Douluo: Peerless Blood Angel

Chapter 302 3 persons and 1 body

Chapter 302 Trinity

Someone is looking at the starlight.

The squirming and twisted starlight seemed to come alive.

The people in heaven are watching...

"I didn't expect him to come." The person who spoke was thin and had a gloomy face. He wore a black robe in the style of the Holy Spirit Cult with red undead patterns embroidered on it, and there were several corpse puppets floating beside him.

But on that vulture face that could stop a child from crying at night, there was now only a look of deep sadness.

His name is Zhong Liwu. He wants to kill his mother. He wants to have a father.

The bluestone-paved floor bloomed with the starlight that overflowed the city. People who had previously been running around the city like headless flies followed the starlight and the streets to form an orderly river. Officials held wooden signs to guide them in the night wind. There are families with children one after another.

It really seems like it.

That night of the month and year, there was starlight and chaos, but there were no officials. At that time, there was no covenant between the Holy Spirit Cult and the Sun-Moon Empire, and there was no huge underground palace under the Demonic Forest. A child stood in the cave, wearing clothes beside him. The men in black robes came and left with a huff, and those uncles and uncles who usually seemed not to care about the gods in the sky pushed the child in front of them with deep fear, praying that the young lunatic could read the child's name before him. Spare their lives for half the blood.

The blood of countless people filled the temple in the cave. On some of the steps where the resistance was fiercest, the coagulated blood even flowed along the steps into a "red carpet" that was hundreds of meters long.

The madman is here, stepping on the long carpet of death and blood, she grabs the child's neck and lifts it up high. She doesn't let anyone go.

She clearly hates children more than anyone else.

The child will probably not see the sunshine tomorrow, and may become a corpse with a bruised face, or be beaten into a pulp.

Until a big hand grabbed the hand that lifted the child high.

"What's wrong with the child?" said the owner of the big hand in the darkness.

The madman and the man looked at each other for a long time that night, with a child in between.

Maybe it’s for the sake of the other half of the blood flowing in the child’s body, or maybe it’s because he’s just a child. It’s even more likely that he wants to hint to the devil: I don’t care about your past, your unbearability...

But the madman didn't think so. She just felt that the shame became more and more annoying. It was a thorn between them, deliberately reminding her: You have a terrible past...

So the child survived.

And just survived.

No one dares to contact the child openly anymore, and any contact in private will always kill the child.

A child from the Zhongli family must have excellent talent, and must be delicious as food...

Then that big hand that seemed to know everything and pretended to know nothing helped the child block too much malice in the darkness.

There are wild beasts, spirit beasts, inexplicable attacks, poisonous smoke from campfires...

From the mountains, to the wilderness, to the dark jungle, and finally to the underground palace that never sees the light of day.

As the child grew up, he learned how to be a soul master, and also learned how to be an evil soul master. He became stronger and stronger, and his status became higher and higher.

The madman's happy smile became more and more rampant.

She seems to want to prove to someone: Look at what you have protected, the blood of a dirty evil soul master can only be an evil soul master, and is only worthy of being a rat in the ditch.

The distance between the child and the big hand is getting farther and farther.

So he wanted to live up to his name, wanted to cut off the threads on his body, and wanted to kill the madman who controlled his life like a puppet.

The corpse puppet rushed towards the starlight under the control of the Jiubao Glazed Sect's unique concentration, as if it wanted to block the starlight and drag out the person who wanted to stay.

They disappeared from the stars one after another and did useless work.

The puppet is finally free, but the price is so high that it makes people want to cry.

People on the ground are watching...

Someone finally laughed out loud, and the black flames dancing around him seemed to be his mood.

Extremely joyful and extremely joyful.

Finally, one name can be crossed off the list of those who indirectly or directly contributed to the death of the old man.

He smiled broadly.

Xuanzi, who was laughing so hard, stepped forward to help him, as if he was worried that this companion who lived with him day and night would lose his mind.

But there is an emotion that is growing uncontrollably from the inside of the chest, like a sapling bursting open the chest and grabbing branches called "sadness" all over the body.

A trace of sourness came out of his contracted breath, and Yan Shaozhe raised the back of his hand to cover his eyes.

His grandmother and grandfather are dead.

First, the relatives who raised the family died, and now the relatives by blood died. What will be left in the end?

Wisps of moisture squeezed out from under the back of his hands, and breathing became increasingly difficult.

But no tears fell in the end.

The road of revenge that has been decided must be continued no matter how difficult it is.

Someone is watching on the city wall...

Finally, some tears fell down, soaking the silk scarf like a star curtain.

He thought he was a good enough evil soul master, he thought he had been prepared for it, and he could even calmly say wait a minute before - no matter in the original time and space or now, sooner or later this pedantic old man will die.

Before he dies, he will give his cultivation to the hero and heroine, bringing an imperfect end to his pedantic life.

Maybe he, a young genius who has a good relationship with the old man, can still cultivate his skills.

Unfortunately, the old man seemed to be too busy and left nothing behind.

It seemed like nothing was left.

The old man’s secret knowledge, the old man’s story, the old man’s mental journey…

He knows it all.

"Brother?" Discussions on the city wall were noisy, but the girl's voice and worried eyes were still clear. Huo Yulin ignored the killer whale-like gaze behind him and held the young man's hand tightly.

"It's okay, I'm happy." The corners of his mouth were still raised, and he seemed to be really happy, "This old man whose happiness in his life was the foreshadowing of tragedy is finally free."

It seems to be true.

The old man's powerful strength and gentleman's character can never prevent any tragedy about him from happening.

"Let's go, we still have things to do." He restrained his unnecessary emotions, pulled the girl down the city wall, and headed towards the imperial city.

The world is material, and it will not stop for a moment because of someone's death, or the sadness of some people.

Someone is watching from the observation deck in the imperial city...

“The minions of evil are roaring, people are running, running away;

Ran across the desert, crossed the river, and came to the castle in the forest;

There is a big silver dragon in the castle, and Guang is wearing a linen robe;

Guang asked: Why are you running away?

The man said: We want to keep our cotton-padded jackets for the winter;

So Guang led the people out of the castle;

The evil minions began to flee one after another. People saw the platinum palace rising in the morning light, and the evil minions hid in the sewers;

People began to sing songs of victory;

The world also began to shine with light;

But the human began to worry again, it wanted a better brocade robe;

So the silver dragon gave up his castle..."

The stars on the observation deck ignored the sadness outside the imperial city and hummed ancient songs.

The silver-haired man across the table has disappeared, leaving only half a cup of warm scented tea.

But the scene before is still vivid in my mind.

"I think you should be more approachable, instead of standing there like you are a stranger." The dragon girl stroked the teacup, her silver hair like moonlight and a white robe embroidered with silver flying dragons made her wear a black robe opposite. It is so dazzling in front of people.

"Friendly?" The man in black robe scratched his head and opened his black hood, revealing a body that looked like dots of starlight. "Ever since you knew that I brought his remnant soul from the God Realm and handed it over to you, you But after more than 10,000 years of pregnancy and childbirth, I can no longer be affectionate to her."

"Don't apply human morality to dragon morality." The dragon girl put down her tea cup and waved her hand nonchalantly, "Besides, doesn't the sect you established have a trinity of the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son? Now that you’ve achieved it, what else do you have to complain about?”

"My memory is not that bad, and your method is quite unacceptable within the dragon civilization you once told me." Starlight defended, "Moreover, our Trinity is philosophical, and the religion involved is The theory is very complex, and it’s not just a matter of fiddling with physiology.”

"Then facing the remnant souls that were about to be destroyed at any time, other than finding a mother's body to give birth to them, did you have any better solution?" The sound of crackling artillery fire came from the sky, and the dragon girl turned a blind eye and pointed calmly. Pointed to the teapot.

Xingguang naturally raised a silver flame on his fingertips and started to heat the tea, "But why does the mother have to be you? It will be very embarrassing and difficult for him to do it."

"Apart from me, is there a better mother body on this planet? Any moral rules are not worth mentioning before you survive." White heat rose from the teapot, covering the dragon girl's complex expression , “As for the embarrassment, he won’t know about it, so there’s no room for embarrassment.

"I don't think it's difficult. He seems to be quite adaptable - if it weren't for the dragon family's difficulty in giving birth, I should be holding a dragon egg and talking to you now."

Dragon Girl's expression suddenly became light again.

"But you are a dragon, and he is not a person who lives his life in an ordinary way. Just because he doesn't talk doesn't mean he doesn't know anything." Xingguang picked up the teapot and filled the teacup in front of the dragon girl. "The blood will tell him everything."

"Then we'll talk about it then." The dragon girl picked up the teacup, and small purple flowers floated on the hot tea, creating circles of confused ripples.

She shook the tea cup again, a wisp of cold air floated out from the bottom of the cup, and the water surface finally returned to tranquility, "That's not what I came to tell you about. They are coming soon. Just give them the Color of Stars as discussed before. "

"I still want to ask, why do you want the Color of Stars?" The face covered with light spots had no facial features, and the voice was like a flat face, without any ups and downs.

"Didn't I say it a long time ago? It's useless to keep such dangerous things. It's better to use them as soul rings."

"Star Color is not a soul beast, not even a living thing. In a sense, its personality far exceeds anything we have ever seen. How to make a soul ring?"

"What do you think a soul ring is? The formation of the soul core in the body after the death of a soul beast? A dog pen used in the God Realm to restrict beasts? Or is it some kind of certificate used to prove the excellence of human beings?" The dragon girl suddenly had a look on her face. He smiled sarcastically, a smile filled with hatred and an indescribable anger.

"I can tell you now, if you go to the Star Dou Forest to kill me now, you can also harvest a soul ring - a clone of the Supreme God King, a dragon clan that is infinitely close to the first-level gods, and it will also form a dog ring. It's ridiculous, isn't it?" She touched her jade-like neck, which seemed to be wearing a very insulting collar.

Starlight began to flow on the face without facial features, as if he was thinking.

"Do you believe that if you were killed here now, a strange-colored circle would appear on your body even though you are no longer human?" The dragon girl looked at Starlight again, her smile full of malice.

"So the soul ring has nothing to do with race, or even whether it is a living thing?"

"Yes, the so-called God Realm has actually never been able to create such rules as soul rings - they just thought they created this rule - but in fact, unless there is special protection and they are in white It is on the list, otherwise as long as you are in this universe, no matter which planet or world you are on, as long as you have energy in your body, your soul ring will appear after death."

"White list? It sounds very much like soul guidance technology. How can you be sure that such a dangerous and incomprehensible star color is not on the white list?" Xingguang's voice is still calm and has no fluctuation, like a murmur in the deep space. .

The dragon girl took a small sip of the scented tea. The rich fragrance of the flowers finally calmed down her mood a little. "First of all, let me correct you. The soul guidance technology itself is a variant of the dragon technology of the past. The word "white list" is closer to ancient times, those mysterious and mysterious words. It’s just to fool people. Of course, if you like, you can call it so-and-so list or so-and-so record.

"Secondly, you have been assimilated with the Star Color for nearly ten thousand years. You should know very well that the last cry of that civilization cannot be on an inexplicable white list."

"Even if what you said is right, why do you insist on the Color of Stars? There are many soul beasts in the Mingming Star Dou Forest, so you wouldn't care about the death of one soul beast or even a vicious beast, would you?"

"The name is worthy of the name." The dragon girl turned her gaze and looked at the false starry sky in the sky. "Since you have become the princess of the Sun and Moon Empire, isn't it reasonable to inherit another inheritance? It's not enough to only have the sun and the moon in the sky. "

"You seem to know far more than me who has been to the God Realm."

"To use a more clichéd saying: After all, I have watched you grow up, so isn't it normal to know more than you?" The dragon girl withdrew her gaze with a gentle smile on her face, "After all, there are people behind me. The ruins of an interstellar civilization, isn’t it?”

"But I can't give it to you." Xingguang shook his head.


"I can't control it." Xingguang stood up, "I have spent more than ten thousand years feeding it countless blood descendants, but I did not use it as a soul ring when it was unsealed."

He spread his hands, and a pair of eyes suddenly appeared in the black whirlpool without facial features.

The eyes were lifeless, as if they had died thousands of years ago, or even older years. They were pale and hollow at the bottom of the whirlpool, hanging upside down in the deep space, as if they were still calmly gazing down when they were dying. The boundless and deep dark land, and the inverted starlight is currently suspended in front of its dead pupils, accepting the gaze of eternal decay.

"You know, I have always been a very willful person, someone who has been spoiled by you." He suddenly moved an arm to the dragon girl, "Even until death, my father and brothers and sisters will use their death to Created a way for me to escape.”

The dragon girl suddenly shattered into a speck of light.

“So I choose, either they die, or I die with the world.

“If the world isn’t what we want, it’s better not to have it at all.”

(End of this chapter)

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