Chapter 481

Zhu Qiyu thought about it for a second, forget it, as long as he is young, rich, talented, and able to do his job well, that's enough.

If everything is studied so clearly, there is no way for this emperor to be an emperor.

So Zhu Qiyu's words changed: "During the battle to defend the capital, Nian Aiqing supervised the transportation of food and salaries in Henan to help the capital, and there was no delay. I am very relieved.

Aiqing, do you know that I called you to Beijing to report on your work this time, why? "

Nianfu shook his head: "I don't know."

"I want to open the sea ban and restart Western trade."

Rao Shi Nian Fu has always acted upright and offended many powerful people, but he was still shocked when he heard this.

Opening the sea ban is a big deal, and restarting Western trade is not just a joke.

Seeing this, Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "Nian Aiqing don't need to panic, I have thought about this matter long ago, and all the important officials in the court have expressed their support.

Those who don't support it are either dead or driven away by me.

Now I need a group of capable ministers who can truly serve the country and the people, without avoiding the rich and powerful, and without avoiding hardships and dangers.

I don't want to serve such a famous official who is very famous and famous but hard to live up to. "

Nianfu's mind was spinning quickly, and the important ministers who were driven away by the emperor were nothing but Wang Zhi, Wang Ao, and Yu Qian.

Looking at it this way, the emperor is really benevolent.

One king, one courtier, this is the golden rule since ancient times.

In the three years since the emperor ascended the throne, he had only expelled three important ministers, and two of them still retained the position of minister, which was considered very restrained.

Before Nianfu could speak, Zhu Qiyu explained: "Your old boss, Yu Qian, has been the governor of Shanxi for 19 years. .

As a result, he first led tens of thousands of cavalry to sneak into Shanxi, set up an ambush, set up an ambush, and set up an ambush again. He successfully ambushed three times in a row and wiped out nearly 20 of our Ming elite.

Tens of thousands of cavalry are coming and going, and the defenders in Shanxi just can't find them.

I don't know, I thought it was Bai Qi Han Xin who was reincarnated and resurrected first.

I really don't understand, is it not within the scope of the governor's responsibility to organize the army?Is it my misunderstanding of the duties of the governor? "

Nianfu had no choice but to bite the bullet and replied: "The governor of a province is in charge of the three divisions of a province. The capital division, the chief envoy, and the procuratorate of the province are all directly subordinate to the governor of the province. When I was the right chief envoy of Henan, I also You must obey the orders of Yu Qian, the governor at the time."

Zhu Qiyu nodded, and continued: "There is something even more outrageous, Wang Ao is the censor on the right, and the admiral of Liaodong military affairs has a great reputation.

It is also rigorous in running the army, and it is honest and loving the people. As a result, before and after the change of Tumubao, Tuotuobuhua rushed into the hinterland of Liaodong with a partial division. Wang Ao led tens of thousands of elite frontier troops. The city of Guangning could not hold out, and Tuotuobuhua was allowed to plunder everywhere, kidnapping tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

In the end, I had a thick face and personally negotiated with Tuotuobuhua to get those soldiers and civilians back who were taken away.

Wang Ao led an army of tens of thousands, just like Wang Ba, huddled in the city of Guangning, motionless.

He is only a little bit more insignificant than Yang Hongqiang, and he is a living person laughing to death.

Yang Hong is going to be a Jiedu envoy, and I have already delayed him.Yu Qian and Wang Ao, I think they are civil servants and their conduct is not bad, so I gave them face and ignored them.

I have always kept these words in my heart, and never said them in public.

Today is the first time that I am willing to speak my heart to Aiqing because the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang has a great relationship. Once the sea ban is lifted, the Japanese pirates will surely rise.

I don't want to see another famous official who is loud and intimidating, but reveals his secrets as soon as a war is fought.

What I want is a pillar of the country who can stand alone. "

When Nianfu heard this, he was both surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, it turned out that the emperor regarded Yu Qian, Wang Ao and others in such a way, which I had never heard of in my local office.

The good news is that the emperor really wants to be pragmatic and liquidate the national policy of Xuanmiao on the border of Daming.

In fact, I have been in the place for a long time, and I know in my heart that these things cannot be entirely blamed on Yu Qian and Wang Ao.

As the saying goes, what is good at the top will be worse at the bottom.

Xuanzong regarded it as a beauty to abolish military equipment and let it flow freely, so the ministers below naturally didn't bother to care about military equipment.

After all, no matter how well-armed you are, how delicately you repair the defense line, and how tight the security is, the emperor will neither praise you nor give you a promotion because of it, or even think you are troublesome.

Therefore, ministers naturally can only do what they like, and patronize the so-called people's livelihood.

This point is even more clear for Nianfu. Although Xuande Dynasty talked about recuperation every day, he did not formulate a clear route and goal from Xuanmiao to Sanyang.

Is it planned to build water conservancy and reclaim wasteland?Is it a planned reform of salt administration and dredging of water transportation?Is it conscientiously increasing revenue and reducing expenditure to fill the treasury?Or take a long-term view to manage trade and reform business taxes?
No, none at all, the monarchs and ministers of the Xuande Dynasty didn't think about these things at all. The so-called recuperation depends entirely on the local officials to do their own thing.

A local official with a strong sense of responsibility governs rivers and builds roads, which is already considered a great conscience.

Local officials with a weak sense of responsibility are just fooling around.

The orthodox dynasty was not much better. Before the emperor respectfully let the emperor take charge, the three Yangs were still in power. After taking charge, the battle of Luchuan, the civil uprising in the southeast, and the civil fort change made the country even more messed up.

Therefore, for officials like Nianfu who really have ideals and aspirations, neither Xuande nor Zhengtong is a good choice. Although the emperor in front of him is called an absurd name by the government and the public, it is worth looking forward to.

However, the emperor's statement of the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang is indeed a bit confusing. According to the normal process of summoning the monarch and his ministers, it should be the ministers who first show their talents and state their ideas, and then the emperor decides whether to give him an official position.

Now it is reversed, the emperor first gave the position of governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and then talked about the specific governance ideas, which is really absurd, and the rumors in the market are not all groundless.

Nianfu was full of thoughts, but Zhu Qiyu drank tea leisurely under the service of his favorite concubines.

After giving Nianfu enough time to think, Zhu Qiyu continued to ask: "Aiqing, besides being the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, where do you plan to start?"

Zhu Qiyu didn't ask Nianfu directly if he would like to take this job, because Nianfu had already said at the beginning: the reward of eating the emperor, and the matter of being loyal to the emperor.Then why are you being polite?

Nian Fu thought for a while, and then asked: "How much authority does the Holy One plan to give this minister?"

Zhu Qiyu waved his hand: "The military and political power in Fujian and Zhejiang have been given to you, and you can execute any matter in the two provinces first, and then report it.

Before that, Yu Qian proposed to change the Beijing camp into ten regiment camps.This proposal is worth a try, but not in Beijing, but in Nanjing.

I will make a slight change to Qian's proposal. In the next year, I will merge the Shangzhi Guards from Nanjing and the Shangzhi Guards from Beijing to Nanjing to form a brand new Shangzhi 24 Guards.

Then every two go to the straight guards to form a battalion, a total of twelve regiments.

After the formation is completed, I will transfer six regiments and battalions to your command, plus the local troops in Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, all of which will be given to you.

And I won't command blindly, and I won't let the court intervene indiscriminately, you can use it to your heart's content. "

Nian Fu nodded and replied solemnly: "If you want to open the sea ban, you need to build a strong navy; if you want to restart Western trade, you need to rebuild a fleet of at least the same size as Zheng He's voyages to the West.

Moreover, in order to deal with the harassment of Japanese pirates, it is necessary to build a seamless city defense along the coast.

This requires a lot of human, material and financial resources. "

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about money, most of the expenses are paid by my internal funds; the imperial court pays for food, craftsmen, and troops.

Forty percent of the profits from trade, as well as the tax money of the Shibo Department, went to the imperial court, and [-] percent remained in Fujian and Zhejiang as a steady stream of investment.

Ten years, 20 years, 50 years, I can wait.

Success does not have to be my fault. Even if one generation cannot complete all its achievements, I will lay a solid foundation for future generations. "

When Nian Fu heard the words, his heart was full of emotions. This is a good emperor, and he is willing to go to great lengths to do good deeds such as planting trees for the predecessors and enjoying the shade for the descendants.Those who are better than Xuanmiao who can only dig holes for future generations don't know where they are.

So Nianfu asked again: "The Holy Majesty wants to take back Jiaozhi? I dare to ask the Holy Majesty when he plans to use troops. Does Fujian and Zhejiang need to cooperate?"

Zhu Qiyu shook his head: "Jingtai started to use troops in the fourth year. The previous battle of Luchuan, the civil uprising in the southeast, and the Oala invasion destroyed the mountains and rivers and the people were exhausted.

No matter what, I have to grit my teeth and let the people rest for three years.

Starting this year, I will gradually deploy troops to Yunnan and Guangxi to stockpile food and grass.

Next year, let the army rest and rehearse in Yunnan and Guangxi.

The following year launched an attack on Jiaozhi.

Xuanmiao's failure in Jiaozhi was due to the fact that the army was sent over in a hurry, and the troops rushed in in a hurry, slamming around like headless chickens.

As a result, the soldiers were exhausted, the morale of the army was lax, and the army was ambushed repeatedly, and the whole army was destroyed at every turn.

After that battle, Ming Dynasty lost its prestige and the tribute system in the south collapsed.

The Kingdom of Luchuan rebelled, and the eldest brother Gong Rang sent the main force of the Ming army three times to transfer half of the country. It took ten years before it was finally put down.

Brother finished wiping Luchuan's ass for Xuanmiao, now I have to wipe Cochin's ass for Xuanmiao. "

When the concubines heard the words, they covered their mouths and started laughing.

Zhu Qiyu smiled awkwardly: "I can't help it, it's not that I'm not dignified, it's that the mess left by Xuanmiao is too depressing.

These words just now are the personal words of our monarchs and ministers behind closed doors. Don't spread them indiscriminately when you go out, and I will not admit that I said these words. "

(End of this chapter)

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