can give me some support, I am confident that I will be able to gain a foothold in Ottoman!"

Mufas immediately promised that if he wanted the big man to bet heavily on him, he had to show his worth. Mufas knew this very well. Otherwise, if he himself was a puddle of mud, no matter how much support others had, he would not be able to support him. use.

The two parties reached an agreement, and Zhu Zhanhe and Mufas discussed some details, such as the strength of Ming's support for Mufas, and how much benefit Mufas can divide among the Han after he wins the Sudan.

Although these things are cumbersome, they are very important. For example, Mufas wants Zhu Zhanhe to support him with a batch of the latest firearms, especially Dahan's advanced muskets and artillery, and even wants a few steamships.

These are Dahan's core secrets, and Zhu Zhanhe will definitely not agree. In the end, the two bargained and finally came up with a condition acceptable to both parties. For example, Dahan could give some of the firearms that had been replaced by the army to Mufas. , mainly some old matchlocks and flintlock guns, or some obsolete artillery.

As for Mufas, if he wins the position of Sultan, he will also open some business areas to the Han, such as allowing the Han's goods to be sold in the Ottomans and agreeing to the Han's acquisition of Ottoman minerals and other conditions.

Of course, Zhu Zhanhe and Mufas mainly only discussed some frameworks, and the remaining detailed conditions needed to be discussed in detail by special officials, so they did not need to worry about these.

After a whole day of non-stop driving, the train finally arrived at the train station in Xijing at midnight that day. Zhu Zhanhe was still not very satisfied with this speed. After all, future generations are used to riding high-speed trains with speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour. In his opinion, the slow steam train is no different from an ox-cart.

But compared to Zhu Zhanhe, Mufas and others were very excited because this was the fastest train they had ever taken.

(End of this chapter)

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