My father Zhu Gaoxu

Chapter 891: Sold with matching

Chapter 891: Sold with matching

Zhu Zhanhe's concerns are quite reasonable. Whether it is the Han Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, the emperor has strong decision-making power on national policies. For example, when Zhu Zhanji was in power, even though the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty were closely connected economically, he still The relationship between the two countries was abruptly put into a stalemate.

Now Empress Dowager Zhang wants to improve the relationship between the two countries, but Zhu Zhanhe is worried that when Zhu Qizhen reaches adulthood, he will change his friendly attitude towards the Han like his father did. After all, the father's influence on his son is huge, let alone It is said that Zhu Qizhen was taken hostage by Zhu Gaoxu when he was a child, so his attitude towards big men in the future may not be as friendly as the Queen Mother Zhang.

"Your Highness, I don't think you need to worry about this. After all, once something is done, it is difficult to change it. Just like when you presided over the opening of the sea in the Ming Dynasty, even if someone wanted to restart the sea ban later, it was impossible! "

Hu Xi hesitated for a moment and finally spoke.

What he said was a bit rebellious. After all, the person who wanted to restart the maritime ban was Zhu Zhanji, but the example he gave was quite appropriate. Once some things are started, it will be difficult to change them in the future.

After hearing what Hu Xi said, Zhu Zhanhe was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Hu Shangshu is so brave. Since you have made your words so clear, it seems a bit stingy for me not to agree!"

"So Your Highness the Crown Prince has agreed?"

Hu Hui's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately asked excitedly.

"That's right, you go back to the post house to rest first. I will send someone to formally discuss it with us tomorrow. Then everyone will be frank and present their own ideas and conditions. If we can negotiate the best, don't hurt the peace if we can't!"

Zhu Zhanhe smiled and nodded.

He originally wanted to improve his relationship with Daming. He said he was worried about Zhu Qizhen's attitude before, just because he wanted to control him. Unexpectedly, Hu Xi dared to say anything, which made Zhu Zhanhe seem a bit stingy.

"Great, thank you His Highness the Crown Prince. We will have a good discussion with the officials of the Han Dynasty tomorrow. We hope that His Highness the Crown Prince will support us!"

When Hu Xi saw Zhu Zhanhe nodding, he immediately saluted again excitedly. With Zhu Zhanhe's nod, their mission was mostly successful, and the rest of the negotiation would depend on their own abilities.

So on the next day, Zhu Zhanhe held a banquet in the palace to entertain the Ming Dynasty's envoys. He also invited Li Qi and other officials to accompany him, and introduced them to them because of what was to be discussed next. Leave it to Li Qi to take charge.

After the banquet, Li Qi stayed alone and asked Zhu Zhanhe for instructions: "Your Highness, we are having a formal discussion with the Ming Dynasty envoy. Do you have any instructions?"

"I don't have any instructions. You can just do what you want. If you can agree, agree. If you find it difficult, just leave it alone and report to me afterwards."

Zhu Zhanhe replied directly with a wave of his hand.

He is still very reassured about Li Qi's ability, especially in recent years, as Yang Shiqi has grown older and many matters in the court have begun to be handled by Li Qi.

"I understand, please leave!"

Li Qi immediately agreed and then retreated.

In the next few days, Li Qi represented the Han Dynasty and Hu Hui represented the Ming Dynasty. The two sides held a series of talks on the relationship between the two countries, including cooperation, disputes, and even some conflicts left over from history. Bring it up for discussion.

When encountering some unresolved problems, Li Qi often came to ask Zhu Zhanhe for his opinions and reported to him the progress of the discussions.

Through Li Qi's story, Zhu Zhanhe also felt that Hu Xi and the others came with sincerity this time and were willing to make concessions on many things. For example, in some maritime disputes in Nanyang, Ming Dynasty made concessions.

Zhu Zhanhe was not a man who pushed beyond his limits, and the Han Dynasty's current focus was on the Mediterranean in the west, so stability in Nanyang should also be given priority.

Therefore, Zhu Zhanhe also embraced Ming Dynasty and tried his best to meet some of the requirements put forward by Ming Dynasty. Both parties were sincere, which made the negotiation process very harmonious. Hu Hui and Li Qi settled most of the things with little effort.

However, just as the negotiation was coming to an end, Li Qi suddenly found Zhu Zhanhe and reported: "Your Highness, Ming Dynasty has made a request that I cannot decide on!"

"any request?"

Zhu Zhanhe raised his eyebrows and asked Li Qi curiously.

"Da Ming wants to buy a batch of steam engines."

Li Qi replied in a deep voice that steam engines are the most important weapon of the Han Dynasty. The domestic control of steam engines is extremely strict. Even the whereabouts of each steam engine are recorded by people from the Ministry of Industry, and they will personally inspect it from time to time.

"Steam engine? Their appetite is really big!"

Zhu Zhanhe also frowned when he heard this. This request really made him a little embarrassed.

"Your Highness, how about I reject them directly? After all, the influence of the steam engine is too great, and it must not be allowed to leak out easily!"

Li Qi suddenly suggested at this time. In fact, when he heard Hu Hui make this request before, he had refused, but Hu Hui insisted that he ask Zhu Zhanhe for instructions, so he came back specially.

However, Zhu Zhanhe did not comment on Li Qi's words. Instead, after thinking for a long time, he suddenly raised his head and said, "Li Qi, do you think we can control the technology of steam engine manufacturing forever?"

"This one……"

Li Qi didn't know how to answer. The Central Plains Dynasty invented gunpowder. The formula of gunpowder was once a top secret, but later it spread, and there were even firearms everywhere in the world.

"The Ming Dynasty has been trying to imitate steam engines for a long time, and even hired a lot of craftsmen from us. However, their imitation was not very smooth and they have not been able to put it into practical use, so they wanted to buy steam engines from us, but in fact Give them a few years, and maybe they can actually imitate a working steam engine.”

Zhu Zhanhe suddenly sighed and said that Zhu Zhanji had already known through Jin Yiwei that Zhu Zhanji had people imitate steam engines during his lifetime. He even knew the progress of Ming Dynasty's imitation of steam engines better than Hu Xi.

"Then your Highness, you mean to sell them the steam engine?"

Li Qi tentatively asked Zhu Zhanhe.

"Sell! But not just sell the steam engine, but sell it together!"

Zhu Zhanhe suddenly slapped the table and finally made a decision.

"Sold together? What does your Highness mean? Why can't I understand?"

Li Qi asked again, confused.

"It's useless for them to just want a steam engine. The steam engine must be paired with some machines to generate value, such as a steam engine paired with a textile machine, or a steam ship, train, or other machines. So you tell them, we don't sell stand-alone steam engines. If you want to buy it, you have to sell a set of machines!”

Zhu Zhanhe suddenly became a little excited at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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