My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 842: Boarding the Ship from 1st

Chapter 842 Board the ship together

Laizhou Port, although the conditions of the port here are good, not far to the west is Tianjin Port, and not far to the east is Dengzhou Port with better conditions. It is sandwiched in the middle, and it is difficult to develop.

But fortunately, Zhu Zhanhe came here and used it as an immigration port. The first batch of official immigrants from the Han Dynasty boarded a ship from Laizhou. Since then, Laizhou has made immigration a sign, as long as people from the north Those who want to immigrate overseas usually board the ship from Laizhou.

Therefore, there are also many immigrant merchants gathered here in Laizhou Port. Each family has its own fleet and even formed a guild. Every few days, a fleet will leave the port with immigrants.

However, since the locust plague broke out in July, Laizhou Port has also faced severe challenges. Countless victims have gathered at Laizhou Port every day. Those immigrant merchants obviously cannot handle such a large number of immigrants, resulting in a large number of victims stranded at the port, which has a negative impact on the entire Laizhou has posed huge challenges.

Uncle Qi woke up from his sleep and turned to look at his family who were still sleeping in the tent. He had two sons and one daughter. Except for the youngest daughter who had just grown up and was not married yet, his two sons also had children. Now they have a big family. They all lived in this big tent.

Looking at the sleeping grandson next to him, Uncle Qi got up gently. His leg injury was almost healed, especially after receiving treatment from the doctor in Laizhou, he could hardly delay walking anymore.

After getting out of the tent, Uncle Qi stretched out and saw one tent after another in this camp. The tents were all occupied by disaster victims like him. They came here from Qingzhou some time ago and were arranged to live there. Entering this camp, they had food and drink every day, and waited until there was an empty ship at the port, then they could board the ship and leave.

"Lao Qi, you woke up very early!"

At this moment, an old man with gray hair walked next to him and greeted him with a smile.

"It's morning, Third Uncle. You got up so early too?"

When the seventh uncle saw the old man, he immediately greeted him. He was his third uncle and one of the oldest elders in the family.

"As we get older, we sleep less. When do you think we can get on the ship?"

The third uncle sighed, and then asked the seventh uncle.

They have been here for almost ten days, but there is still no movement at the port, so the third uncle and others are beginning to worry, fearing that something will happen again. After all, their journey has not been easy.

"No one can tell for sure. Gouzi is not here, and we can't find anyone even if we want to ask."

Uncle Qi also helplessly showed his hands. When he was in Qingzhou, Gouzi stayed to help those big Han businessmen organize the victims. Uncle Qi and others came to Laizhou first, and now they are not familiar with the place. Uncle San didn’t know when they Can get on board.

"You said the same goes for Gouzi. He should have followed us here before. After all, it would be inconvenient for him to do nothing without him."

Uncle San touched his goatee and complained.

"Third uncle, you can't say that. After all, there are so many victims now, and the people in Laizhou are overwhelmed. Gouzi happens to be able to help. Even if he saves one more victim, it can be regarded as a good deed for our ancestors."

Uncle Qi smiled and explained for Gouzi.

Just as the uncle and nephew were talking, they suddenly saw a group of people walking towards the gate of the camp. As they walked, they started beating gongs and announced loudly: "Everyone in the camp, listen, the fleet to pick you up has arrived. , everyone is ready to board the ship and leave the port early tomorrow morning!"

The person who announced the news was the official in charge of the camp. He saw the other party walking and shouting, and informed the entire camp. Many tents also stuck their heads out to listen.

"Leaving tomorrow!"

The third uncle, who was worried just now, immediately showed an expression of joy when he heard the official's words. After waiting for so long, they could finally board the ship. "Tomorrow? This is too soon. I'm afraid the dog won't be able to leave with us!"

Uncle Qi showed a worried expression and said, in fact, he wanted to wait a few more days. It would be best to wait for Gouzi to come from Qingzhou, and then they would leave together by boat.

"That's true. If Gouzi is not here and we go to a place where the Han people are unfamiliar, I am really worried that we will suffer a loss."

When the third uncle heard the seventh uncle mention the dog, he immediately turned from joy to worry and muttered to himself.

"Yeah, let's all leave. I'm leaving Gouzi here alone. I'm also worried that something will happen to him. After all, it's such a mess now and he has to deal with the victims again. This is really uneasy."

In Uncle Qi's heart, Gouzi was no different from his biological son, so he couldn't rest assured that Gouzi was left alone in Daming.

"You're overthinking this. Gouzi is with those big men, and there are many people following him all the time. There will definitely be no problem!"

The third uncle immediately comforted him.

"I hope so!"

Uncle Qi was still a little worried, but he had no choice but to quietly return to the tent and wake up his children to pack their things together.

But just as Uncle Qi and the others were packing their things, they suddenly saw someone walking in from outside, and then a familiar voice said: "Uncle Qi!"

Uncle Qi turned around and saw the tall and thin Gouzi standing at the door, smiling at him. This made him shout excitedly: "Gouzi, aren't you in Qingzhou? Why are you here?"

"I'm bringing a group of victims to Laizhou and going to sea with you by the way, because I plan to add my ship to the fleet to help transport the victims."

Gouzi replied with a smile.

He has done a lot of things in Laizhou in the past few days. This time he brought thousands of victims to Laizhou for resettlement. He originally arrived in Laizhou at midnight yesterday, and it was only now that he was so busy that he resettled the victims in another camp.

"You want to go to sea with us? Does that mean you can go to Dahan with us?"

Uncle Qi also asked again in surprise when he heard this.

"Yes, because there are too many victims, the pressure on Laizhou Port is also great. In order to transport the victims out as soon as possible, we will load more victims when loading tomorrow. When we arrive at Guangzhou and other ports, there will be other ships joining us. It’s enough to transfer as many disaster victims as possible to these ships, and my ship is one of them.”

Gouzi nodded again and said that it was precisely because he wanted to use his ship that he came back from Qingzhou. In addition, some Han merchants have arrived in the past few days, so the manpower in Qingzhou is not as short as before.

"That's great. Before, Uncle San was worried that we were going to a place we were unfamiliar with. Now that you're going with us, we don't have to worry about anything!"

Uncle Qi clapped his hands excitedly and said. Uncle Qi's two sons next to him were also very happy, and then told the others about Gouzi's return. After a while, Uncle San and others also gathered around and saw Gouzi was also very excited, especially when they talked about boarding the ship tomorrow, everyone was looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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